dom.js | |
Mod.DOM | |
This object serves as an API to interacting with the dom and cacheing selected elements. | Mod.DOM = (function() { |
Set variables for a setInterval function and a queue to store methods to call when ready. | var timer,
queue = []; |
Set a | function DOM() {
this.cache = {};
this.is_ready = false;
} |
addEventConvenience method to attach events | DOM.prototype.addEvent = function(element, type, fn, capture) {
if (is_undefined(capture)) {
capture = false;
if (isString(element)) {
element = this.cache[element];
element.addEventListener(type, fn, capture);
}; |
removeEventConvenience method to remove events | DOM.prototype.removeEvent = function(element, type, fn, capture) {
if (is_undefined(capture)) {
capture = false;
if (isString(element)) {
element = this.cache[element];
element.removeEventListener(type, fn, capture);
}; |
callwhenreadyPass a function to call when the DOM is ready | DOM.prototype.callWhenReady = function(func) { |
if DOM is already loaded execute the function | if (this.is_ready) {
return func();
} |
if timer is ticking | if (timer) {
} |
this is the first in the queue | else { |
attach to the load event, just in case it finishes first. | this.addEvent(window, 'load', this.executeReadyQueue);
timer = setInterval(this.executeReadyQueue, 13);
}; |
executereadyqueueExecute all methods in the | DOM.prototype.executeReadyQueue = function() {
if (this.is_ready) {
return false;
if (document && document.getElementsByTagName && document.getElementById && document.body) {
timer = null;
for(var i = 0, j = queue.length; i < j; i++) {
queue = [];
this.is_ready = true;
}; |
addElementsAdd cached elements to the | DOM.prototype.addElements = function(elements) {
for(var key in elements) {
if (elements.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
this.addElement(key, elements[key]);
}; |
addElementAdd a single element to the | DOM.prototype.addElement = function(key, element) {
this.cache[key] = element;
return DOM;