module ActiveScaffold::Config class List < Base self.crud_type = :read def initialize(core_config) super # inherit from global scope # full configuration path is: defaults => global table => local table @per_page = self.class.per_page @page_links_window = self.class.page_links_window # originates here @sorting = @sorting.set_default_sorting(@core.model) # inherit from global scope @empty_field_text = self.class.empty_field_text @association_join_text = self.class.association_join_text @pagination = self.class.pagination @show_search_reset = true @mark_records = self.class.mark_records end # global level configuration # -------------------------- # how many records to show per page cattr_accessor :per_page @@per_page = 15 # how many page links around current page to show cattr_accessor :page_links_window @@page_links_window = 2 # what string to use when a field is empty cattr_accessor :empty_field_text @@empty_field_text = '-' # what string to use to join records from plural associations cattr_accessor :association_join_text @@association_join_text = ', ' # What kind of pagination to use: # * true: The usual pagination # * :infinite: Treat the source as having an infinite number of pages (i.e. don't count the records; useful for large tables where counting is slow and we don't really care anyway) # * false: Disable pagination cattr_accessor :pagination @@pagination = true # Add a checkbox in front of each record to mark them and use them with a batch action later cattr_accessor :mark_records # instance-level configuration # ---------------------------- # provides access to the list of columns specifically meant for the Table to use def columns self.columns = @core.columns._inheritable unless @columns # lazy evaluation @columns end public :columns= # how many rows to show at once attr_accessor :per_page # how many page links around current page to show attr_accessor :page_links_window # What kind of pagination to use: # * true: The usual pagination # * :infinite: Treat the source as having an infinite number of pages (i.e. don't count the records; useful for large tables where counting is slow and we don't really care anyway) # * false: Disable pagination attr_accessor :pagination # what string to use when a field is empty attr_accessor :empty_field_text # what string to use to join records from plural associations attr_accessor :association_join_text # show a link to reset the search next to filtered message attr_accessor :show_search_reset # Add a checkbox in front of each record to mark them and use them with a batch action later attr_accessor :mark_records # the default sorting. should be an array of hashes of {column_name => direction}, e.g. [{:a => 'desc'}, {:b => 'asc'}]. to just sort on one column, you can simply provide a hash, though, e.g. {:a => 'desc'}. def sorting=(val) val = [val] if val.is_a? Hash sorting.clear val.each { |clause| sorting.add *Array(clause).first } end def sorting @sorting ||= end # overwrite the includes used for the count sql query attr_accessor :count_includes # the label for this List action. used for the header. attr_writer :label def label @label ? as_(@label, :count => 2) : @core.label(:count => 2) end attr_writer :no_entries_message def no_entries_message @no_entries_message ? @no_entries_message : :no_entries end attr_writer :filtered_message def filtered_message @filtered_message ? @filtered_message : :filtered end attr_writer :always_show_search def always_show_search @always_show_search && !search_partial.blank? end def search_partial return "search" if @core.actions.include?(:search) return "field_search" if @core.actions.include?(:field_search) end # always show create attr_writer :always_show_create def always_show_create @always_show_create && @core.actions.include?(:create) end class UserSettings < UserSettings # This label has alread been localized. def label @session[:label] ? @session[:label] : @conf.label end def per_page @session['per_page'] = @params['limit'].to_i if @params.has_key? 'limit' @session['per_page'] || @conf.per_page end def page @session['page'] = @params['page'] if @params.has_key? 'page' @session['page'] || 1 end def page=(value = nil) @session['page'] = value end def sorting # we want to store as little as possible in the session, but we want to return a Sorting data structure. so we recreate it each page load based on session data. @session['sort'] = [@params['sort'], @params['sort_direction']] if @params['sort'] and @params['sort_direction'] @session['sort'] = nil if @params['sort_direction'] == 'reset' if @session['sort'] sorting = @conf.sorting.clone sorting.set(*@session['sort']) return sorting else return @conf.sorting end end def count_includes @conf.count_includes end end end end