# YASL - Yet Another Serialization Library [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/yasl.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/yasl) [![Ruby](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/yasl/workflows/Ruby/badge.svg)](https://github.com/AndyObtiva/yasl/actions?query=workflow%3ARuby) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/AndyObtiva/yasl/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/AndyObtiva/yasl?branch=master) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/e8d043b8c78c801f0aa3/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/AndyObtiva/yasl/maintainability) A pure Ruby serialization library that works across different Ruby implementations like Opal and JRuby as an alternative to YAML/Marshal. ## Requirements - Portablity across different Ruby implementations, especially Opal and JRuby. - Zero configuration. Developers are too busy solving business domain problems to worry about low-level serialization details. - Silently ignore non-serializable objects like `Proc`, `Binding`, and `IO`. - Support serializing classes and modules, not just object instances. - JSON encoding is good enough. No need for premature optimization. ## Usage Instructions Run: `gem install yasl` Or add to Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'yasl', '~> 0.1.0' ``` And, run: `bundle` Finally, require in Ruby code: ```ruby require 'yasl' ``` ### Serialize To serialize, use the `YASL#dump(object)` method. Keep in mind that `YASL::UNSERIALIZABLE_DATA_TYPES` classes are unserializable, and will serialize as `nil` (feel free to add more classes that you would like filtered out): `Proc`, `Binding`, `IO`, `File::Stat`, `Dir`, `BasicSocket`, `MatchData`, `Method`, `UnboundMethod`, `Thread`, `ThreadGroup`, `Continuation` Example (from [samples/dump_basic.rb](samples/dump_basic.rb)): ```ruby require 'yasl' require 'date' class Car attr_accessor :make, :model, :year, :registration_time, :registration_date, :registration_date_time, :complex_number, :complex_polar_number, :rational_number end car = Car.new car.make = 'Mitsubishi' car.model = 'Eclipse' car.year = '2002' car.registration_time = Time.new(2003, 10, 19, 10, 39, 37.092, '-03:00') car.registration_date = Date.new(2003, 10, 19) car.registration_date_time = DateTime.new(2003, 10, 19, 10, 39, 37.092, '-03:00') car.complex_number = Complex(2,37) car.complex_polar_number = Complex.polar(-23,28) car.rational_number = Rational(22/7) dump = YASL.dump(car) puts dump.inspect # => "{\"_class\":\"Car\",\"_id\":1,\"_instance_variables\":{\"make\":\"Mitsubishi\",\"model\":\"Eclipse\",\"year\":\"2002\",\"registration_time\":{\"_class\":\"Time\",\"_data\":[0,2452932,49177,\"12644383719423828125/137438953472\",-10800,2299161.0]},\"registration_date\":{\"_class\":\"Date\",\"_data\":[0,2452932,0,0,0,2299161.0]},\"registration_date_time\":{\"_class\":\"DateTime\",\"_data\":[0,2452932,49177,92000000,-10800,2299161.0]},\"complex_number\":{\"_class\":\"Complex\",\"_data\":\"2+37i\"},\"complex_polar_number\":{\"_class\":\"Complex\",\"_data\":\"22.13993492521203-6.230833131080988i\"},\"rational_number\":{\"_class\":\"Rational\",\"_data\":\"3/1\"}}}" ``` #### Cycles YASL automatically detects cycles when serializing bidirectional object references. Example (from [samples/dump_cycle.rb](samples/dump_cycle.rb)): ```ruby require 'yasl' require 'date' require 'set' class Car attr_accessor :make, :model, :year, :owner end class Person class << self def reset_count! @count = 0 end def increment_count! @count ||= 0 @count += 1 end def reset_class_count! @@class_count = 0 end def increment_class_count! @@class_count = 0 unless defined?(@@class_count) @@class_count += 1 end end attr_accessor :name, :dob, :cars def initialize self.class.increment_count! self.class.increment_class_count! end end person = Person.new person.name = 'Sean Hux' person.dob = Time.new(2017, 10, 17, 10, 3, 4) car = Car.new car.make = 'Mitsubishi' car.model = 'Eclipse' car.year = '2002' car.owner = person person.cars = [car] dump = YASL.dump(car) puts dump.inspect # => "{\"_class\":\"Car\",\"_id\":1,\"_instance_variables\":{\"make\":\"Mitsubishi\",\"model\":\"Eclipse\",\"owner\":{\"_class\":\"Person\",\"_id\":1,\"_instance_variables\":{\"cars\":{\"_class\":\"Array\",\"_data\":[{\"_class\":\"Car\",\"_id\":1}]},\"dob\":{\"_class\":\"Time\",\"_data\":[0,2458044,50584,0,-14400,2299161.0]},\"name\":\"Sean Hux\"}},\"year\":\"2002\"}}" ``` ### Deserialize To deserialize, use the `YASL#load(data, whitelist_classes: [])` method. The value of `whitelist_classes` must mention all classes expected to appear in the serialized data to load. This is required to ensure software security by not allowing arbitrary unexpected classes to be deserialized. By default, only `YASL::RUBY_BASIC_DATA_TYPES` classes are deserialized: `NilClass`, `String`, `Integer`, `Float`, `TrueClass`, `FalseClass`, `Time`, `Date`, `Complex`, `Rational`, `Regexp`, `Symbol`, `Set`, `Range`, `Array`, `Hash` Example (from [samples/load_basic.rb](samples/load_basic.rb)): ```ruby require 'yasl' require 'date' class Car attr_accessor :make, :model, :year, :registration_time, :registration_date, :registration_date_time, :complex_number, :complex_polar_number, :rational_number end car = Car.new car.make = 'Mitsubishi' car.model = 'Eclipse' car.year = '2002' car.registration_time = Time.new(2003, 10, 19, 10, 39, 37.092, '-03:00') car.registration_date = Date.new(2003, 10, 19) car.registration_date_time = DateTime.new(2003, 10, 19, 10, 39, 37.092, '-03:00') car.complex_number = Complex(2,37) car.complex_polar_number = Complex.polar(-23,28) car.rational_number = Rational(22/7) dump = YASL.dump(car) car2 = YASL.load(dump, whitelist_classes: [Car]) puts car2.make # => Mitsubishi puts car2.model # => Eclipse puts car2.year # => 2002 puts car2.registration_time # => 2003-10-19 10:39:37 -0300 puts car2.registration_date # => 2003-10-19 puts car2.registration_date_time # => 2003-10-19T10:39:37-03:00 puts car2.complex_number # => 2+37i puts car2.complex_polar_number # => 22.13993492521203-6.230833131080988i puts car2.rational_number # => 3/1 ``` #### Cycles YASL automatically restores cycles when deserializing bidirectional object references. Example (from [samples/load_cycle.rb](samples/load_cycle.rb)): ```ruby require 'yasl' require 'date' require 'set' class Car attr_accessor :make, :model, :year, :owner end class Person class << self def reset_count! @count = 0 end def increment_count! @count ||= 0 @count += 1 end def reset_class_count! @@class_count = 0 end def increment_class_count! @@class_count = 0 unless defined?(@@class_count) @@class_count += 1 end end attr_accessor :name, :dob, :cars def initialize self.class.increment_count! self.class.increment_class_count! end end person = Person.new person.name = 'Sean Hux' person.dob = Time.new(2017, 10, 17, 10, 3, 4) car = Car.new car.make = 'Mitsubishi' car.model = 'Eclipse' car.year = '2002' car.owner = person person.cars = [car] dump = YASL.dump(car) car2 = YASL.load(dump, whitelist_classes: [Car, Person]) puts car2.make # => Mitsubishi puts car2.model # => Eclipse puts car2.year # => 2002 puts car2.owner # => # puts car2.owner.name # => Sean Hux puts car2.owner.dob # => 2017-10-17 10:03:04 -0400 puts car2.owner.cars.inspect # => [#>] puts car2.inspect # => #]>> ``` ## Contributing - Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet. - Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it. - Fork the project. - Start a feature/bugfix branch. - Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution. - Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. - Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it. ## TODO [TODO.md](TODO.md) ## Change Log [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) ## Copyright [MIT](LICENSE.txt) Copyright (c) 2020 Andy Maleh.