require 'railroader/processors/base_processor' require 'railroader/tracker/template' # Base Processor for templates/views class Railroader::TemplateProcessor < Railroader::BaseProcessor # Initializes template information. def initialize tracker, template_name, called_from = nil, file_name = nil super(tracker) @current_template = template_name, called_from, file_name, tracker @file_name = file_name if called_from template_name = (template_name.to_s + "." + called_from.to_s).to_sym end tracker.templates[template_name] = @current_template @inside_concat = false end # Process the template Sexp. def process exp begin super rescue => e except = e.exception("Error when processing #{}: #{e.message}") except.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) raise except end end # Ignore initial variable assignment def process_lasgn exp if exp.lhs == :_erbout and exp.rhs.node_type == :str # ignore ignore elsif exp.lhs == :_buf and exp.rhs.node_type == :str ignore else exp.rhs = process exp.rhs exp end end # Adds output to the list of outputs. def process_output exp exp.value = process exp.value @current_template.add_output exp unless exp.original_line exp end def process_escaped_output exp process_output exp end # Pull out actual output value from template def normalize_output arg if call? arg and [:to_s, :html_safe!, :freeze].include? arg.method elsif node_type? arg, :if branches = [arg.then_clause, arg.else_clause].compact if branches.empty? s(:nil) elsif branches.length == 2, *branches) else branches.first end else arg end end def add_escaped_output output add_output output, :escaped_output end def add_output output, type = :output s =, output) s.line(output.line) @current_template.add_output s s end end