module Telegram module Bot class UpdatesController # Most methods are taken from ActionController::Instrumentation, # some are slightly modified. module Instrumentation class << self def prepended(base) base.send :config_accessor, :logger base.extend ClassMethods end def instrument(action, *args, &block) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument( "#{action}", *args, &block ) end end def process_action(*args) raw_payload = { controller:, action: action_name, update: update, } Instrumentation.instrument(:start_processing, raw_payload.dup) Instrumentation.instrument(:process_action, raw_payload) do |payload| begin super ensure append_info_to_payload(payload) end end end def respond_with(type, *) Instrumentation.instrument(:respond_with, type: type) { super } end %i[answer_callback_query answer_inline_query].each do |type| define_method(type) do |*args| Instrumentation.instrument(:respond_with, type: type) { super(*args) } end end private # A hook invoked every time a before callback is halted. def halted_callback_hook(filter) Instrumentation.instrument(:halted_callback, filter: filter) end # A hook which allows you to clean up any time taken into account in # views wrongly, like database querying time. # # def cleanup_view_runtime # super - time_taken_in_something_expensive # end # # :api: plugin def cleanup_view_runtime #:nodoc: yield end # Every time after an action is processed, this method is invoked # with the payload, so you can add more information. # :api: plugin def append_info_to_payload(_payload) #:nodoc: end module ClassMethods # A hook which allows other frameworks to log what happened during # controller process action. This method should return an array # with the messages to be added. # :api: plugin def log_process_action(_payload) #:nodoc: [] end end end end end end