en: spree: hints: solidus_paypal_commerce_platform/payment_method: available_to_users: You must verify that your email is confirmed with PayPal before users will be able to check out with this payment method. payment_source: source activerecord: attributes: solidus_paypal_commerce_platform/payment_source: paypal_order_id: "PayPal order" payment_method_id: "payment method" models: solidus_paypal_commerce_platform/payment_source: PayPal Payment Source solidus_paypal_commerce_platform/payment_method: PayPal Commerce Platform hello: Hello world sign_up_for_paypal: Setup PayPal Commerce Platform start_paying_with_paypal: Start paying with Paypal Commerce Platform paypal_capture_id: PayPal Capture ID paypal_debug_id: PayPal Debug ID paypal_email: PayPal Email paypal_funding: 'PayPal Funding: %{funding}' paypal_funding_source: 'PayPal Funding Source' payment_email: "Payment Email: %{email}" virtual_terminal_notice_html: Backend Credit Card payments can only be accepted through PayPal via the <a href="https://www.paypal.com/merchantapps/appcenter/acceptpayments/virtualterminal">PayPal Virtual Terminal</a>. solidus_paypal_commerce_platform: controllers: payments_controller: invalid_paypal_order_id: "Invalid order confirmation data passed in" order_complete: "Order is already in complete state" responses: pay_pal_checkout_sdk/orders/orders_capture_request: success: "Payment captured" failure: "Your payment was declined - please try again using a different payment method." pay_pal_checkout_sdk/orders/orders_authorize_request: success: "Payment authorized" failure: "Your payment was declined - please try again using a different payment method." pay_pal_checkout_sdk/payments/authorizations_capture_request: success: "Authorization captured" pay_pal_checkout_sdk/payments/captures_refund_request: success: "Payment refunded for %{amount}" pay_pal_checkout_sdk/payments/authorizations_void_request: success: "Payment voided" failure: "This payment can't be voided" payment_method: gold_button_message: "cannot be 'gold' when Venmo standalone is enabled." paypal_funding_sources: applepay: 'Apple Pay' bancontact: 'Bancontact' blik: 'BLIK' boleto: 'Boleto' card: 'Credit or debit card' credit: 'PayPal Credit' eps: 'eps' giropay: 'giropay' ideal: 'iDEAL' itau: 'Itau' maxima: 'Maxima' mercadopago: 'Mercado Pago' mybank: 'MyBank' oxxo: 'Oxxo' p24: 'Przelewy24' paylater: 'Pay Later' paypal: 'PayPal' payu: 'PayU' sepa: 'SEPA-Lastschrift' sofort: 'Sofort' trustly: 'Trustly' venmo: 'Venmo' verkkopankki: 'Verkkopankki' wechatpay: 'WeChat Pay' zimpler: 'Zimpler'