--- layout: default title: Comparing Code - Play Rock Paper Scissors Game permalink: /Comparing_Code.html --- # Comparing Beginner's RPS Code to Advanced RPS Code **Table of Contents** - [Comparing Beginner's RPS Code to Advanced RPS Code](#comparing-beginners-rps-code-to-advanced-rps-code) - [Beginner's Code](#beginners-code) - [Beginner's Code Pros](#beginners-code-pros) - [Beginner's Code Cons](#beginners-code-cons) - [What Beginner's Code Looks Like](#what-beginners-code-looks-like) - [Advanced Code](#advanced-code) - [Advanced Code Pros](#advanced-code-pros) - [Advanced Code Cons](#advanced-code-cons) - [What Advanced Code Looks Like](#what-advanced-code-looks-like) ## Beginner's Code ### Beginner's Code Pros + Simple - Easy to understand * Short ### Beginner's Code Cons + Unorganized - Lacks modularization * Many `if`s and `else`s ### What Beginner's Code Looks Like `% ruby beginner-rps.rb` ```ruby options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] computer_choice = options[rand(options.length)] puts "What's your choice?" puts "rock, paper, or scissors" user_input = gets.chomp.downcase # read user input and convert to lower case loop do if (user_input == "rock" || user_input == "paper" || user_input == "scissors") if (user_input == computer_choice) puts "We got the same, let's keep playing!" elsif (user_input == "rock" && computer_choice == "scissors") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " , you win! :)" elsif (user_input == "rock" && computer_choice == "paper") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " ,computer wins :(" elsif (user_input == "paper" && computer_choice == "scissors") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " ,computer wins :(" elsif (user_input == "paper" && computer_choice == "rock") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " , you win! :)" elsif (user_input == "scissors" && computer_choice == "rock") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " ,computer wins :(" elsif (user_input == "scissors" && computer_choice == "paper") puts "computer choice is: " + computer_choice + " , you win! :)" else puts "Invalid choice, enter Rock, Paper, or Scissors" puts "What's your choice?" user_input = gets.chomp.downcase end end break end ``` ## Advanced Code ### Advanced Code Pros + Organized - Modularized * Structured ### Advanced Code Cons + Long - Hard to understand ### What Advanced Code Looks Like `% ruby advanced-rps.rb` ```ruby class PlayRockPaperScissorsGame module RockPaperScissors VERSION = "2.6.5" end # import colorize gem require "colorized_string" ColorizedString.colors # import colors ColorizedString.modes # import modes (bold, italic, etc...) module Constants NTRY_TO_SYM = { # define entry to symbol (key to value) 'p' => :PAPER , 'r' => :ROCK , 's' => :SCISSORS } VALID_ENTRIES = NTRY_TO_SYM.keys COMPUTER_CHOICES = NTRY_TO_SYM.values WINNERS = [ # format: player choice, computer choice [:SCISSORS, :PAPER ], [:PAPER , :ROCK ], [:ROCK , :SCISSORS] ] LOSERS = WINNERS.map { |player_choice,computer_choice| [computer_choice,player_choice] } # flip the values in the WINNERS array, returning a loss INIT_STRINGS = [ ColorizedString["You are about to enter a rock-paper-scissors best of 3 match."].colorize(:green), ColorizedString["Press the return/enter key to continue..."].colorize(:green), "" ] end protected_methods :Constants # make constants module protected class << self def continue(str1,str2,str3) puts str1 print str2 gets puts str3 end end continue(Constants::INIT_STRINGS[0], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[1], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[2]) def initialize @player_score = @computer_score = @ties = 0 end def play(winning_score) while @player_score < winning_score && @computer_score < winning_score puts ColorizedString["Player score: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) + ColorizedString["Computer score: #{@computer_score}, Ties: #{@ties}"].colorize(:blue) player = PrivateMethods.player_choice computer = Constants::COMPUTER_CHOICES.sample # .sample = pick a random choice puts ColorizedString["\nPlayer chooses #{player.to_s.downcase}"].colorize(:blue) puts ColorizedString["Computer chooses #{computer.to_s.downcase}"].colorize(:blue) case PrivateMethods.player_outcome [player, computer] when :WIN puts ColorizedString["#{player.to_s.capitalize} beats #{computer.to_s.downcase}, player wins the round"].colorize(:red) @player_score += 1 when :LOSE puts ColorizedString["#{computer.to_s.capitalize} beats #{player.to_s.downcase}, computer wins the round"].colorize(:red) @computer_score += 1 else puts ColorizedString["Tie, choose again"].colorize(:red) @ties += 1 end end puts ColorizedString["\nFinal score: player: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) + ColorizedString["computer: #{@computer_score} (ties: #{@ties})"].colorize(:blue) case PrivateMethods.final_outcome(@player_score, @computer_score) when :WIN puts ColorizedString["Player wins!"].colorize(:red) when :LOSE puts ColorizedString["Computer wins!"].colorize(:red) else puts ColorizedString["It's a tie!"].colorize(:red) end gets end module PrivateMethods class << self def player_choice loop do print ColorizedString["Choose rock (r), paper (p) or scissors (s): "].colorize(:green) choice = gets.chomp.downcase # read user input and convert to downcase if Constants::NTRY_TO_SYM.key?(choice) # if the choice is one of the keys in NTRY_TO_SYM return Constants::NTRY_TO_SYM[choice] # return their choice to be outputed in the play() method elsif choice != Constants::VALID_ENTRIES # else if the the choice is not one of the valid entries puts ColorizedString["That entry is invalid. Please re-enter."].colorize(:red) # output to invalid entry message else # do nothing end end end def player_outcome(plays) # plays = [player_choice, computer_choice] return :WIN if Constants::WINNERS.include?(plays) return :LOSE if Constants::LOSERS.include?(plays) return :TIE if !:WIN | !:LOSE end def final_outcome(pl,co) return :WIN if pl > co return :LOSE if pl < co # there will never be a tie because of the play() method end end end private_methods :PrivateMethods end PlayRockPaperScissorsGame.new.play(2) ```