module Architect4r # has_node :node, AccountNode, :sync => [:firstname, :lastname] module HasNode # Easier integration pattern extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def has_node(attr_name, model_name, options={}) #if self.respond_to?(:after_create) after_create :"architect4r_create_#{attr_name}" after_update :"architect4r_sync_#{attr_name}" after_destroy :"architect4r_destroy_#{attr_name}" #end # Create a neo4j node define_method("architect4r_create_#{attr_name}") do return nil unless new_node = new_node.write_attribute(:architect4r_sync_id, options[:sync].to_a.each do |prop| new_node.send("#{prop}=", self.send(prop)) end if new_node else nil end instance_variable_set("@#{attr_name}", new_node) end # Create a getter method define_method(attr_name) do # Only available if the database record is already created return nil unless # Get or create the graph db node the_node = instance_variable_get("@#{attr_name}") the_node ||= begin linked_node = model_name.find_by_cypher("start s=node(#{}) match s<-[:model_type]-d where d.architect4r_sync_id = #{} return d", "d").first linked_node ||= self.send("architect4r_create_#{attr_name}") instance_variable_set("@#{attr_name}", linked_node) end end define_method("architect4r_destroy_#{attr_name}") do self.send("#{attr_name}").destroy end # Keep the graph node in sync, so it reflects the name # define_method("architect4r_sync_#{attr_name}") do changed = false options[:sync].to_a.each do |prop| if self.node.send("#{prop}") != self.send(prop) self.node.send("#{prop}=", self.send(prop)) changed = true end end if changed end end end end end end