module EgovUtils class AuditRecord < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :audited, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :user has_many :details, :class_name => "AuditDetail", :dependent => :delete_all, :inverse_of => :audit_record attr_accessor :indice attr_protected :id after_create :send_notification def save(*args) journalize_changes # Do not save an empty journal (details.empty? && notes.blank?) ? false : super end # Stores the values of the attributes and custom fields of the journalized object def start if journalized @attributes_before_change = journalized.journalized_attribute_names.inject({}) do |h, attribute| h[attribute] = journalized.send(attribute) h end end self end # Adds a journal detail for an attachment that was added or removed def journalize_attachment(attachment, added_or_removed) key = (added_or_removed == :removed ? :old_value : :value) details << :property => 'attachment', :prop_key =>, key => attachment.filename ) end private # Generates journal details for attribute and custom field changes def journalize_changes # attributes changes if @attributes_before_change journalized.journalized_attribute_names.each {|attribute| before = @attributes_before_change[attribute] after = journalized.send(attribute) next if before == after || (before.blank? && after.blank?) add_attribute_detail(attribute, before, after) } end if @custom_values_before_change # custom fields changes journalized.custom_field_values.each {|c| before = @custom_values_before_change[c.custom_field_id] after = c.value next if before == after || (before.blank? && after.blank?) if before.is_a?(Array) || after.is_a?(Array) before = [before] unless before.is_a?(Array) after = [after] unless after.is_a?(Array) # values removed (before - after).reject(&:blank?).each do |value| add_custom_value_detail(c, value, nil) end # values added (after - before).reject(&:blank?).each do |value| add_custom_value_detail(c, nil, value) end else add_custom_value_detail(c, before, after) end } end start end # Adds a journal detail for an attribute change def add_attribute_detail(attribute, old_value, value) add_detail('attr', attribute, old_value, value) end # Adds a journal detail def add_detail(property, prop_key, old_value, value) details << :property => property, :prop_key => prop_key, :old_value => old_value, :value => value ) end def send_notification # TODO end end end