module AssLauncher module Support # Implement 1C connection string # Mixin for connection string classes # @note All connection string class have methods for get and set values # of defined fields. Methods have name as fields but in downcase # All fields defined for connection string class retutn {#fields} # @example # cs = AssLauncher::Support::\ #'File="\\fileserver\accounting.ib"') # #-> :file # :file #-> true # cs.usr = 'username' # cs.pwd = 'password' # cmd = "1civ8.exe enterprise #{cs.to_cmd}" # run_result = AssLauncher::Support::Shell.run_ass(cmd) module ConnectionString class Error < StandardError; end class ParseError < StandardError; end # Commonn connection string fields COMMON_FIELDS = %w(Usr Pwd LicDstr prmod Locale Zn) # Fields for server-infobase SERVER_FIELDS = %w(Srvr Ref) # Fields for file-infobase FILE_FIELDS = %w(File) # Fields for infobase published on http server HTTP_FIELDS = %w(Ws) HTTP_WEB_AUTH_FIELDS = %w(Wsn Wsp) # Proxy fields for accsess to infobase published on http server via proxy PROXY_FIELDS = %w(WspAuto WspSrv WspPort WspUser WspPwd) # Fields for makes server-infobase IB_MAKER_FIELDS = %w(DBMS DBSrvr DB DBUID DBPwd SQLYOffs CrSQLDB SchJobDn SUsr SPwd) # Values for DBMS field DBMS_VALUES = %w(MSSQLServer PostgreSQL IBMDB2 OracleDatabase) # Analyzes connect string and build suitable class # @param connstr (see parse) # @return [Server | File | Http] instanse def case connstr when /(\W|\A)File\s*=\s*"/i then when /(\W|\A)Srvr\s*=\s*"/i then when /(\W|\A)Ws\s*=\s*"/i then else fail ParseError, "Uncknown connstr `#{connstr}'" end end # Parse connect string into hash. # Connect string have format: # 'Field1="Value";Field2="Value";' # Quotes ' " ' in value of field escape as doble quote ' "" '. # Fields name convert to downcase [Symbol] # @example # parse 'Field="""Value"""' -> {field: '"Value"'} # @param connstr [String] # @return [Hash] def self.parse(connstr) res = {} connstr.split(';').each do |str| str.strip! res.merge!(parse_key_value str) unless str.empty? end res end def self.parse_key_value(str) fail ParseError, "Invalid string #{str}" unless\ /\A\s*(?\w+)\s*=\s*"(?.*)"\s*\z/i =~ str { field.downcase.to_sym => value.gsub('""', '"') } end private_class_method :parse_key_value # Return type of connection string # :file, :server, :http # @return [Symbol] def is'::').last.downcase.to_sym end # Check connection string for type :file, :server, :http # @param symbol [Symvol] # @example # if :file # #do for connect to the file infobase # else # raise "#{} unsupport # end def is?(symbol) is == symbol end def to_hash result = {} fields.each do |f| result[f.downcase.to_sym] = get_property(f) end result end def to_s(only_fields = nil) only_fields ||= fields result = '' only_fields.each do |f| result << "#{prop_to_s(f)};" unless get_property(f).to_s.empty? end result end # Convert connection string to array of 1C:Enterprise parameters. # @return [Array] of 1C:Enterprise CLI parameters. def to_args to_args_common + to_args_private end def to_args_common r = [] r += ['/N', usr] if usr r += ['/P', pwd] if pwd r += ['/UsePrivilegedMode', ''] if prmod.to_s == '1' r += ['/L', locale] if locale r += ['/Z', zn] if zn r end private :to_args_common # Convert connection string to string of 1C:Enterprise parameters # like /N"usr" /P"pwd" etc. See {#to_args} # @return [String] def to_cmd r = '' args = to_args args.each_with_index do |v, i| next unless i.even? r << v r << "\"#{args[i + 1]}\"" unless args[i + 1].to_s.empty? r << ' ' end r end # Fields required for new instance of connection string def required_fields self.class.required_fields end # All fields defined for connection string def fields self.class.fields end def self.included(base) base.fields.each do |f| base.send(:attr_reader, f.downcase.to_sym) unless\ base.instance_methods.include? f.downcase.to_sym base.send(:attr_writer, f.downcase.to_sym) unless\ base.instance_methods.include? "#{f.downcase}=".to_sym end end private def _set_properties(hash) hash.each do |key, value| set_property(key, value) end end def set_property(prop, value) send("#{prop.downcase}=".to_sym, value) end def get_property(prop) send(prop.downcase.to_sym) end def prop_to_s(prop) "#{fields_to_hash[prop.downcase.to_sym]}="\ "\"#{get_property(prop).to_s.gsub('"', '""')}\"" end def fields_to_hash res = {} fields.each do |f| res[f.downcase.to_sym] = f end res end def required_fields_received?(received_fields) ( { |f| f.downcase.to_sym }\ & { |k| k.downcase.to_sym }) == \ { |f| f.downcase.to_sym } end # Connection string for server-infobases # @note (see ConnectionString) class Server # Simple class host:port class ServerDescr attr_reader :host, :port # @param host [String] hostname # @param port [String] port number def initialize(host, port = nil) @host = host.strip @port = port.to_s.strip end # Parse sting # @param srv_str [String] string like 'host:port,host:port' # @return [Arry] def self.parse(srv_str) r = [] srv_str.split(',').each do |srv| srv.strip! r << new(* srv.chomp.split(':')) unless srv.empty? end r end # @return [String] formated 'host:port' def to_s "#{host}" + (port.empty? ? '' : ":#{port}") end end def self.fields required_fields | COMMON_FIELDS | IB_MAKER_FIELDS end def self.required_fields SERVER_FIELDS end def initialize(hash) fail ConnectionString::Error unless required_fields_received?(hash) _set_properties(hash) end # @return [Array] def servers @servers ||= [] end def srvr=(str) fail ArgumentError if str.empty? @servers = ServerDescr.parse(str) @srvr = str end def ref=(str) fail ArgumentError if str.empty? @ref = str end def srvr servers.join(',') end def srvr_raw @srvr end # Build string suitable for # :createinfibase runmode # @todo validte createinfibase params def createinfobase_cmd to_s end # Build string suitable for Ole objects connecting. def to_ole_string "#{to_s(fields - IB_MAKER_FIELDS)}" end # Build args array suitable for # :createinfibase runmode def createinfobase_args [createinfobase_cmd.gsub(%r{=\s*"},"='").gsub(%r{"\s*;},"';")] end # (see DBMS_VALUES) def dbms=(value) @dbms = valid_value(value, DBMS_VALUES) end def crsqldb=(value) @crsqldb = yes_or_not(value) end def schjobdn=(value) @schjobdn = yes_or_not(value) end def yes_or_not(value) valid_value(value, %w(Y N)) end private :yes_or_not def valid_value(v, av) fail ArgumentError, "Bad value #{v}. Accepted values are `#{av}'" unless\ v end private :valid_value def to_args_private ['/S', "#{srvr}/#{ref}"] end private :to_args_private include ConnectionString end # Connection string for file-infobases # @note (see ConnectionString) class File def self.required_fields FILE_FIELDS end def self.fields required_fields | COMMON_FIELDS end def initialize(hash) fail ConnectionString::Error unless required_fields_received?(hash) _set_properties(hash) end def file=(str) fail ArgumentError if str.empty? @file = str end # Build string suitable for # :createinfibase runmode def createinfobase_cmd "File=\"#{path.realdirpath.win_string}\"" end # Build string suitable for Ole objects connecting. def to_ole_string "#{createinfobase_cmd};#{to_s(fields - ['File'])}" end # Build args array suitable for # :createinfibase runmode # Fucking 1C: # - File="path" not work but work running as script # - File='path' work correct def createinfobase_args return ["File='#{path.win_string}'"] if path.relative? ["File='#{path.realdirpath.win_string}'"] end def path AssLauncher::Support::Platforms.path(file) end # Convert connection string to array of 1C:Enterprise parameters. # @return [Array] of 1C:Enterprise CLI parameters. def to_args_private ['/F', path.realpath.to_s] end private :to_args_private include ConnectionString end # Connection string for infobases published on http server # @note (see ConnectionString) class Http def self.required_fields HTTP_FIELDS end def self.fields required_fields | COMMON_FIELDS | HTTP_WEB_AUTH_FIELDS | PROXY_FIELDS end def initialize(hash) fail ConnectionString::Error unless required_fields_received?(hash) _set_properties(hash) end def ws=(str) fail ArgumentError if str.empty? @ws = str end def uri require 'uri' uri = URI(ws) uri.user = wsn uri.password = wsp q = uri_query uri.query = escape q if q uri end def escape(s) AssLauncher::Enterprise::WebClient.escape s end private :escape def uri_query r = '' r << "N=#{usr}&" if usr r << "P=#{pwd}&" if pwd r << "L=#{locale}&" if locale r << "Z=#{zn}&" if zn r << "UsePrivilegedMode&" if prmod r.gsub!(/&$/i, '') return nil if r.empty? r end private :uri_query # Convert connection string to array of 1C:Enterprise parameters. # @return [Array] of 1C:Enterprise CLI parameters. def to_args_private r = [] r += ['/WS', ws] if ws r += ['/WSN', wsn] if wsn r += ['/WSP', wsp] if wsp to_args_private_proxy(r) end private :to_args_private def to_args_private_proxy(r) return r unless !wspauto && wspsrv r += ['/Proxy', '', '-Psrv', wspsrv] r += ['-PPort', wspport.to_s] if wspport r += ['-PUser', wspuser] if wspuser r += ['-PPwd', wsppwd] if wsppwd r end private :to_args_private_proxy include ConnectionString end end end end