module MongoModel module Associations class HasManyByForeignKey < Base::Definition def foreign_key options[:foreign_key] || :"#{inverse_of}_id" end def inverse_of options[:inverse_of] || owner.to_s.downcase.demodulize.singularize.to_sym end def define! raise "has_many :by => :foreign_key is only valid on Document" unless owner.ancestors.include?(Document) super end methods do |association| define_method( { associations[].proxy } define_method("#{}=") { |obj| associations[].replace(obj) } end class Association < Base::Association delegate :foreign_key, :inverse_of, :to => :definition def find_target send_to_klass_with_scope(:all) + new_documents end def build(*args, &block) doc =*args, &block) new_documents << doc doc end def create(*args, &block) klass.create(*args) do |doc| if doc.respond_to?("#{inverse_of}=") doc.send("#{inverse_of}=", instance) else doc[foreign_key] = end if block end end def create!(*args, &block) klass.create!(*args) do |doc| if doc.respond_to?("#{inverse_of}=") doc.send("#{inverse_of}=", instance) else doc[foreign_key] = end if block end end def replace(array) ensure_class(array) array.each { |doc| assign(doc) } super end def assign(doc) if doc.respond_to?("#{inverse_of}=") doc.send("#{inverse_of}=", instance) else doc[foreign_key] = end unless doc.new_record? end def unset(doc) if doc.respond_to?("#{inverse_of}=") doc.send("#{inverse_of}=", nil) if doc.send(inverse_of) == instance else doc[foreign_key] = nil if doc[foreign_key] == end unless doc.new_record? end def send_to_klass_with_scope(*args, &block) scope_options = definition.scope_options fk_conditions = { foreign_key => } klass.instance_eval do with_scope(:find => { :conditions => fk_conditions }) do with_scope(:find => scope_options) do send(*args, &block) end end end end protected def new_documents @new_documents ||= [] end def ensure_class(array) array.is_a?(Array) ? array.each { |i| super(i) } : super end end class Proxy < Base::Proxy # Pass these methods to the association class rather than the Array target OVERRIDE_METHODS = [ :find ] delegate :ensure_class, :to => :association def build(*args, &block) doc =*args, &block) self << doc doc end def create(*args, &block) doc = association.create(*args, &block) self << doc doc end def create!(*args, &block) doc = association.create!(*args, &block) self << doc doc end def []=(index, doc) ensure_class(doc) association.unset(target[index]) if target[index] association.assign(doc) super if loaded? self end def <<(*documents) documents.flatten! ensure_class(documents) documents.each { |doc| association.assign(doc) } super if loaded? self end alias_method :push, :<< alias_method :concat, :<< def insert(index, doc) ensure_class(doc) association.assign(doc) super if loaded? self end def unshift(*documents) ensure_class(documents) documents.each { |doc| association.assign(doc) } super if loaded? self end def delete(doc) association.unset(doc) super self end def delete_at(index) association.unset(target[index]) super self end def ids { |doc| } end private def method_missing(method_id, *args, &block) if target.respond_to?(method_id) && !OVERRIDE_METHODS.include?(method_id.to_sym) super(method_id, *args, &block) else association.send_to_klass_with_scope(method_id, *args, &block) end end end end end end