# adhearsion-asr Adds speech recognition support to Adhearsion as a plugin. Overrides `CallController#ask` and `#menu` to pass all recognition responsibility to the recognizer instead of invoking it multiple times. ## Features * #ask API from Adhearsion core supporting digit limits, terminators, timeouts, inline grammars and grammar references * #menu API from Adhearsion core supporting DTMF input and recognition failure ## Install Add the following entry to your Adhearsion application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'adhearsion-asr' ``` Be sure to check out the plugin config by running `rake config:show` and adjust to your requirements. By default, this plugin overrides Adhearsion core's implementations of #ask and #menu with its own. To turn off this behaviour, set the `auto_include` option (see `rake config:show`) to false and include manually in controllers like so: ```ruby class MyController < Adhearsion::CallController include AdhearsionASR::ControllerMethods end ``` ## Examples ### Simple collection of 5 DTMF digits ```ruby class MyController < Adhearsion::CallController def run result = ask limit: 5 case result.status when :match speak "You entered #{result.utterance}" when :noinput speak "Hellooo? Anyone there?" when :nomatch speak "That doesn't make sense." end end end ``` ### Collecting an arbitrary number of digits until '#' is received: ```ruby class MyController < Adhearsion::CallController def run result = ask terminator: '#' case result.status when :match speak "You entered #{result.utterance}" when :noinput speak "Hellooo? Anyone there?" when :nomatch speak "That doesn't make sense." end end end ``` ### Collecting input from an inline speech grammar ```ruby class MyController < Adhearsion::CallController def run grammar = RubySpeech::GRXML.draw root: 'main', language: 'en-us', mode: :voice do rule id: 'main', scope: 'public' do one_of do item { 'yes' } item { 'no' } end end end result = ask grammar: grammar, input_options: { mode: :speech } case result.status when :match speak "You said #{result.utterance}" when :noinput speak "Hellooo? Anyone there?" when :nomatch speak "That doesn't make sense." end end end ``` ### Collecting input from a speech grammar by URL ```ruby class MyController < Adhearsion::CallController def run result = ask grammar_url: 'http://example.com/mygrammar.grxml', input_options: { mode: :speech } case result.status when :match speak "You said #{result.utterance}" when :noinput speak "Hellooo? Anyone there?" when :nomatch speak "That doesn't make sense." end end end ``` ### Executing a DTMF menu ```ruby class MyController < Adhearsion::CallController def run answer menu "Where can we take you today?", timeout: 8.seconds, tries: 3 do match 1, BooController match '2', MyOtherController match(3, 4) { pass YetAnotherController } match 5, FooController match 6..10 do |dialed| say_dialed dialed end timeout { do_this_on_timeout } invalid do invoke InvalidController end failure do speak 'Goodbye' hangup end end speak "This code gets executed unless #pass is used" end def say_dialed(dialed) speak "#{dialed} was dialed" end def do_this_on_timeout speak 'Timeout' end end ``` Check out the [API documentation](http://rdoc.info/gems/adhearsion-asr/frames) for more details. ## Links: * [Source](https://github.com/adhearsion/adhearsion-asr) * [Documentation](http://rdoc.info/gems/adhearsion-asr/frames) * [Bug Tracker](https://github.com/adhearsion/adhearsion-asr/issues) ## Author [Ben Langfeld](https://github.com/benlangfeld) ### Contributions Adhearsion has a set of [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/adhearsion/adhearsion/wiki/Contributing) which help to smooth the contribution process. ### Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Adhearsion Foundation Inc. MIT LICENSE (see LICENSE for details).