# This file specifies the access information for the listing service # To access the standard RETS demo server, use: # #test: # url: http://demo.crt.realtors.org:6103/rets/login # username: Joe # password: Schmoe # version: 1.7.2 # resource: Property # class: RES # select: # ListingID: :rets_id # AgentID: :agent_id # ModificationTimestamp: :modification_timestamp # Status: :status # ListDate: :list_date # ListPrice: :list_price # ClosePrice: :close_price # ContractDate: :contract_date # StreetNumber: :street_number # ZipCode: :zip_code # City: :city # County: :county # Unit: :unit_number # StreetName: :street_name # StreetDirection: :street_direction # Rooms: :rooms # State: :state # Board: :board # LivingArea: :living_area # Baths: :baths # Bedrooms: :beds # Garage: :garage # SqFt: :square_footage # YearBuilt: :year_built # AssociationFee: :assoc_fee # BathsFull: :baths_full # BathHalf: :baths_half # Directions: :directions # OriginalListPrice: :original_list_price # LotSizeDim: :lot_size_dim # ListOfficeBrokerID: :office_list # OfficeName: :office_name # Pool: :pool # Remarks: :remarks # Stories: :stories # TaxID: :taxid # ConstructionMaterial: :construction # ExteriorFeatures: :exterior # Fireplaces: :fireplaces # Heating: :heating # InteriorFeatures: :interior # LotSizeArea: :lot_size # MapCoordinate: :mapbook # PresentUse: :present_use # Style: :style common: &COMMON url: http://demo.crt.realtors.org:6103/rets/login username: Joe password: Schmoe version: 1.5 resource: Property class: RES limit: 10 resource_id: "10202512" object_type: Photo query: "(*)" select: MLSNUM: :mls AGENTLIST: :agent_id AGENTLIST_FULLNAME: :agent_full_name OFFICELIST_OFFICENAM1: :office_name MODIFIED: :rets_updated_at LISTSTATUS: :status PHOTOCOUNT: :photo_count LISTPRICE: :list_price STREETNUMDISPLAY: :street_number STREETDIR: :street_direction STREETDIRSUFFIX: :street_dir_suffix STREETNAME: :street_name STREETTYPE: :street_type UNITNUM: :unit_number ZIPCODE: :zip_code CITY: :city COUNTY: :county AREA: :area LOTSIZE: :lot_size SQFTTOTAL: :square_feet NUMLIVINGAREAS: :living_area BATHSTOTAL: :baths BEDS: :beds GARAGECAP: :garage YEARBUILT: :year_built UID: :uid INTERNETDISPLAYYN: :allow_internet_display INTERNETLIST_ALL: :internet_list_all INTERNETADDRYN: :allow_address_display SCHOOLDISTRICT: :school_district development: <<: *COMMON test: &TEST <<: *COMMON production: <<: *COMMON cucumber: <<: *TEST staging: <<: *TEST