# encoding: utf-8 en: camaleon_cms: captcha_placeholder: Please enter the text from the image see_intro: "See intro" welcome_message: "Welcome to Camaleon CMS" page_not_exist: "


The page you're looking for does not exist.
" page_error_500: "


Error 500 Internal Server Error. Please contact to the administrator.
" errors_found_msg: Several errors were found, please check. admin: request_error_message: "An error occurred, please contact the administrator." authorization_error: "You don't have authorization for this section." header: member_since: "Member since %{time}" button: activity: 'Activity' add_new_group: Add New Group add_new_field: 'Add new field' add_option: 'Add option' add_menu: 'Add to Menu' add_widget: 'Add Widget' accept: 'Accept' add_folder: 'Add Folder' actived: 'Activated' activate_plugin: 'Activate Plugin' back: 'Back' change_photo: 'Change Photo' change_password: 'Change Password' create_menu: 'Create Menu' create: 'Create' cancel: 'Cancel' chat: 'Chat' close: 'Close' delete: 'Delete' disable_plugin: 'Disable Plugin' enter: 'Enter' edit: 'Edit' new: 'New' following: 'Following' log_in: 'Log In' move_trash: 'Move to trash' no: 'No' none: 'None' not_actived: 'Not Active' publish: 'Publish' preview: 'Preview' proccess: 'Process' recover: 'Recover' restore: 'Restore' restore_selections: 'Restore Selections' delete_complete: "Delete completely" select: 'Select' select_all: 'Select All' select_file: 'Select File' select_none: 'Select None' sign_up: 'Sign Up' submit: 'Submit' settings: 'Settings' sortable: 'Sortable' update: 'Update' update_menu: 'Update Menu' upload_audio: 'Upload Audio' upload_file: 'Upload File' upload_image: 'Upload Image' upload_icon: 'Upload Icon' upload_video: 'Upload Video' drag_drop: 'Drag & drop files' view_draft: 'View Draft' view_page: 'View Page' yes: 'Yes' out_yes: 'Yes' out_not: 'No' domain: "Domain" search: "Search" comments: new_msg: "New comment for this Content" comments_list_post: 'List Comments Post' responses: 'Responses' message: approved: 'Approved' change_status: 'The response status has been changed to ' created: 'The comment has been created.' destroy: 'The answers have been removed.' destroy_comments: 'The comments have been removed.' deleted: 'The answers has been removed.' error: 'Not found comment' pending: 'Pending' responses: 'The reply has been created.' spam: 'Spam' there_no_comments: 'There are no comments.' updated: 'The comment has been updated.' tooltip: approved_comment: 'Approve Comment' comment_pending: 'Comment To Pending' comment_spam: 'Comment To Spam' reply_comment: 'Reply Comment' delete_comment: 'Delete Comment' custom_field: custom_group_support_multiple: Support multiple groups message: custom_group_error: 'Error custom field group' custom_created: 'The custom field group has been created.' custom_updated: 'The custom field group has been updated.' fields: text_box: 'Text Box' private_file: Private File text_area: 'Text Area' select: 'Select' colorpicker: 'Colorpicker' date: 'Date' email: 'Email' file: 'File' image: 'Image' image_dimension: 'Dimension' image_dimension_descr: 'Crop the image with indicated dimension (widthxheight), sample: 400x300
Possible values: 400x300 | 400x | x300 | ?400x?500 | ?1400x (? => maximum, empty => auto)' image_versions: 'Versions' image_versions_descr: "Create addtional multiple versions of the image uploaded, sample: 300x300,505x350 ==> Will create two extra images with these dimensions" image_thumb: 'Thumbnail' required_image_thumb: 'Is Required Thumbnail?' image_thumb_descr: "Define the dimension for the thumbnail, sample: 100x100. Default: %{d}" numeric: 'Numeric' phone: 'Phone' users: 'Users' posts: 'Posts' select_eval: 'Select Eval' field_attrs: 'Field Attributes' website: 'Website' multiple_choice: 'Radio Button' video: Video audio: Audio editor: Editor radio: Radio checkbox: Check Box checkboxes: Check Boxes url: URL appearances: nav_menus: menu_items: edit_menu_item: Edit Menu Item edit_custom_settings: Edit Custom Settings update: updated_menu: The menu was updated create: created_menu: The menu was created destroy: deleted_menu: The menu was deleted menu_options: edit_menu: Edit Menu delete_menu: Delete Menu create_menu: Create Menu external_menu: root_alert_info: 'You can use root_url as initial url' login: already_have_account: 'Already have account?' authentication: 'Authentication' captcha: 'Captcha' create_account: 'Create an account' login: 'Login' forgot_your_password_int: 'Forgot your password?' message: success: 'Welcome!!!' fail: 'Username or Password incorrect' forgot_url_incorrect: 'URL incorrect' forgot_expired: 'Reset expired.' hello: 'Hello' reset_password_succes: 'Reset password success!' reset_password_error: 'Password incorrect' reset_url: 'Reset URL' subject_email: 'Reset your access' send_mail_succes: 'Send email reset success.' send_mail_error: 'Not found email address.' invalid_caption: 'Invalid captcha' email_not_validated: 'Email has not been validated.' confirm_email_token_incorrect: 'URL incorrect' confirm_email_token_expired: 'Confirm email URL expired' confirm_email_success: 'Confirm email success!' personal_info: 'Personal info' please_login: 'Please login' reset_password: 'reset password' reCaptcha: 'reCaptcha' send_email: 'Send email' reset_password_html: 'Send email, reset password' welcome: 'Welcome' welcome_login_html: 'Welcome, Please login' do_not_have_account_yet: "Do not have an account yet?" msg_registration_html: 'Registration, use form below' username: "Username" password: "Password" password_confirm: "Password confirmation" first_name: "First Name" last_name: "Last Name" email: "Email" remember_me: "Remember Me" confirm: text: "Please confirm your account by clicking this link" subject: "Confirm your account" logout: log: 'Log' out: 'Out' logout: 'Logout' logout_html: 'Log Out?' message: closed: 'Session Closed' media: media_manager: 'Media Manager' home: "Home" info: "Information" external: "Upload From URL" folder_name: 'Folder Name' folder_file_name: 'Folder or File Name' reload: 'Reload' clear_cache: 'Clear Cache' name_required: 'File name is required' local_upload_denied: 'Cannot upload from localhost' menus: menus: Menus link_url: 'Link URL' target: 'Target' targets: blank: 'Blank' parent: 'Parent' message: created: 'The nav menu has been created.' deleted: 'The nav menu has been delete.' error_menu: 'Error Menu' name_link: 'Name Link' name_menu: 'Name Menu' external_link: 'External Link' or: 'or' create_new: 'create a new menu' select: 'Select Menu' select_edit: 'Select the menu you want to edit:' message: are_you_sure_you_want_log_out_int: 'Are you sure you want to log out?' are_you_sure_to_import: "Are you sure you want to import?" data_found_list: 'No data found in the list' delete: 'Are you sure to delete this item?' delete_item: 'Really want to delete this item?' edit_menu: 'Place each item in the order you prefer. Click on the icon of a pencil to edit the item and click the icon in the form of x to delete the item.' add_menus: 'Add menu items from the left column.' press_no_continue_work_press_yes_logout: 'Press No if you want to continue work. Press Yes to logout current user.' updated_success: 'Updated Successfully' remove_items_submenu: 'Really remove this item and its sub menu items?' you_must_upload_image: 'You must upload an image' you_must_upload_video: 'You must upload an video' so_their_data_has_not_been_saved: 'So their data has not been saved' no_response_fields: 'No response fields ' quick_info: 'Some quick info about this user' was_inactivated: 'was inactivated.' was_activated: 'was activated.' was_upgraded: 'was updated.' can_not_be_removed: 'can not be removed.' was_removed: 'was removed.' processing: 'Procesando...' change_photo: 'Use form below to upload file. Only image files.' change_password: 'To change your password enter your old password first, then enter the new password and repeat the new password.' you_must_upload_json_file: 'You must upload an json file' import_process: 'Import in process' unauthorized: "Access denied" welcome: 'Welcome to the admin panel of your site.' no_templates_defined: 'No templates defined' avatar_updated: 'Updated Avatar' form_error: 'Form Error' was_removed.: was removed page_title: page_title: 'Page Title' create: 'Create' details: 'Details' edit: 'Edit' add: 'Add' list: 'List' list_of: 'List of %{post_type}' new_site: 'New Site' edit_site: 'Edit Site' update: 'Update' post: add_tag: 'Add a Tag' clone: 'Clone' clone_content: 'Clone content' is_featured: 'Is Featured?' label_required: 'Required Label' placeholder_required: 'Required Placeholder' message: created: 'The %{post_type} has been created.' updated: 'The %{post_type} has been updated.' deleted: 'The %{post_type} has been removed.' error: 'Error %{post_type}' error_post_type: 'Error %{post_type}' trash: 'The %{post_type} was moved to the trash.' requires_different_slug: 'Requires different slug' restore: 'The %{post_type} was restored.' draft: 'Saved draft success' recover: 'Recover...' permalink: 'Permalink' post_type: route_format: 'Contents Route Format' icons_url_desc: 'Please enter any icon name from here: ' all: 'All Items' add: 'Add' add_category: 'Add Category' add_post_type: 'Add Post Type' add_new: 'Add New' add_post_tag: 'Add Post Tag' categories: 'Categories' category: 'Category' configuration: 'Configuration' other_configuration: 'Custom Configurations' comments: 'Comments' draft: 'Draft' edit_post_type: 'Edit Post Type' edit_category: 'Edit Category' enter_password: 'Enter the password' featured_image: 'Featured Image' keywords: 'Keywords' default_layout: 'Default Layout' default_template: 'Default Template' icon: 'Icon' message: error: 'Error class' error_term: 'Error term class' created: 'Saved' updated: 'Updated' deleted: 'Deleted' no_created_html: '
No %{taxonomy} found' pending: 'Pending' permit_comments: 'Allow Comments?' post_types: 'Post Types' posts: 'Posts' post_tags: 'Post Tags' published: 'Published' published_date: 'Published Date' save_draft: 'Save Draft' save_pending: 'Save Pending' summary: 'Summary' tags: 'Tags' template: 'Template' layout: 'Layout' trash: 'Trash' tooltip: permission_asing_categories: 'Permit to manage your post contents by categories' permission_to_support_parent_structure: Permission to Support Parent Structure permission_add_tags: 'Enable the field to enter tags in post content' permission_add_content: 'Enable the editor to enter the post content' permission_add_content_summary: 'Enable the field to enter the post summary' permission_reviews: 'Enable the option to indicate if post contents can be commented' permission_add_image_presentation: 'Enable the editor to upload thumbnail in post contents' permission_manage_template: 'Enable the field to select template in contents. (template: file that will be used to render a content)' permission_manage_layout: 'Enable the field to select layout in contents. (Layout: File wrapper in which will be rendered the template)' permission_add_keywords: 'Enable the field to enter the post keywords (SEO)' default_layout: 'Select the default layout for all contents of this post type' default_template: 'Select the default template for all contents of this post type' upload_image: 'Upload Image' view_comments: 'View Comments' plugins: active_plugins: 'Active Plugins' disabled_plugins: 'Disabled Plugins' all_plugins: 'All Plugins' status_false: 'Inactive' status_true: 'Active' type_contents: 'Type Contents' upgrade_to: "Upgrade to" settings: activate_create_account: 'Activate Create Account' file_actions_in_modals: Show File Actions in Modals activate_login_social_networks: 'Activate Login Social Networks' add_field_group: 'Add Field Group' admin_language: 'Admin language' allow_user_registration: 'Allow user registration?' available_fields: 'Available fields' available_languages: 'Available languages' categories_in: 'Categories in' configuration_site: 'Configuration Site' current_languages: 'Current Languages' details_custom_field_group: 'Details Custom Field Group' details_site: 'Details Site' edit_custom_field_group: 'Edit Custom Field Group' field: 'Field' fields: 'Fields' information_basic: 'Basic Information' theme_setting: "Theme settings" input_only_date: 'Input only the date' input_date_time: 'Input date and time' languages_configuration: 'Languages configuration' list_custom_fields_group: List Custom Fields Group list_sites: 'List Sites' login_twitter: 'Twitter' login_facebook: 'Facebook' login_google: 'Google+' email_enabled: "Use these settings to send emails" email_server: "Email Server" email_port: "Email Port" email_domain: "Email Domain" email_username: "User Name" email_pass: "User Password" email_from: "Email From" email_cc: "Email CC" post_tags_in: Post Tags In twitter_card: "Twitter Card" author: "Author Name" seo_canonical: Canonical URL seo_setting: "Seo Settings" email_settings: "Email Settings (SMTP)" filesystem_type: "Filesystem type" filesystem_s3_access_key: "AWS S3 Access Key" filesystem_s3_secret_key: "AWS S3 Secret Key" filesystem_s3_bucket_name: "AWS S3 Bucket name" filesystem_s3_endpoint: "AWS S3 Bucket endpoint" send_test_email: 'Send Test Email' filesystem_region: "AWS S3 Region" filesystem_cdn: "CDN url" security: captcha_user_register: "Enable captcha on user registration?" need_validate_email: "Need validate email?" message: language_updated: 'Your languages was configured.' site_updated: 'The site has been updated.' comment_anonymous: Allow anonymous comments aws: 'Save Files in AWS S3' filesystem_settings: Filesystem Settings new_custom_field_group: 'New Custom Field Group' options_select: 'Options select' option_title: 'Option Title' others: 'Others' please_separated_commas: 'Please separated by commas' comment_status: 'Register comments as approved?' list_per_page_front: 'Quantity of items to be listed on frontend' list_per_page_admin: 'Quantity of items to be listed on backend' permission_register_users: 'Permission to Register Users' permission_login_twitter: 'Permission to Login with Twitter' permission_login_facebook: 'Permission to Login with Facebook' permission_login_google: 'Permission to Login with Google+' posts_in: 'Posts in' in_post_type_settings_of: 'In Post Type settings of' settings: 'Settings' media_settings: Multimedia Settings filesystem_max_file_size: 'Max. Upload Size [MB]' filesystem_thumb_size: 'Thumbnail size [100x100]' filesystem_s3_cloudfront: Cloudfront URL custom_fields_show_shortcodes: 'Show shortcodes for custom fields?' enable_captcha_for_comments: 'Activate captcha in public comments?' configuration_settings: maintenance_page: Page to show in maintenance mode inactive_page: Page to display for inactive site status: Site Status default_page: Default page maintenance_ips: Maintenance IPs (Separated by commas) tooltip: add_custom_field_posts: 'Add Custom Field in Posts of ' add_custom_field_categories: 'Add Custom Field in Categories of ' add_custom_field_users: 'Add Custom Field in Users ' add_custom_field_sites: 'Add Custom Field in Site ' add_custom_field_tags: 'Add Custom Field in Post Tags of ' add_custom_field_themes: 'Add Custom Field in Theme ' add_custom_field_widget: 'Add Custom Field in Widget ' untitled: 'Untitled' where_display_group: 'Where to display this group' sidebar: appearance: 'Appearance' comments: 'Comments' content: 'Content' contents: 'Contents' content_groups: 'Content Groups' custom_fields: 'Custom Fields' dashboard: 'Dashboard' general_site: 'General Site' information: 'Information' languages: 'Languages' shortcodes: "Shortcodes" media: 'Media' menus: 'Menus' navigation: 'Navigation' plugins: 'Plugins' post_type: 'Post Type' settings: 'Settings' site_settings: 'Site settings' sites: 'Sites' themes: 'Themes' users: 'Users' widget: 'Widget' widgets: 'Widgets' main_navigation: "MAIN NAVIGATION" sidebar_top: admin_panel: 'Admin. Panel' visit: 'Visit' sites: add_site: 'Add Site' message: error: 'Not found site' created: 'The site has been created.' updated: 'The site has been updated.' deleted: 'Correct Deleted' enter_key_domain: 'Enter a key or a domain' enter_key_domain_empty: 'Enter a key (site2) or a domain (my_domain.com). Key will be the name of your subdomain.' signin: message: enter_username_password: 'You must enter a username and/or password' combination_username_password_invalid: 'Combination of username/password invalid.' success_user: 'Success User' table: actions: 'Actions' attribute: 'Attribute' author: 'Author' basic: 'Basic' categories: 'Categories' updated_at: "Updated at" comments: 'Comments' count: 'Count' date_published: 'Date Published' default: 'Default' default_thumbnail: 'Default Thumbnail' default_value: 'Default Value' description: 'Description' dimensions: 'Dimensions' display_objects: 'Display Objects' draft: 'Draft' email: 'Email' e_mail: 'E-mail' email_address: 'Email Address' error: 'Error' errors: 'Errors' excerpt: 'Excerpt' facebook: 'Facebook' favicon: 'Favicon' screenshot: "Screenshot" first_names: 'First Name' group_name: 'Group Name' google_plus: 'Google plus' hide: 'Hide' home_page: 'Home Page' id: 'ID' images: 'Images' import: 'Import' instagram: 'Instagram' keywords: 'Keywords (enter separated by commas)' kind: 'Kind' last_login: 'Last login' last_names: 'Last Name' last_visit: 'Last visit' link: 'Link' linkedin: 'Linkedin' login: 'Login' logo: 'Logo' manage_category: 'Manage Multiple Categories' manage_content: 'Manage Content' manage_picture: 'Manage Picture' manage_seo: 'Manage Seo' manage_summary: 'Manage Summary' manage_tags: 'Manage Tags' manage_template: 'Manage Template' manage_layout: 'Manage Layout' modified: 'Modified' multiple_field_int: 'Multiple field?' required_field_int: 'Required field?' translate_field_int: 'Translate field?' show_in_frontend: 'Show in Frontend (Only post contents)' name: 'Name' new_password: 'New Password' no_default: 'No Default' old_password: 'Old Password' options: 'Options' settings: 'Settings' options_field: 'Options Field' parent: 'Parent' password: 'Password' password_confirmation: 'Password Confirmation' password_protection: 'Password protection' permit_comments_default: 'Allow Comments (default)' post: 'Post' post_type: 'Post Type' pending: 'Pending' private: 'Private' public: 'Public' qty: 'Quantity' quick_info: 'Quick Info' registration: 'Registration' repeat_new: 'Repeat New' role: 'Role' slogan: 'Slogan' slug: 'Slug' short_code: 'Short Code' site_name: 'Site Name' size: 'Size' social: 'Social' skype: 'Skype' status: 'Status' owner: 'Page Owner' tags: 'Tags' text: 'Text' title: 'Title' total: 'Total' trash: 'Trash' twitter: 'Twitter' username: 'Username' value: 'Value' version: 'Version' visibility: 'Visibility' page_404: '404 Page' youtube: 'Youtube' more_actions: 'More actions' more_actions_info: 'More actions...' shorcodes: "Shortcodes" manage_parent_structure: Manage Parent Structure manage_single_category: Manage a single category permit_is_featured: Allow Featured Articles themes: footer_copyright: 'Footer Copyright' theme_select: 'Select Theme' title: 'Theme %{theme} Settings ' analytics_code: 'Analytics Code' social_share: 'Social share' message: updated: 'Theme updated' users: impersonate: 'Impersonate' all_users: 'All Users' add_user: 'Add User' add_user_role: 'Add User Role' avatar: 'Avatar' create_user: 'Create User' edit_profile: 'Edit Profile' list_users: 'List Users' list_user_roles: 'User Roles' post_types: Post Types message: error: 'Not found user.' error_captcha: 'Oh! Its error with CAPTCHA!' created: 'The user has been created.' updated: 'The user has been updated.' deleted: 'The user has been deleted.' incorrect_old_password: 'Incorrect old password' rol_error: 'Not found group user.' rol_created: 'The user role has been created.' rol_updated: 'The user role has been updated.' rol_deleted: 'The user role has been deleted.' requires_different_name: 'Requires different name' requires_different_username: 'Requires different username' requires_different_email: 'Requires different email' created_pending_validate_email: "The user has been created, please confirm your email" role_can_not_be_deleted: Role can not be deleted user_can_not_delete_own_account: You cannot delete your own account new_photo: 'New Photo' others_permissions: 'Others permissions' profile: 'Profile' slogan: 'Slogan' type_contents: 'Type of Contents' user_roles: 'User Roles' roles_values: comments: 'Comments' forms: 'Forms' media: 'Media' publish: 'Publish' themes: 'Themes' html_create_or_edit: 'Create
or Edit' html_edit_other: 'Edit
Other' html_edit_publish: 'Edit
Publish' html_delete_other: 'Delete
Other' html_delete_publish: 'Delete
Publish' html_read_private: 'Read
Private' html_manage_categories: 'Manage
Categories' html_manage_tags: 'Manage
Tags' tool_tip: comments: 'Allowing the comments section' delete: 'You need permission to Create or Edit to delete posts of your property. ' forms: 'Allowing Forms section' media: 'Permission to the midsection' publish: 'You need permits Create or Edit, Edit Other, Edit, Publish, to enable this permission' themes: 'Themes permission to section' widgets: 'Widgets permission to section' menus: 'Permission to the Menu section' plugins: 'Permission to the Plugins section' users: 'Permission to create, edit, delete Users' settings: 'Permission to section Settings' create_or_edit: 'It lets you create and edit your posts (the post is not published)' edit_other: 'It allows you to edit the post of other users (the post is not published)' edit_publish: 'It allows you to edit the post published' delete_other: 'You need permission to remove edit other posts by other users' delete_publish: 'You need permits Delete, Delete Other, to enable this permission' read_private: 'Allows you to view private posts' manage_categories: 'Permission to create, edit and delete categories' manage_tags: 'Permission to create, edit and delete post tags' validate: required: 'This field is required.' remote: 'Please fix this field.' email: 'Please enter a valid email address.' url: 'Please enter a valid URL.' date: 'Please enter a valid date.' dateiso: 'Please enter a valid date ( ISO ).' number: 'Please enter a valid number.' digits: 'Please enter only digits.' creditcard: 'Please enter a valid credit card number.' equalto: 'Please enter the same value again.' maxlength: 'Please enter no more than {0} characters.' minlength: 'Please enter at least {0} characters.' rangelength: 'Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long.' range: 'Please enter a value between {0} and {1}.' max: 'Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}.' min: 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.' widgets: create_widget: 'Create Widget' create_sidebar: 'Create Sidebar' complex_widgets: 'Complex Widgets' simple_widgets: 'Simple Widgets' message: created: 'The widget has been created.' updated: 'The widget has been updated.' deleted: 'The widget has been delete.' error_created: 'Not Created Widget.' error_updated: 'Not Updated Widget.' not_registered_widgets: 'There are no registered widgets' assign: updated: "Widget assign updated" error_updated: "Widget assign not updated" sidebar: created: "Sidebar Create." updated: "Sidebar Update." error_created: "No created sidebar." error_updated: "No Update sidebar." error_deleted: "Sidebar deleted." intro: profile: "In this place you can see your profile options." content: "This block contains all content groups of your site. Each content can have different structure configured in settings => Content Groups" media: "This section manages all your public media files." comments: "This section manages all the comments of your contents." appearance: "Manage all the information related to Public Interface." themes: "In this section you can choose your preferred theme (Public Interface)." widgets: "This module permits you to manage your widgets and paste the code in any content." menus: " This module permits you to control your menus for Public Interface in multiple levels." plugins: "In this section you can see all plugins (custom applications to extend your site functionality)." users: "Permits you to manage all users of the site. Also you can manage the roles for the users." settings: "In this section you can find all site configurations." gral_site: "This is a section where you can configure all settings of the site and current theme" sites: "This module permits you to manage your sub sites, i.e. you can create unlimited sites like this (This is visible only for main site). Check /config/system.json to customize settings." custom_fields: "This section permits you to extend easily your contents, themes,... by custom fields." post_type: "In this module you can manage your content groups without programing anything." languages: "This module permits you to manage all languages for your site. Also you can configure the language for your admin panel." shortcodes: "In this section you can see all available shortcodes to use in your contents." models: site: status_options: active: Active inactive: Inactive maintenance: In maintenance