# Data gathered or derived from the {#host} or {#service} such as its {#ntype fingerprint}. class Mdm::Note < ActiveRecord::Base # # Associations # # @!attribute [rw] host # The host to which this note is attached. # # @return [Mdm::Host] if note is attached to an {Mdm::Host}. # @return [nil] if note is attached to an {Mdm::Service}. belongs_to :host, class_name: 'Mdm::Host', counter_cache: :note_count, inverse_of: :notes # @!attribute [rw] service # The service to which this note is attached. # # @return [Mdm::Service] if note is attached to an {Mdm::Service}. # @return [nil] if not is attached to an {Mdm::Host}. belongs_to :service, class_name: 'Mdm::Service', inverse_of: :notes # @!attribute [rw] workspace # The workspace in which the {#host} or {#service} exists. # # @return [Mdm::Workspace] belongs_to :workspace, class_name: 'Mdm::Workspace', inverse_of: :notes # # Attributes # # @!attribute [rw] created_at # When the note was created. # # @return [DateTime] # @!attribute [rw] critical # Whether this note is critical or not. # # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute [rw] data # A Hash of data about the {#host} or {#service}. # # @return [Hash] # @!attribute [rw] ntype # The type of note. Usually a dot-separateed name like 'host.updated.<foo>'. # # @return [String] # @!attribute [rw] seen # Whether any user has seen this note. # # @return [Boolean] # @!attribute [rw] updated_at # The last time the note was updated. # # @return [DateTime] # # Callbacks # after_save :normalize # # Scopes # scope :flagged, where('critical = true AND seen = false') notes = self.arel_table scope :visible, where(notes[:ntype].not_in(['web.form', 'web.url', 'web.vuln'])) scope :search, lambda { |*args| where(["(data NOT ILIKE 'BAh7%' AND data LIKE ?)" + "OR (data ILIKE 'BAh7%' AND decode(data, 'base64') LIKE ?)" + "OR ntype ILIKE ?", "%#{args[0]}%", "%#{args[0]}%", "%#{args[0]}%" ]) } # # Serializations # serialize :data, ::MetasploitDataModels::Base64Serializer.new private # {Mdm::Host::OperatingSystemNormalization#normalize_os Normalizes the host operating system} if the note is a # {#ntype fingerprint}. # # @return [void] def normalize if data_changed? and ntype =~ /fingerprint/ host.normalize_os end end ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:mdm_note, self) end