require 'spec_helper' describe 'RubyKhan' do describe '.new' do before do stub_request(:get, ''). to_return(body: fixture('probability.json')) @probability = KhanAcademy::Topic.get_info('probability') end it "makes an API request" do expect(a_request(:get, '')).to have_been_made end it "returns a KhanAcademy::Topic" do expect(@probability).to be_a KhanAcademy::Topic end it "returns an object with attributes" do expect(@probability.title).to eq "Probability and statistics" end end describe 'KhanAcademy::Topic.tree' do before do stub_request(:get, ''). to_return(body: fixture('topictree.json')) @topictree = KhanAcademy::Topic.tree end it "makes an api request" do expect(a_request(:get, '')).to have_been_made end end describe 'KhanAcademy::Topic.all' do before do stub_request(:get, ''). to_return(body: fixture('topictree.json')) @all = KhanAcademy::Topic.all end it "makes an api request" do expect(a_request(:get, '')).to have_been_made end it "returns an array of topics" do expect(@all).to be_a Array end end describe "KhanAcademy::Playlist.get_videos" do before do stub_request(:get, ""). to_return(body: fixture('videos.json')) @blood_vessels = KhanAcademy::Playlist.get_videos('blood-vessels') end it "instantiates an array of playlist objects" do expect(@blood_vessels).to be_a Array expect(@blood_vessels.first).to be_a KhanAcademy::Playlist end it "makes an api call" do expect(a_request(:get, '')).to have_been_made end it "returns an object whose attributes can be accessed with ruby methods" do expect(@blood_vessels.first.duration).to eq 897 end end describe "KhanAcademy::Playlist.get_exercises" do before do stub_request(:get, ""). to_return(body: fixture('exercises.json')) @buddhist_art = KhanAcademy::Playlist.get_exercises('buddhist-art') end it "instantiates an array of playlist objects" do expect(@buddhist_art).to be_a Array expect(@buddhist_art.first).to be_a KhanAcademy::Playlist end it "makes an api call" do expect(a_request(:get, '')).to have_been_made end it "returns an object whose attributes can be accessed with ruby methods" do expect(@buddhist_art.first.author_name).to eq "Beth" end end end