# Base methods for CRUD actions # Simply override any methods in your action controller you want to be customised # Don't forget to add: # map.resources :plural_model_name_here # to your routes.rb file. # Full documentation about CRUD and resources go here: # -> http://caboo.se/doc/classes/ActionController/Resources.html#M003716 # Example (add to your controller): # crudify :foo, {:title_attribute => 'name'} module Crud def self.append_features(base) super base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def crudify(model_name, new_options = {}) options = {:title_attribute => "title", :order => 'position ASC', :conditions => '', :sortable => true, :searchable => true} options.merge!(new_options) singular_name = model_name.to_s class_name = singular_name.camelize plural_name = singular_name.pluralize module_eval %( before_filter :find_#{singular_name}, :only => [:update, :destroy, :edit] before_filter :find_all_#{plural_name}, :only => :reorder def new @#{singular_name} = #{class_name}.new end def create # if the position field exists, set this object as last object, given the conditions of this class. if #{class_name}.column_names.include?("position") params[:#{singular_name}].merge!({:position => #{class_name}.maximum(:position, :conditions => "#{options[:conditions]}")}) end if (@#{singular_name} = #{class_name}.create(params[:#{singular_name}])).valid? unless request.xhr? flash[:notice] = "'\#{@#{singular_name}.#{options[:title_attribute]}}' was successfully created." else flash.now[:notice] = "'\#{@#{singular_name}.#{options[:title_attribute]}}' was successfully created." end unless params[:continue_editing] =~ /true|on|1/ redirect_to admin_#{plural_name}_url else unless request.xhr? redirect_to :back else render :partial => "/shared/message" end end else unless request.xhr? render :action => 'new' else render :partial => "/shared/admin/error_messages_for", :locals => {:symbol => :#{singular_name}, :object => @#{singular_name}} end end end def edit @#{singular_name} = #{class_name}.find(params[:id]) end def update if @#{singular_name}.update_attributes(params[:#{singular_name}]) unless request.xhr? flash[:notice] = "'\#{@#{singular_name}.#{options[:title_attribute]}}' was successfully updated." else flash.now[:notice] = "'\#{@#{singular_name}.#{options[:title_attribute]}}' was successfully updated." end unless params[:continue_editing] =~ /true|on|1/ redirect_to admin_#{plural_name}_url else unless request.xhr? redirect_to :back else render :partial => "/shared/message" end end else unless request.xhr? render :action => 'edit' else render :partial => "/shared/admin/error_messages_for", :locals => {:symbol => :#{singular_name}, :object => @#{singular_name}} end end end def destroy flash[:notice] = "'\#{@#{singular_name}.#{options[:title_attribute]}}' was successfully deleted." if @#{singular_name}.destroy redirect_to admin_#{plural_name}_url end def find_#{singular_name} @#{singular_name} = #{class_name}.find(params[:id]) end def find_all_#{plural_name} @#{plural_name} = #{class_name}.find(:all, :order => "#{options[:order]}", :conditions => "#{options[:conditions]}") end protected :find_#{singular_name}, :find_all_#{plural_name} ) if options[:searchable] module_eval %( def index if searching? @#{plural_name} = #{class_name}.paginate_search params[:search], :page => params[:page], :order => "#{options[:order]}", :conditions => "#{options[:conditions]}" else @#{plural_name} = #{class_name}.paginate :page => params[:page], :order => "#{options[:order]}", :conditions => "#{options[:conditions]}" end end ) else module_eval %( def index @#{plural_name} = #{class_name}.paginate :page => params[:page], :order => "#{options[:order]}", :conditions => "#{options[:conditions]}" end ) end if options[:sortable] module_eval %( def update_positions unless params[:tree] == "true" params[:sortable_list].each do |i| #{class_name}.find(i).update_attribute(:position, params[:sortable_list].index(i)) end else params[:sortable_list].each do |position, id_hash| parse_branch(position, id_hash, nil) end end find_all_#{plural_name} render :partial => 'sortable_list', :layout => false end # takes in a single branch and saves the nodes inside it def parse_branch(position, id_hash, parent_id) id_hash.each do |pos, id| parse_branch(pos, id, id_hash["id"]) unless pos == "id" end if id_hash.include?('0') #{class_name}.update(id_hash["id"], :parent_id => parent_id, :position => position) end protected :parse_branch ) end end end end