# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid module Validations # Validates whether or not a field is unique against the documents in the # database. # # @example Define the uniqueness validator. # # class Person # include Mongoid::Document # field :title # # validates_uniqueness_of :title # end class UniquenessValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator include Queryable attr_reader :klass # Unfortunately, we have to tie Uniqueness validators to a class. # # @example Setup the validator. # UniquenessValidator.new.setup(Person) # # @param [ Class ] klass The class getting validated. # # @since 1.0.0 def setup(klass) @klass = klass end # Validate the document for uniqueness violations. # # @example Validate the document. # validate_each(person, :title, "Sir") # # @param [ Document ] document The document to validate. # @param [ Symbol ] attribute The field to validate on. # @param [ Object ] value The value of the field. # # @return [ Errors ] The errors. # # @since 1.0.0 def validate_each(document, attribute, value) with_query(document) do attrib, val = to_validate(document, attribute, value) return unless validation_required?(document, attrib) if document.embedded? validate_embedded(document, attrib, val) else validate_root(document, attrib, val) end end end private # Add the error to the document. # # @api private # # @example Add the error. # validator.add_error(doc, :name, "test") # # @param [ Document ] document The document to validate. # @param [ Symbol ] attribute The name of the attribute. # @param [ Object ] value The value of the object. # # @since 2.4.10 def add_error(document, attribute, value) document.errors.add( attribute, :taken, options.except(:case_sensitive, :scope).merge(value: value) ) end # Should the uniqueness validation be case sensitive? # # @api private # # @example Is the validation case sensitive? # validator.case_sensitive? # # @return [ true, false ] If the validation is case sensitive. # # @since 2.3.0 def case_sensitive? !(options[:case_sensitive] == false) end # Create the validation criteria. # # @api private # # @example Create the criteria. # validator.create_criteria(User, user, :name, "syd") # # @param [ Class, Proxy ] base The base to execute the criteria from. # @param [ Document ] document The document to validate. # @param [ Symbol ] attribute The name of the attribute. # @param [ Object ] value The value of the object. # # @return [ Criteria ] The criteria. # # @since 2.4.10 def create_criteria(base, document, attribute, value) field = document.fields[attribute.to_s] criteria = base.unscoped if field.try(:localized?) criteria.selector.update(criterion(document, attribute, value)) else criteria = criteria.where(criterion(document, attribute, value)) end scope(criteria, document, attribute) end # Get the default criteria for checking uniqueness. # # @api private # # @example Get the criteria. # validator.criterion(person, :title, "Sir") # # @param [ Document ] document The document to validate. # @param [ Symbol ] attribute The name of the attribute. # @param [ Object ] value The value of the object. # # @return [ Criteria ] The uniqueness criteria. # # @since 2.3.0 def criterion(document, attribute, value) selector = { attribute => filter(value) } if document.persisted? && !document.embedded? selector.merge!(_id: { "$ne" => document.id }) end selector end # Filter the value based on whether the check is case sensitive or not. # # @api private # # @example Filter the value. # validator.filter("testing") # # @param [ Object ] value The value to filter. # # @return [ Object, Regexp ] The value, filtered or not. # # @since 2.3.0 def filter(value) !case_sensitive? && value ? /\A#{Regexp.escape(value.to_s)}$/i : value end # Scope the criteria to the scope options provided. # # @api private # # @example Scope the criteria. # validator.scope(criteria, document) # # @param [ Criteria ] criteria The criteria to scope. # @param [ Document ] document The document being validated. # # @return [ Criteria ] The scoped criteria. # # @since 2.3.0 def scope(criteria, document, attribute) Array.wrap(options[:scope]).each do |item| criteria = criteria.where(item => document.attributes[item.to_s]) end criteria = criteria.where(deleted_at: nil) if document.paranoid? criteria end # Should validation be skipped? # # @api private # # @example Should the validation be skipped? # validator.skip_validation?(doc) # # @param [ Document ] document The embedded document. # # @return [ true, false ] If the validation should be skipped. # # @since 2.3.0 def skip_validation?(document) !document._parent || document.embedded_one? end # Scope reference has changed? # # @api private # # @example Has scope reference changed? # validator.scope_value_changed?(doc) # # @param [ Document ] document The embedded document. # # @return [ true, false ] If the scope reference has changed. # # @since def scope_value_changed?(document) Array.wrap(options[:scope]).any? do |item| document.send("attribute_changed?", item.to_s) end end # Get the name of the field and the value to validate. This is for the # case when we validate a relation via the relation name and not the key, # we need to send the key name and value to the db, not the relation # object. # # @api private # # @example Get the name and key to validate. # validator.to_validate(doc, :parent, Parent.new) # # @param [ Document ] document The doc getting validated. # @param [ Symbol ] attribute The attribute getting validated. # @param [ Object ] value The value of the attribute. # # @return [ Array ] The field and value. # # @since 2.4.4 def to_validate(document, attribute, value) metadata = document.relations[attribute.to_s] if metadata && metadata.stores_foreign_key? [ metadata.foreign_key, value.id ] else [ attribute, value ] end end # Validate an embedded document. # # @api private # # @example Validate the embedded document. # validator.validate_embedded(doc, :name, "test") # # @param [ Document ] document The document. # @param [ Symbol ] attribute The attribute name. # @param [ Object ] value The value. # # @since 2.4.10 def validate_embedded(document, attribute, value) return if skip_validation?(document) relation = document._parent.send(document.metadata_name) criteria = create_criteria(relation, document, attribute, value) add_error(document, attribute, value) if criteria.count > 1 end # Validate a root document. # # @api private # # @example Validate the root document. # validator.validate_root(doc, :name, "test") # # @param [ Document ] document The document. # @param [ Symbol ] attribute The attribute name. # @param [ Object ] value The value. # # @since 2.4.10 def validate_root(document, attribute, value) criteria = create_criteria(klass, document, attribute, value) add_error(document, attribute, value) if criteria.exists? end # Are we required to validate the document? # # @example Is validation needed? # validator.validation_required?(doc, :field) # # @param [ Document ] document The document getting validated. # @param [ Symbol ] attribute The attribute to validate. # # @return [ true, false ] If we need to validate. # # @since 2.4.4 def validation_required?(document, attribute) document.new_record? || document.send("attribute_changed?", attribute.to_s) || scope_value_changed?(document) end end end end