#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/puppettest' require 'puppet' require 'puppet/util/metric' require 'puppettest' require 'puppet/type' class TestMetric < PuppetTest::TestCase confine "Missing RRDtool library" => Puppet.features.rrd? include PuppetTest def gendata totalmax = 1000 changemax = 1000 eventmax = 10 maxdiff = 10 types = [Puppet.type(:file), Puppet.type(:package), Puppet.type(:package)] data = [:total, :managed, :outofsync, :changed, :totalchanges] events = [:file_changed, :package_installed, :service_started] # if this is the first set of data points... typedata = Hash.new { |typehash,type| typehash[type] = Hash.new(0) } eventdata = Hash.new(0) typedata = {} typedata[:total] = rand(totalmax) typedata[:managed] = rand(typedata[:total]) typedata[:outofsync] = rand(typedata[:managed]) typedata[:changed] = rand(typedata[:outofsync]) typedata[:totalchanges] = rand(changemax) events.each { |event| eventdata[event] = rand(eventmax) } return {:typedata => typedata, :eventdata => eventdata} end def rundata(report, time) assert_nothing_raised { gendata.each do |name, data| report.newmetric(name, data) end report.metrics.each { |n, m| m.store(time) } } end def setup super Puppet[:rrdgraph] = true end def test_fakedata report = Puppet::Transaction::Report.new time = Time.now.to_i start = time 10.times { rundata(report, time) time += 300 } rundata(report, time) report.metrics.each do |n, m| m.graph end File.open(File.join(Puppet[:rrddir],"index.html"),"w") { |of| of.puts "" report.metrics.each { |name, metric| of.puts "
" % metric.name } } end end