require "rails/generators/migration" require "generators/enja/helper" module Enja module Generators class InstallGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration include Enja::Generators::Helper source_root File.expand_path("../templates", __FILE__) class_option :model, optional: true, type: :string, banner: "model", desc: "Specify the model class name if you will use anything other than `User`", default: "User" class_option :attribute, optional: true, type: :string, banner: "attribute", desc: "Specify the attribute name if you will use anything other than `role`", default: "role" def prepare_resource_model generate "model", "#{model_class_name}" unless model_class_name.safe_constantize end def prepare_migration migration_template "migration.erb", "db/migrate/add_role_to_user_resources.rb", migration_class_name: migration_class_name end def inject_resource_model inject_into_file model_path, after: "class #{model_class_name} < ApplicationRecord\n" do " define_role_field :#{attribute_name}, in: [:guest, :staff, :admin], default: :guest\n" end end end end end