require "manageiq/cross_repo/repository" require "active_support/core_ext/class/subclasses" require "active_support/core_ext/object/blank" Dir.glob(File.join(__dir__, "runner", "*")).sort.each { |f| require f } module ManageIQ::CrossRepo class Runner attr_reader :test_repo, :core_repo, :gem_repos, :test_suite, :script_cmd def initialize(test_repo:, repos:, test_suite: nil, script_cmd: nil) @test_repo = || "ManageIQ/manageiq@master") core_repos, @gem_repos = Array(repos).collect { |repo| }.partition(&:core?) @core_repo = core_repos.first if @test_repo.core? raise ArgumentError, "You cannot pass a different core repo when running a core test" if @core_repo.present? && @core_repo != @test_repo @core_repo = @test_repo else @core_repo ||="ManageIQ/manageiq@master") end @script_cmd = script_cmd.presence @test_suite = test_suite.presence end def run announce_run test_repo.ensure_clone core_repo.ensure_clone unless test_repo.core? prepare_gem_repos run_tests end private def announce_run puts "\e[36m Starting cross repo for:\e[0m" puts " \e[36mtest repo: #{test_repo.identifier}\e[0m" puts " \e[36mcore repo: #{core_repo.identifier}\e[0m" gem_repos.each do |gr| puts " \e[36mgem repo: #{gr.identifier}\e[0m" end end def bundle_path app_path =["TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR"].presence || Pathname.pwd) app_path.join("vendor", "bundle") end def run_tests with_test_env do test_script = run_test_script(test_script) end end def env_vars {"MANAGEIQ_REPO" => core_repo.path.to_s, "BUNDLE_PATH" => bundle_path.to_s, "TEST_SUITE" => test_suite} end def with_test_env Dir.chdir(test_repo.path) do Bundler.with_unbundled_env do yield end end end def system!(*args) if ENV["DEBUG"] repo = Dir.pwd.split("/").last(2).join("/") puts "\e[36mDEBUG: #{repo} - #{args.join(" ")}\e[0m" end Process.wait(spawn(*args)) exit($?.exitstatus) unless $?.success? end def script_source Base.descendants.detect(&:available?) end def generate_bundler_d bundler_d_path = core_repo.path.join("bundler.d") override_path = bundler_d_path.join("overrides.rb") require "fileutils" if gem_repos.empty? FileUtils.rm_f override_path else content = do |gem| # If there is a gemspec get the name of the gem from that instead of the repository gem_name = gem.path.glob("*.gemspec")&.first&.basename(".gemspec") || gem.repo "ensure_gem \"#{gem_name}\", :path => \"#{gem.path}\"" end.join("\n") FileUtils.mkdir_p(bundler_d_path) File.write(override_path, content) end end def prepare_gem_repos gem_repos.each { |gem_repo| gem_repo.ensure_clone } generate_bundler_d end def run_test_script(test_script) r, w = IO.pipe w.write(test_script) w.close system!(env_vars, "/bin/bash -s", :in => r, :out => $stdout, :err => $stderr) end end end