# This configuration was generated by # `rubocop --auto-gen-config` # on 2023-03-21 11:48:56 UTC using RuboCop version 1.48.1. # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base. # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again. # Offense count: 6 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, AllowedGems, Include. # SupportedStyles: Gemfile, gems.rb, gemspec # Include: **/*.gemspec, **/Gemfile, **/gems.rb Gemspec/DevelopmentDependencies: Exclude: - 'maid.gemspec' # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: Severity, Include. # Include: **/*.gemspec Gemspec/DuplicatedAssignment: Exclude: - 'maid.gemspec' # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: AllowComments, AllowEmptyLambdas. Lint/EmptyBlock: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/maid_spec.rb' # Offense count: 1 Lint/MissingSuper: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/rake/task.rb' # Offense count: 3 Lint/UselessAssignment: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' # Offense count: 7 # Configuration parameters: AllowedMethods, AllowedPatterns, CountRepeatedAttributes. Metrics/AbcSize: Max: 33 # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne, AllowedMethods, AllowedPatterns, inherit_mode. # AllowedMethods: refine Metrics/BlockLength: Max: 34 # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne. Metrics/ClassLength: Max: 128 # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: AllowedMethods, AllowedPatterns. Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: Max: 10 # Offense count: 15 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne, AllowedMethods, AllowedPatterns. Metrics/MethodLength: Max: 27 # Offense count: 4 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne. Metrics/ModuleLength: Max: 753 # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: AllowedMethods, AllowedPatterns. Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: Max: 10 # Offense count: 3 # Configuration parameters: ForbiddenDelimiters. # ForbiddenDelimiters: (?i-mx:(^|\s)(EO[A-Z]{1}|END)(\s|$)) Naming/HeredocDelimiterNaming: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/app.rb' # Offense count: 5 # Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, ForbiddenPrefixes, AllowedMethods, MethodDefinitionMacros. # NamePrefix: is_, has_, have_ # ForbiddenPrefixes: is_, has_, have_ # AllowedMethods: is_a? # MethodDefinitionMacros: define_method, define_singleton_method Naming/PredicateName: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' - 'lib/maid/platform.rb' - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' # Offense count: 1 RSpec/BeforeAfterAll: Exclude: - 'spec/spec_helper.rb' - 'spec/rails_helper.rb' - 'spec/support/**/*.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/rake/task_spec.rb' # Offense count: 17 # Configuration parameters: Prefixes, AllowedPatterns. # Prefixes: when, with, without RSpec/ContextWording: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/rake/task_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/tools_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/trash_migration_spec.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: IgnoredMetadata. RSpec/DescribeClass: Exclude: - '**/spec/features/**/*' - '**/spec/requests/**/*' - '**/spec/routing/**/*' - '**/spec/system/**/*' - '**/spec/views/**/*' - 'spec/dependency_spec.rb' # Offense count: 59 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: SkipBlocks, EnforcedStyle. # SupportedStyles: described_class, explicit RSpec/DescribedClass: Exclude: - 'spec/dependency_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/app_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/maid_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/rule_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/tools_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/user_agent_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid_spec.rb' # Offense count: 8 # Configuration parameters: CountAsOne. RSpec/ExampleLength: Max: 8 # Offense count: 1 RSpec/ExpectInHook: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/tools_spec.rb' # Offense count: 5 # Configuration parameters: AssignmentOnly. RSpec/InstanceVariable: Exclude: - 'spec/dependency_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid_spec.rb' # Offense count: 57 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. # SupportedStyles: have_received, receive RSpec/MessageSpies: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/app_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/maid_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/rake/single_rule_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/rake/task_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/tools_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid_spec.rb' # Offense count: 2 RSpec/MultipleDescribes: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/numeric_extensions_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid_spec.rb' # Offense count: 42 RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Max: 4 # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: AllowSubject. RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers: Max: 7 # Offense count: 16 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, IgnoreSharedExamples. # SupportedStyles: always, named_only RSpec/NamedSubject: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/platform_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/trash_migration_spec.rb' # Offense count: 3 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: Strict, EnforcedStyle, AllowedExplicitMatchers. # SupportedStyles: inflected, explicit RSpec/PredicateMatcher: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/tools_spec.rb' # Offense count: 13 RSpec/StubbedMock: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/app_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/maid_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/rake/single_rule_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/tools_spec.rb' # Offense count: 1 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: . # SupportedStyles: constant, string RSpec/VerifiedDoubleReference: EnforcedStyle: string # Offense count: 20 # Configuration parameters: IgnoreNameless, IgnoreSymbolicNames. RSpec/VerifiedDoubles: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/maid/app_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/maid_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/rake/single_rule_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/tools_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/trash_migration_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid_spec.rb' # Offense count: 1 # This cop supports safe autocorrection (--autocorrect). Rake/Desc: Exclude: - 'Rakefile' # Offense count: 11 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. # SupportedStyles: nested, compact Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/app.rb' - 'lib/maid/downloading.rb' - 'lib/maid/maid.rb' - 'lib/maid/numeric_extensions.rb' - 'lib/maid/platform.rb' - 'lib/maid/repeat.rb' - 'lib/maid/rule.rb' - 'lib/maid/rule_container.rb' - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' - 'lib/maid/user_agent.rb' - 'lib/maid/watch.rb' # Offense count: 1 Style/ClassVars: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/maid.rb' # Offense count: 1 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). Style/CollectionCompact: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/maid.rb' # Offense count: 12 # Configuration parameters: AllowedConstants. Style/Documentation: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' - 'test/**/*' - 'lib/maid.rb' - 'lib/maid/app.rb' - 'lib/maid/downloading.rb' - 'lib/maid/numeric_extensions.rb' - 'lib/maid/platform.rb' - 'lib/maid/rake/single_rule.rb' - 'lib/maid/rake/task.rb' - 'lib/maid/repeat.rb' - 'lib/maid/rule.rb' - 'lib/maid/rule_container.rb' - 'lib/maid/trash_migration.rb' - 'lib/maid/watch.rb' # Offense count: 34 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. # SupportedStyles: always, always_true, never Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Enabled: false # Offense count: 2 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). Style/GlobalStdStream: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/app.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/app_spec.rb' # Offense count: 4 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: InverseMethods, InverseBlocks. Style/InverseMethods: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' # Offense count: 2 Style/MultilineBlockChain: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' # Offense count: 1 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. # SupportedStyles: literals, strict Style/MutableConstant: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/rake/task.rb' # Offense count: 6 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, AllowedMethods, AllowedPatterns. # SupportedStyles: predicate, comparison Style/NumericPredicate: Exclude: - 'spec/**/*' - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' # Offense count: 3 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: ConvertCodeThatCanStartToReturnNil, AllowedMethods, MaxChainLength. # AllowedMethods: present?, blank?, presence, try, try! Style/SafeNavigation: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/rake/task.rb' - 'lib/maid/rule_container.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/app_spec.rb' # Offense count: 2 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). Style/SlicingWithRange: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' # Offense count: 1 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: RequireEnglish. # SupportedStyles: use_perl_names, use_english_names, use_builtin_english_names Style/SpecialGlobalVars: EnforcedStyle: use_perl_names # Offense count: 18 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: Mode. Style/StringConcatenation: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' - 'lib/maid/trash_migration.rb' - 'spec/dependency_spec.rb' - 'spec/lib/maid/tools_spec.rb' # Offense count: 1 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). Style/StructInheritance: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/rule.rb' # Offense count: 4 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). # Configuration parameters: AllowMethodsWithArguments, AllowedMethods, AllowedPatterns, AllowComments. # AllowedMethods: define_method Style/SymbolProc: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/tools.rb' - 'spec/dependency_spec.rb' # Offense count: 4 # This cop supports unsafe autocorrection (--autocorrect-all). Style/ZeroLengthPredicate: Exclude: - 'lib/maid/tools.rb'