# encoding: utf-8
require "mongoid/collections/operations"
require "mongoid/collections/cyclic_iterator"
require "mongoid/collections/mimic"
require "mongoid/collections/master"
require "mongoid/collections/slaves"
module Mongoid #:nodoc
class Collection
include Collections::Mimic
attr_reader :counter, :name
# All write operations should delegate to the master connection. These
# operations mimic the methods on a Mongo:Collection.
# Example:
# collection.save({ :name => "Al" })
proxy(:master, Collections::Operations::PROXIED)
# Determines where to send the next read query. If the slaves are not
# defined then send to master. If the read counter is under the configured
# maximum then return the master. In any other case return the slaves.
# Example:
# collection.directed
# Return:
# Either a +Master+ or +Slaves+ collection.
def directed(options = {})
enslave = options.delete(:enslave) || @klass.enslaved?
enslave ? master_or_slaves : master
# Find documents from the database given a selector and options.
# Options:
# selector: A +Hash+ selector that is the query.
# options: The options to pass to the db.
# Example:
# collection.find({ :test => "value" })
def find(selector = {}, options = {})
cursor = Mongoid::Cursor.new(@klass, self, directed(options).find(selector, options))
if block_given?
yield cursor; cursor.close
# Find the first document from the database given a selector and options.
# Options:
# selector: A +Hash+ selector that is the query.
# options: The options to pass to the db.
# Example:
# collection.find_one({ :test => "value" })
def find_one(selector = {}, options = {})
directed(options).find_one(selector, options)
# Initialize a new Mongoid::Collection, setting up the master, slave, and
# name attributes. Masters will be used for writes, slaves for reads.
# Example:
# Mongoid::Collection.new(masters, slaves, "test")
def initialize(klass, name)
@klass, @name = klass, name
# Perform a map/reduce on the documents.
# Options:
# map: The map javascript funcdtion.
# reduce: The reduce javascript function.
def map_reduce(map, reduce, options = {})
directed(options).map_reduce(map, reduce, options)
alias :mapreduce :map_reduce
# Return the object responsible for writes to the database. This will
# always return a collection associated with the Master DB.
# Example:
# collection.writer
def master
@master ||= Collections::Master.new(Mongoid.master, @name)
# Return the object responsible for reading documents from the database.
# This is usually the slave databases, but in their absence the master will
# handle the task.
# Example:
# collection.reader
def slaves
@slaves ||= Collections::Slaves.new(Mongoid.slaves, @name)
def master_or_slaves
slaves.empty? ? master : slaves