module Vault::Test::HTMLHelpers
# Save and open an HTML document in your browser.
# @param html [String] The page to open or nil to fetch it from
# `last_response.body` if testing a Sinatra app.
def save_and_open_page(html = nil, name = 'page.html', i = 1)
html ||= last_response.body
name = "page_#{i=i+1}.html" while File.exist? name, 'w') { |f| f << html }
system "open #{name}"
# Parse an HTML document into a `Nokogiri::HTML` instance and store it as
# the current document.
def set_doc(body)
@doc = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
# Get the current document or parse `last_response.body` into a
# `Nokogiri::HTML` instance.
# @return [Nokogiri::HTML] The current HTML document.
def doc
@doc || Nokogiri::HTML(last_response.body)
# Get a list of text matches in the current document for a CSS selector.
# @param selector [String] A CSS selector to match elements in the document
# with.
# @return [Array] A list of matching elements from the current document.
def css(selector)
# Assert that at least one element in the current document matches the CSS
# selector.
# @param selector [String] A CSS selector to match elements in the document
# with.
def assert_includes_css(selector)
exists = doc.css(selector).first
assert exists, "Last response must include #{selector}"
# Assert that the content in the first element matching the CSS selector
# matches the specified value.
# @param selector [String] A CSS selector to match elements in the document
# with.
# @param content [String] The content to match in the first matching
# element.
def assert_css(selector, content)
e = css(selector).first
assert e, "Element not found: #{selector}"
assert_includes e.content, content