class Jets::Controller::Middleware::Local class RouteMatcher def initialize(env) @env = env end def find_route reset_routes! # Precedence: # 1. Routes with no captures get highest precedence: posts/new # 2. Then we consider the routes with captures: post/:id # # Within these 2 groups we consider the routes with the longest path first # since posts/:id and posts/:id/edit can both match. routes = router.ordered_routes route = routes.find do |r| route_found?(r) end route end # "hot reload" for development def reset_routes! return unless Jets.env.development? Jets::Router.clear! Jets.application.load_routes(refresh: true) end def route_found?(route) request_method = @env["REQUEST_METHOD"] || "GET" actual_path = @env["PATH_INFO"].sub(/^\//,'') # remove beginning slash # Immediately stop checking when the request method: GET, POST, ANY, etc # doesnt match. return false if request_method != route.method and route.method != "ANY" path = route.path if actual_path == path # regular string match detection return true # exact route matches are highest precedence end # Check path for route capture and wildcard matches: # A colon (:) means the variable has a variable if path.include?(':') # 2nd highest precedence capture_detection(path, actual_path) # early return true or false # A star (*) means the variable has a glob elsif path.include?('*') # lowest precedence proxy_detection(path, actual_path) # early return true or false else false # reach here, means no route matched end end # catchall/globbing/wildcard/proxy routes. Examples: # # get "files/*path", to: "files#show" # get "others/*rest", to: "others#show" # get "*catchall", to: "public_files#show" # last catchall route for Jets # def proxy_detection(route_path, actual_path) # drop the proxy_segment leading_path = route_path.split('/')[0..-2].join('/') # get "*catchall", to: "public_files#show" if leading_path.empty? # This is the last catchall route "*catchall" return true # always return true here because the entire path # will always match end # Other types of wildcard route: # # get "files/*path", to: "files#show" # get "others/*rest", to: "others#show" unless leading_path.ends_with?('/') # Ensure trailing slash to make pattern matching stricter leading_path = "#{leading_path}/" end pattern = "^#{leading_path}" regexp = !!regexp.match(actual_path) # could be true or false end def capture_detection(route_path, actual_path) # changes path to a string used for a regexp # posts/:id/edit => posts\/(.*)\/edit regexp_string = route_path.split('/').map do |s| s.include?(':') ? Jets::Router::Route::CAPTURE_REGEX : s end.join('\/') # make sure beginning and end of the string matches regexp_string = "^#{regexp_string}$" regexp = !!regexp.match(actual_path) # could be true or false end def router return @router if @router @router = Jets.application.routes end end end