require 'will_paginate/core_ext' module WillPaginate # A mixin for ActiveRecord::Base. Provides +per_page+ class method # and hooks things up to provide paginating finders. # # Find out more in WillPaginate::Finder::ClassMethods # module Finder def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods class << base alias_method_chain :method_missing, :paginate # alias_method_chain :find_every, :paginate define_method(:per_page) { 30 } unless respond_to?(:per_page) end end # = Paginating finders for ActiveRecord models # # WillPaginate adds +paginate+, +per_page+ and other methods to # ActiveRecord::Base class methods and associations. It also hooks into # +method_missing+ to intercept pagination calls to dynamic finders such as # +paginate_by_user_id+ and translate them to ordinary finders # (+find_all_by_user_id+ in this case). # # In short, paginating finders are equivalent to ActiveRecord finders; the # only difference is that we start with "paginate" instead of "find" and # that :page is required parameter: # # @posts = Post.paginate :all, :page => params[:page], :order => 'created_at DESC' # # In paginating finders, "all" is implicit. There is no sense in paginating # a single record, right? So, you can drop the :all argument: # # Post.paginate(...) => Post.find :all # Post.paginate_all_by_something => Post.find_all_by_something # Post.paginate_by_something => Post.find_all_by_something # # == The importance of the :order parameter # # In ActiveRecord finders, :order parameter specifies columns for # the ORDER BY clause in SQL. It is important to have it, since # pagination only makes sense with ordered sets. Without the ORDER # BY clause, databases aren't required to do consistent ordering when # performing SELECT queries; this is especially true for # PostgreSQL. # # Therefore, make sure you are doing ordering on a column that makes the # most sense in the current context. Make that obvious to the user, also. # For perfomance reasons you will also want to add an index to that column. module ClassMethods # This is the main paginating finder. # # == Special parameters for paginating finders # * :page -- REQUIRED, but defaults to 1 if false or nil # * :per_page -- defaults to CurrentModel.per_page (which is 30 if not overridden) # * :total_entries -- use only if you manually count total entries # * :count -- additional options that are passed on to +count+ # * :finder -- name of the ActiveRecord finder used (default: "find") # # All other options (+conditions+, +order+, ...) are forwarded to +find+ # and +count+ calls. def paginate(*args, &block) options = args.pop page, per_page, total_entries = wp_parse_options(options) finder = (options[:finder] || 'find').to_s if finder == 'find' # an array of IDs may have been given: total_entries ||= (Array === args.first and args.first.size) # :all is implicit args.unshift(:all) if args.empty? end WillPaginate::Collection.create(page, per_page, total_entries) do |pager| count_options = options.except :page, :per_page, :total_entries, :finder find_options = count_options.except(:count).update(:offset => pager.offset, :limit => pager.per_page) args << find_options # @options_from_last_find = nil pager.replace send(finder, *args, &block) # magic counting for user convenience: pager.total_entries = wp_count(count_options, args, finder) unless pager.total_entries end end # Iterates through all records by loading one page at a time. This is useful # for migrations or any other use case where you don't want to load all the # records in memory at once. # # It uses +paginate+ internally; therefore it accepts all of its options. # You can specify a starting page with :page (default is 1). Default # :order is "id", override if necessary. # # See {Faking Cursors in ActiveRecord}[] # where Jamis Buck describes this and a more efficient way for MySQL. def paginated_each(options = {}, &block) options = { :order => 'id', :page => 1 }.merge options options[:page] = options[:page].to_i options[:total_entries] = 0 # skip the individual count queries total = 0 begin collection = paginate(options) total += collection.each(&block).size options[:page] += 1 end until collection.size < collection.per_page total end # Wraps +find_by_sql+ by simply adding LIMIT and OFFSET to your SQL string # based on the params otherwise used by paginating finds: +page+ and # +per_page+. # # Example: # # @developers = Developer.paginate_by_sql ['select * from developers where salary > ?', 80000], # :page => params[:page], :per_page => 3 # # A query for counting rows will automatically be generated if you don't # supply :total_entries. If you experience problems with this # generated SQL, you might want to perform the count manually in your # application. # def paginate_by_sql(sql, options) WillPaginate::Collection.create(*wp_parse_options(options)) do |pager| query = sanitize_sql(sql.dup) original_query = query.dup # add limit, offset add_limit! query, :offset => pager.offset, :limit => pager.per_page # perfom the find pager.replace find_by_sql(query) unless pager.total_entries count_query = original_query.sub /\bORDER\s+BY\s+[\w`,\s]+$/mi, '' count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (#{count_query})" unless ['oracle', 'oci'].include?(self.connection.adapter_name.downcase) count_query << ' AS count_table' end # perform the count query pager.total_entries = count_by_sql(count_query) end end end def respond_to?(method, include_priv = false) #:nodoc: case method.to_sym when :paginate, :paginate_by_sql true else super(method.to_s.sub(/^paginate/, 'find'), include_priv) end end protected def method_missing_with_paginate(method, *args, &block) #:nodoc: # did somebody tried to paginate? if not, let them be unless method.to_s.index('paginate') == 0 return method_missing_without_paginate(method, *args, &block) end # paginate finders are really just find_* with limit and offset finder = method.to_s.sub('paginate', 'find') finder.sub!('find', 'find_all') if finder.index('find_by_') == 0 options = args.pop raise ArgumentError, 'parameter hash expected' unless options.respond_to? :symbolize_keys options = options.dup options[:finder] = finder args << options paginate(*args, &block) end # Does the not-so-trivial job of finding out the total number of entries # in the database. It relies on the ActiveRecord +count+ method. def wp_count(options, args, finder) excludees = [:count, :order, :limit, :offset, :readonly] unless options[:select] and options[:select] =~ /^\s*DISTINCT\b/i excludees << :select # only exclude the select param if it doesn't begin with DISTINCT end # count expects (almost) the same options as find count_options = options.except *excludees # merge the hash found in :count # this allows you to specify :select, :order, or anything else just for the count query count_options.update options[:count] if options[:count] # we may be in a model or an association proxy klass = (@owner and @reflection) ? @reflection.klass : self # forget about includes if they are irrelevant (Rails 2.1) if count_options[:include] and klass.private_methods.include?('references_eager_loaded_tables?') and !klass.send(:references_eager_loaded_tables?, count_options) count_options.delete :include end # we may have to scope ... counter = { count(count_options) } count = if finder.index('find_') == 0 and klass.respond_to?(scoper = finder.sub('find', 'with')) # scope_out adds a 'with_finder' method which acts like with_scope, if it's present # then execute the count with the scoping provided by the with_finder send(scoper, &counter) elsif match = /^find_(all_by|by)_([_a-zA-Z]\w*)$/.match(finder) # extract conditions from calls like "paginate_by_foo_and_bar" attribute_names = extract_attribute_names_from_match(match) conditions = construct_attributes_from_arguments(attribute_names, args) with_scope(:find => { :conditions => conditions }, &counter) else end count.respond_to?(:length) ? count.length : count end def wp_parse_options(options) #:nodoc: raise ArgumentError, 'parameter hash expected' unless options.respond_to? :symbolize_keys options = options.symbolize_keys raise ArgumentError, ':page parameter required' unless options.key? :page if options[:count] and options[:total_entries] raise ArgumentError, ':count and :total_entries are mutually exclusive' end page = options[:page] || 1 per_page = options[:per_page] || self.per_page total = options[:total_entries] [page, per_page, total] end private # def find_every_with_paginate(options) # @options_from_last_find = options # find_every_without_paginate(options) # end end end end