module Mobility module Backends module ActiveRecord =begin Defines query methods for Postgres backends. Including class must define a single method, +matches+, which accepts a column, value and locale to match, and returns an Arel node. This module avoids 99% duplication between hstore and jsonb backend querying code. @see Mobility::Backends::ActiveRecord::Jsonb::QueryMethods @see Mobility::Backends::ActiveRecord::Hstore::QueryMethods =end module PgQueryMethods attr_reader :arel_table def initialize(attributes, options) super @arel_table = options[:model_class].arel_table q = self define_method :where! do |opts, *rest| if i18n_keys = q.extract_attributes(opts) opts = opts.with_indifferent_access query = q.create_where_query!(opts, i18n_keys) opts.empty? ? super(query) : super(opts, *rest).where(query) else super(opts, *rest) end end end def extended(relation) super q = self mod = do define_method :not do |opts, *rest| if i18n_keys = q.extract_attributes(opts) opts = opts.with_indifferent_access query = q.create_not_query!(opts, i18n_keys) super(opts, *rest).where(query) else super(opts, *rest) end end end relation.mobility_where_chain.include(mod) end # Create +where+ query for options hash, translated keys and arel_table # @note This is a destructive operation, it will modify +opts+. # # @param [Hash] opts Hash of attribute/value pairs # @param [Array] keys Translated attribute names # @return [Arel::Node] Arel node to pass to +where+ def create_where_query!(opts, keys) locale = Mobility.locale { |key| values = opts.delete(key) next has_locale(key, locale).not if values.nil? Array.wrap(values).map { |value| value.nil? ? has_locale(key, locale).not : matches(key, value, locale) }.inject(&:or) }.inject(&:and) end # Create +not+ query for options hash and translated keys # @note This is a destructive operation, it will modify +opts+. # # @param [Hash] opts Hash of attribute/value pairs # @param [Array] keys Translated attribute names # @return [Arel::Node] Arel node to pass to +where+ def create_not_query!(opts, keys) locale = Mobility.locale { |key| values = opts.delete(key) Array.wrap(values).map { |value| matches(key, value, locale).not }.inject(has_locale(key, locale), &:and) }.inject(&:and) end private def matches(_key, _value, _locale) raise NotImplementedError end def has_locale(key, locale) build_infix(:'?', arel_table[key], quote(locale)) end def build_infix(*args) arel_table.grouping(*args)) end def quote(value) Arel::Nodes.build_quoted(value.to_s) end end end end end