require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Spacial::GeoNearResults do before(:all) do Bar.delete_all Bar.create_indexes 50.times do Bar.create({:location => [rand(360)-180,rand(360)-180]}) end while Bar.count < 50 end end context ":paginator :array" do [nil,1,2].each do |page| it "page=#{page} should have 25" do Bar.geo_near([1,1]).page(page).size.should == 25 end end it "page=3 should have 0" do Bar.geo_near([1,1]).page(3).size.should == 0 end it "per=5" do Bar.geo_near([1,1]).per(5).size.should == 5 end end context ":paginator :kaminari" do let!(:near) {Bar.geo_near([1,1]).page(1)} it "should have current_page" do near.current_page.should == 1 end it "should have num_pages" do near.total_entries.should == 50 near.num_pages.should == 2 end it "should have limit_value" do near.limit_value.should == 25 end end end