require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' describe Prawn::SVG::Elements::Text do let(:document) {, [800, 600], {}, font_registry:"Helvetica" => {:normal => nil}, "Courier" => {normal: nil}, 'Times-Roman' => {normal: nil})) } let(:element) {, document.root, [], } describe "xml:space preserve" do let(:svg) { %(<text#{attributes}>some\n\t text</text>) } context "when xml:space is preserve" do let(:attributes) { ' xml:space="preserve"' } it "converts newlines and tabs to spaces, and preserves spaces" do element.process expect(element.calls).to eq [ ["draw_text", ["some text", {:size=>16, :style=>:normal, :text_anchor=>'start', :at=>[0.0, 150.0]}], []] ] end end context "when xml:space is unspecified" do let(:attributes) { '' } it "strips space" do element.process expect(element.calls).to eq [ ["draw_text", ["some text", {:size=>16, :style=>:normal, :text_anchor=>'start', :at=>[0.0, 150.0]}], []] ] end end end describe "when text-anchor is specified" do let(:svg) { '<g text-anchor="middle" font-size="12"><text x="50" y="14">Text</text></g>' } let(:element) {, document.root, [], } it "should inherit text-anchor from parent element" do element.process expect(element.calls.flatten).to include(:size => 12.0, :style => :normal, :text_anchor => "middle", :at => [50.0, 136.0]) end end describe "letter-spacing" do let(:svg) { '<text letter-spacing="5">spaced</text>' } it "calls character_spacing with the requested size" do element.process expect(element.base_calls).to eq [ ["fill", [], [ ["font", ["Helvetica", {style: :normal}], []], ["text_group", [], [ ["character_spacing", [5.0], [ ["draw_text", ["spaced", {:size=>16, :style=>:normal, :text_anchor=>'start', :at=>[0.0, 150.0]}], []] ]] ]] ]] ] end end describe "font finding" do context "with a font that exists" do let(:svg) { '<text font-family="monospace">hello</text>' } it "finds the font and uses it" do element.process expect(element.base_calls[0][2][0]).to eq ['font', ['Courier', {style: :normal}], []] end end context "with a font that doesn't exist" do let(:svg) { '<text font-family="does not exist">hello</text>' } it "uses the fallback font" do element.process expect(element.base_calls[0][2][0]).to eq ['font', ['Times-Roman', {style: :normal}], []] end context "when there is no fallback font" do before { document.font_registry.installed_fonts.delete("Times-Roman") } it "doesn't call the font method and logs a warning" do element.process expect(element.base_calls.flatten).to_not include 'font' expect(document.warnings.first).to include "is not a known font" end end end end end