# encoding: utf-8 require 'logstash/outputs/base' require 'logstash/namespace' require 'concurrent' require 'stud/interval' require 'java' require 'logstash-output-charrington_jars' require 'json' require 'bigdecimal' # Write events to a SQL engine, using JDBC. # # It is upto the user of the plugin to correctly configure the plugin. This # includes correctly crafting the SQL statement, and matching the number of # parameters correctly. # class LogStash::Outputs::Charrington < LogStash::Outputs::Base concurrency :shared STRFTIME_FMT = '%Y-%m-%d %T.%L'.freeze RETRYABLE_SQLSTATE_CLASSES = [ # Classes of retryable SQLSTATE codes # Not all in the class will be retryable. However, this is the best that # we've got right now. # If a custom state code is required, set it in retry_sql_states. '08', # Connection Exception '24', # Invalid Cursor State (Maybe retry-able in some circumstances) '25', # Invalid Transaction State '40', # Transaction Rollback '53', # Insufficient Resources '54', # Program Limit Exceeded (MAYBE) '55', # Object Not In Prerequisite State '57', # Operator Intervention '58', # System Error ].freeze config_name 'charrington' # Driver class - Reintroduced for https://github.com/theangryangel/logstash-output-jdbc/issues/26 config :driver_class, validate: :string # Does the JDBC driver support autocommit? config :driver_auto_commit, validate: :boolean, default: true, required: true # Where to find the jar # Defaults to not required, and to the original behaviour config :driver_jar_path, validate: :string, required: false # jdbc connection string config :connection_string, validate: :string, required: true # jdbc username - optional, maybe in the connection string config :username, validate: :string, required: false # jdbc password - optional, maybe in the connection string config :password, validate: :string, required: false # [ "insert into table (message) values(?)", "%{message}" ] config :statement, validate: :array, required: true # If this is an unsafe statement, use event.sprintf # This also has potential performance penalties due to having to create a # new statement for each event, rather than adding to the batch and issuing # multiple inserts in 1 go config :unsafe_statement, validate: :boolean, default: false # Number of connections in the pool to maintain config :max_pool_size, validate: :number, default: 5 # Connection timeout config :connection_timeout, validate: :number, default: 10000 # We buffer a certain number of events before flushing that out to SQL. # This setting controls how many events will be buffered before sending a # batch of events. config :flush_size, validate: :number, default: 1000 # Set initial interval in seconds between retries. Doubled on each retry up to `retry_max_interval` config :retry_initial_interval, validate: :number, default: 2 # Maximum time between retries, in seconds config :retry_max_interval, validate: :number, default: 128 # Any additional custom, retryable SQL state codes. # Suitable for configuring retryable custom JDBC SQL state codes. config :retry_sql_states, validate: :array, default: [] # Run a connection test on start. config :connection_test, validate: :boolean, default: true config :connection_test_query, validate: :string, required: false # Maximum number of sequential failed attempts, before we stop retrying. # If set to < 1, then it will infinitely retry. # At the default values this is a little over 10 minutes config :max_flush_exceptions, validate: :number, default: 10 config :max_repeat_exceptions, obsolete: 'This has been replaced by max_flush_exceptions - which behaves slightly differently. Please check the documentation.' config :max_repeat_exceptions_time, obsolete: 'This is no longer required' config :idle_flush_time, obsolete: 'No longer necessary under Logstash v5' # Allows the whole event to be converted to JSON config :enable_event_as_json_keyword, validate: :boolean, default: false # The magic key used to convert the whole event to JSON. If you need this, and you have the default in your events, you can use this to change your magic keyword. config :event_as_json_keyword, validate: :string, default: '@event' def register @logger.info('JDBC - Starting up') load_jar_files! @stopping = Concurrent::AtomicBoolean.new(false) @logger.warn('JDBC - Flush size is set to > 1000') if @flush_size > 1000 if @statement.empty? @logger.error('JDBC - No statement provided. Configuration error.') end if !@unsafe_statement && @statement.length < 2 @logger.error("JDBC - Statement has no parameters. No events will be inserted into SQL as you're not passing any event data. Likely configuration error.") end setup_and_test_pool! end def multi_receive(events) events.each_slice(@flush_size) do |slice| retrying_submit(slice) end end def close @stopping.make_true @pool.close super end private def setup_and_test_pool! # Setup pool @pool = Java::ComZaxxerHikari::HikariDataSource.new @pool.setAutoCommit(@driver_auto_commit) @pool.setDriverClassName(@driver_class) if @driver_class @pool.setJdbcUrl(@connection_string) @pool.setUsername(@username) if @username @pool.setPassword(@password) if @password @pool.setMaximumPoolSize(@max_pool_size) @pool.setConnectionTimeout(@connection_timeout) validate_connection_timeout = (@connection_timeout / 1000) / 2 if !@connection_test_query.nil? and @connection_test_query.length > 1 @pool.setConnectionTestQuery(@connection_test_query) @pool.setConnectionInitSql(@connection_test_query) end return unless @connection_test # Test connection test_connection = @pool.getConnection unless test_connection.isValid(validate_connection_timeout) @logger.warn('JDBC - Connection is not reporting as validate. Either connection is invalid, or driver is not getting the appropriate response.') end test_connection.close end def load_jar_files! # Load jar from driver path unless @driver_jar_path.nil? raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, 'JDBC - Could not find jar file at given path. Check config.' unless File.exist? @driver_jar_path require @driver_jar_path return end # Revert original behaviour of loading from vendor directory # if no path given jarpath = if ENV['LOGSTASH_HOME'] File.join(ENV['LOGSTASH_HOME'], '/vendor/jar/jdbc/*.jar') else File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../vendor/jar/jdbc/*.jar') end @logger.trace('JDBC - jarpath', path: jarpath) jars = Dir[jarpath] raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, 'JDBC - No jars found. Have you read the README?' if jars.empty? jars.each do |jar| @logger.trace('JDBC - Loaded jar', jar: jar) require jar end end def create_statement(event) event = event.to_hash hashed = event.delete_if {|k, _v| k.start_with?("@") || k == 'host' || k == 'path' } columns = '(' + hashed.keys.join(', ') + ')' value_placeholders = ('?' * hashed.length).split('') values = '(' + value_placeholders.join(', ') + ')' table_name = create_table_name(event) return "INSERT INTO #{table_name} #{columns} VALUES #{values}", hashed.keys end def create_table_name(event) if event.nil? || event.to_hash["event"].nil? raise TableNameNil.new("Table name is nil", event) end event.to_hash["event"].to_s.strip.gsub(/[ -]+/, "_").downcase end def prepared_statement(keys) keys.map do |key| turn_into_wrapped(key) end end def turn_into_wrapped(key) "[#{key}]" end def submit(events) connection = nil statement = nil events_to_retry = [] begin connection = @pool.getConnection rescue => e log_jdbc_exception(e, true, nil) # If a connection is not available, then the server has gone away # We're not counting that towards our retry count. return events, false end events.each do |event| begin ins, columns = create_statement(event) keys_we_care_about = prepared_statement(columns) statement = connection.prepareStatement( ins ) statement = add_statement_event_params(statement, event, keys_we_care_about) statement.execute rescue TableNameNil => e @logger.error("#{e.message} event=#{e.event}") rescue => e @logger.error "Rescue from SQLException #{e.message}" create_statement = make_create_statement(event, columns) puts 'create_statement' puts create_statement statement = connection.prepareStatement( create_statement ) statement.execute @logger.debug('Created new Table.') events_to_retry.push(event) ensure statement.close unless statement.nil? end end connection.close unless connection.nil? return events_to_retry, true end def retrying_submit(actions) # Initially we submit the full list of actions submit_actions = actions count_as_attempt = true attempts = 1 sleep_interval = @retry_initial_interval while @stopping.false? and (submit_actions and !submit_actions.empty?) return if !submit_actions || submit_actions.empty? # If everything's a success we move along # We retry whatever didn't succeed submit_actions, count_as_attempt = submit(submit_actions) # Everything was a success! break if !submit_actions || submit_actions.empty? if @max_flush_exceptions > 0 and count_as_attempt == true attempts += 1 if attempts > @max_flush_exceptions @logger.error("JDBC - max_flush_exceptions has been reached. #{submit_actions.length} events have been unable to be sent to SQL and are being dropped. See previously logged exceptions for details.") break end end # If we're retrying the action sleep for the recommended interval # Double the interval for the next time through to achieve exponential backoff Stud.stoppable_sleep(sleep_interval) { @stopping.true? } sleep_interval = next_sleep_interval(sleep_interval) end end def make_create_statement(event, keys_we_care_about) columns = [] keys_we_care_about.each_with_index do |key, idx| wrapped = turn_into_wrapped(key) case event.get(wrapped) when Time, LogStash::Timestamp columns << "#{key} TIMESTAMP" when Integer columns << "#{key} BIGINT" when BigDecimal columns << "#{key} DECIMAL" when Float columns << "#{key} DOUBLE PRECISION" when String, Array, Hash columns << "#{key} VARCHAR" when true, false columns << "#{key} BOOLEAN" end end "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #{create_table_name(event)} (#{columns.join(', ')})" end def add_statement_event_params(statement, event, keys_we_care_about) keys_we_care_about.each_with_index do |key, idx| if @enable_event_as_json_keyword == true and key.is_a? String and key == @event_as_json_keyword value = event.to_json elsif key.is_a? String value = event.get(key) if value.nil? and key =~ /%\{/ value = event.sprintf(key) end else value = key end case value when Time statement.setString(idx + 1, value.strftime(STRFTIME_FMT)) when LogStash::Timestamp statement.setString(idx + 1, value.time.strftime(STRFTIME_FMT)) when Integer if value > 2147483647 or value < -2147483648 statement.setLong(idx + 1, value) else statement.setInt(idx + 1, value) end when BigDecimal statement.setBigDecimal(idx + 1, value.to_java) when Float statement.setFloat(idx + 1, value) when String statement.setString(idx + 1, value) when Array, Hash statement.setString(idx + 1, value.to_json) when true, false statement.setBoolean(idx + 1, value) else statement.setString(idx + 1, nil) end end statement end def retry_exception?(exception, event) retrying = (exception.respond_to? 'getSQLState' and (RETRYABLE_SQLSTATE_CLASSES.include?(exception.getSQLState.to_s[0,2]) or @retry_sql_states.include?(exception.getSQLState))) log_jdbc_exception(exception, retrying, event) retrying end def log_jdbc_exception(exception, retrying, event) current_exception = exception log_text = 'JDBC - Exception. ' + (retrying ? 'Retrying' : 'Not retrying') log_method = (retrying ? 'warn' : 'error') loop do # TODO reformat event output so that it only shows the fields necessary. @logger.send(log_method, log_text, :exception => current_exception, :statement => @statement[0], :event => event) if current_exception.respond_to? 'getNextException' current_exception = current_exception.getNextException() else current_exception = nil end break if current_exception == nil end end def next_sleep_interval(current_interval) doubled = current_interval * 2 doubled > @retry_max_interval ? @retry_max_interval : doubled end end # class LogStash::Outputs::Charrington class TableNameNil < StandardError attr_reader :event def initialize(msg='Table name is nil', event={}) @event = event super(msg) end end