/** * @ngdoc object * @name Bastion.products.controller:DiscoveryCreateController * * @requires $scope * @requires $q * @requires Notification * @requires CurrentOrganization * @requires Product * @requires Repository * @requires ContentCredential * @requires FormUtils * @requires DiscoveryRepositories * @requires translate * * @description * Provides the functionality for the repo creation as part of * repository discovery. */ angular.module('Bastion.products').controller('DiscoveryCreateController', ['$scope', '$q', 'Notification', 'CurrentOrganization', 'Product', 'Repository', 'ContentCredential', 'FormUtils', 'DiscoveryRepositories', 'translate', 'ApiErrorHandler', function ($scope, $q, Notification, CurrentOrganization, Product, Repository, ContentCredential, FormUtils, DiscoveryRepositories, translate, ApiErrorHandler) { // Labels so breadcrumb strings can be translated $scope.label = translate('Create Repositories'); $scope.table = { rows: DiscoveryRepositories.getRows(), resource: { total: DiscoveryRepositories.getRows().length, subtotal: DiscoveryRepositories.getRows().length } }; function convertToResource(repo) { var repoParams = { 'docker_upstream_name': repo.dockerUpstreamName, name: repo.name, label: repo.label, 'content_type': repo.contentType, 'product_id': $scope.createRepoChoices.existingProductId, unprotected: $scope.createRepoChoices.unprotected, 'verify_ssl_on_sync': $scope.createRepoChoices.verifySsl, 'upstream_username': $scope.createRepoChoices.upstreamUsername, 'upstream_password': $scope.createRepoChoices.upstreamPassword }; repoParams.url = $scope.getRepoPath(repo); if (repo.contentType === 'docker') { repoParams.url = $scope.createRepoChoices.repositoryUrl; } return new Repository(repoParams); } function getNextRepoToCreate() { var found; angular.forEach($scope.table.rows, function (repo) { if (angular.isUndefined(found) && repo.created !== true && repo.form.$invalid !== true) { found = repo; } }); return found; } function repoCreateError(response) { var currentlyCreating = $scope.currentlyCreating; $scope.currentlyCreating = undefined; currentlyCreating.messages = response.data.displayMessage; currentlyCreating.creating = false; currentlyCreating.form.$invalid = true; } function createNextRepo() { var toCreate, repoObject; toCreate = getNextRepoToCreate(); if (toCreate) { toCreate.messages = translate("Creating repository..."); $scope.currentlyCreating = toCreate; repoObject = convertToResource(toCreate); toCreate.creating = true; toCreate.form.$invalid = false; repoObject.$save(function (task) { toCreate.creating = false; toCreate.created = true; toCreate.messages = translate("Success!"); toCreate.repositoryId = task.id; toCreate.productId = task.product.id; createNextRepo(); }, function(response) { repoCreateError(response); createNextRepo(); }); } else { $scope.createRepoChoices.creating = false; } } function productCreateError(response) { $scope.createRepoChoices.creating = false; angular.forEach(response.data.errors, function (errors, field) { Notification.setErrorMessage(translate('An error occurred while creating the Product: %s').replace('%s', field + ' ' + errors)); if (!angular.isUndefined($scope.productForm[field])) { $scope.productForm[field].$error.messages = errors; } }); } function productCreateSuccess(response) { $scope.createRepoChoices.existingProductId = response.id; $scope.createRepoChoices.newProduct = 'false'; $scope.products.unshift(response); createNextRepo(); } $scope.page = {loading: true}; $scope.$watch('createRepoChoices.product.name', function () { FormUtils.labelize($scope.createRepoChoices.product); }); $scope.createRepoChoices = { existingProductId: undefined, newProduct: 'false', product: new Product(), unprotected: true, creating: false, verifySsl: true, repositoryUrl: DiscoveryRepositories.getRepositoryUrl(), upstreamUsername: DiscoveryRepositories.getUpstreamUsername(), upstreamPassword: DiscoveryRepositories.getUpstreamPassword() }; $scope.getRepoPath = function (repo) { return repo.repositoryUrl; }; $scope.createRepoChoices.product['organization_id'] = CurrentOrganization; angular.forEach($scope.table.rows, function (repo) { //Add a fake form to keep track of validations repo.form = { messages: '', $invalid: false }; FormUtils.labelize(repo); }); Product.queryUnpaged({'organization_id': CurrentOrganization, custom: true}, function (values) { $scope.products = values.results; if ($scope.products.length > 0) { $scope.createRepoChoices.existingProductId = $scope.products[0].id; } else { $scope.createRepoChoices.newProduct = "true"; } $scope.page.loading = false; }); $scope.creating = function () { return $scope.createRepoChoices.creating; }; $scope.requiredFieldsEnabled = function () { var fieldsEnabled = true; if ($scope.createRepoChoices.newProduct === "true") { fieldsEnabled = $scope.productForm.$valid; } else if (angular.isUndefined($scope.createRepoChoices.existingProductId)) { fieldsEnabled = false; } if (fieldsEnabled) { return $scope.productForm.$valid; } return fieldsEnabled; }; $scope.contentCredentials = []; ContentCredential.queryUnpaged(function (contentCredentials) { $scope.contentCredentials = contentCredentials.results; }, function (response) { $scope.contentCredentials = []; ApiErrorHandler.handleGETRequestErrors(response, $scope); }); $scope.$watch('table.rows', function (newList, oldList) { if (newList) { angular.forEach(newList, function (newItem, position) { if (angular.isUndefined(oldList) || newItem.name !== oldList[position].name) { FormUtils.labelize(newItem); } }); } }, function (newList, oldList) { var isEqual = true; angular.forEach(newList, function (newItem, position) { if (newList[position].name !== oldList[position].name) { isEqual = false; } }); return isEqual; }); $scope.clearInvalidRepos = function () { angular.forEach($scope.table.rows, function (repo) { repo.form.$invalid = false; }); }; $scope.createRepos = function () { $scope.createRepoChoices.creating = true; $scope.clearInvalidRepos(); if ($scope.createRepoChoices.newProduct === "true") { Product.save($scope.createRepoChoices.product, productCreateSuccess, productCreateError); } else { createNextRepo(); } }; $scope.createStatusIcon = function (repo) { var icon; if (repo.created === true) { icon = 'pficon pficon-ok'; } else if (repo.creating === true) { icon = 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin'; } else if (angular.isUndefined(repo.messages)) { icon = ''; } else { icon = 'pficon pficon-error-circle-o'; } return icon; }; $scope.createStatusMessages = function (repo) { var message; if (angular.isUndefined(repo.messages)) { message = translate("Not started"); } else { message = repo.messages; } return message; }; }] );