# # Author:: Thom May () # Author:: Patrick Wright () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2015 Chef, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "mixlib/install/util" require "mixlib/install/generator/powershell" require "cgi" module Mixlib class Install class ScriptGenerator attr_accessor :version attr_accessor :powershell attr_accessor :prerelease attr_accessor :nightlies attr_accessor :install_flags attr_accessor :endpoint attr_accessor :root attr_accessor :use_sudo attr_reader :sudo_command def sudo_command=(cmd) if cmd.nil? @use_sudo = false else @sudo_command = cmd end end attr_accessor :http_proxy attr_accessor :https_proxy attr_accessor :omnibus_url attr_accessor :install_msi_url VALID_INSTALL_OPTS = %w{omnibus_url endpoint http_proxy https_proxy install_flags install_msi_url nightlies prerelease project root use_sudo sudo_command} def initialize(version, powershell = false, opts = {}) @version = (version || "latest").to_s.downcase @powershell = powershell @http_proxy = nil @https_proxy = nil @install_flags = nil @prerelease = false @nightlies = false @endpoint = "metadata" @omnibus_url = "https://www.chef.io/chef/install.sh" @use_sudo = true @sudo_command = "sudo -E" @root = if powershell "$env:systemdrive\\opscode\\chef" else "/opt/chef" end parse_opts(opts) end def install_command vars = if powershell install_command_vars_for_powershell else install_command_vars_for_bourne end shell_code_from_file(vars) end private # Generates the install command variables for Bourne shell-based # platforms. # # @return [String] shell variable lines # @api private def install_command_vars_for_bourne flags = %w{latest true nightlies}.include?(version) ? "" : "-v #{CGI.escape(version)}" flags << " " << "-n" if nightlies flags << " " << "-p" if prerelease flags << " " << install_flags if install_flags [ shell_var("chef_omnibus_root", root), shell_var("chef_omnibus_url", omnibus_url), shell_var("install_flags", flags.strip), shell_var("pretty_version", Util.pretty_version(version)), shell_var("sudo_sh", sudo("sh")), shell_var("version", version), ].join("\n") end # Generates the install command variables for PowerShell-based platforms. # # @param version [String] version string # @param metadata_url [String] The metadata URL for the Chef Omnitruck API server # @param omnibus_root [String] The base directory the project is installed to # @return [String] shell variable lines # @api private def install_command_vars_for_powershell d_flag = install_flags.nil? ? nil : install_flags.match(/-download_directory (\S+)/) download_directory = d_flag.nil? ? "$env:TEMP" : d_flag[1] [ shell_var("chef_omnibus_root", root), shell_var("msi", "#{download_directory}\\chef-#{version}.msi"), shell_var("download_directory", download_directory), ].tap do |vars| if install_msi_url vars << shell_var("chef_msi_url", install_msi_url) else vars << shell_var("chef_metadata_url", windows_metadata_url) vars << shell_var("pretty_version", Util.pretty_version(version)) vars << shell_var("version", version) end end.join("\n") end def validate_opts!(opt) err_msg = ["#{opt} is not a valid option", "valid options are #{VALID_INSTALL_OPTS.join(" ")}"].join(",") raise ArgumentError, err_msg unless VALID_INSTALL_OPTS.include?(opt.to_s) end def parse_opts(opts) opts.each do |opt, setting| validate_opts!(opt) case opt.to_s when "project", "endpoint" self.endpoint = metadata_endpoint_from_project(setting) else send("#{opt.to_sym}=", setting) end end end def shell_code_from_file(vars) fn = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w{.. .. .. support}, "install_command" ) code = Util.shell_code_from_file( vars, fn, powershell, http_proxy: http_proxy, https_proxy: https_proxy ) powershell ? powershell_prefix.concat(code) : code end # Prefixes the PowerShell install script with helpers and shell vars # to detect the platform version and architecture. # # @return [String] PowerShell helpers and shell vars for platform info def powershell_prefix [ Mixlib::Install::Generator::PowerShell.get_script("helpers.ps1"), "$platform_architecture = Get-PlatformArchitecture", "$platform_version = Get-PlatformVersion", ].join("\n") end # Builds a shell variable assignment string for the required shell type. # # @param name [String] variable name # @param value [String] variable value # @return [String] shell variable assignment # @api private def shell_var(name, value) Util.shell_var(name, value, powershell) end # @return the correct Chef Omnitruck API metadata endpoint, based on project def metadata_endpoint_from_project(project = nil) if project.nil? || project.casecmp("chef") == 0 "metadata" else "metadata-#{project.downcase}" end end def windows_metadata_url base = if omnibus_url =~ %r{/install.sh$} "#{File.dirname(omnibus_url)}/" end url = "#{base}#{endpoint}" url << "?p=windows&m=$platform_architecture&pv=$platform_version" url << "&v=#{CGI.escape(version)}" unless %w{latest true nightlies}.include?(version) url << "&prerelease=true" if prerelease url << "&nightlies=true" if nightlies url end # Conditionally prefixes a command with a sudo command. # # @param command [String] command to be prefixed # @return [String] the command, conditionaly prefixed with sudo # @api private def sudo(script) use_sudo ? "#{sudo_command} #{script}" : script end end end end