# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # Copyright 2014 PagerDuty, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'uri' require 'lita-github/r' require 'lita-github/general' require 'lita-github/config' require 'lita-github/octo' require 'lita-github/org' require 'lita-github/repo' require 'lita-github/filters' module Lita # Lita Handler module Handlers # GitHub Lita Handler class GithubRepo < Handler include LitaGithub::General # Github handler common-use methods include LitaGithub::Config # Github handler Lita configuration methods include LitaGithub::Octo # Github handler common-use Octokit methods include LitaGithub::Org # Github handler common-use Organization methods include LitaGithub::Repo # Github handler common-use Repository methods include LitaGithub::Filters # Github handler common-use method filters on :loaded, :setup_octo # from LitaGithub::Octo route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}repo\s+?(?:create|new)\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}.*$/, :repo_create, command: true, help: { 'gh repo create PagerDuty/lita-github private:true team:heckman' => 'Create the PagerDuty/lita-github repo, make it private, use team with "heckman" slug', 'gh repo new PagerDuty/lita-github' => 'create new repo using the default privacy/team settings' } ) route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}repo\s+?delete\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}/, :repo_delete, command: true, confirmation: true, help: { 'gh repo delete PagerDuty/lita-github' => 'Delete the PagerDuty/lita-github repo' } ) route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}repo\s+?info\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}/, :repo_info, command: true, help: { 'gh repo info PagerDuty/lita-github' => 'Display some information about the repo' } ) route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}repo\s+?rename\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_NAME_REGEX}/, :repo_rename, command: true, confirmation: true, help: { 'gh repo rename PagerDuty/lita-github better-lita-github' => 'Rename the PagerDuty/lita-github repo to PagerDuty/better-lita-github' } ) route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}repo\s+?(teams|team\s+?list)\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}/, :repo_teams_list, command: true, help: { 'gh repo teams PagerDuty/lita-github' => 'list the teams allowed to to access a repo', 'gh repo team list PagerDuty/lita-github' => 'list the teams allowed to to access a repo' } ) # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}repo\s+?team\s+?(?add|rm)\s+?(?[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+?)(\s+?(?:to|from))?\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}/, :repo_team_router, command: true, confirmation: true, help: { 'gh repo team add everyone PagerDuty/lita-test' => 'add a team using slug to your repo', 'gh repo team add 42 PagerDuty/lita-test' => 'add a team using ID to your repo', 'gh repo team rm everyone PagerDuty/lita-test' => 'remove a team using slug to your repo', 'gh repo team rm 42 PagerDuty/lita-test' => 'remove a team using ID to your repo' } ) route( /#{LitaGithub::R::A_REG}repo\s+update\s+?(?description|homepage)\s+?#{LitaGithub::R::REPO_REGEX}\s+?(?.*)$/, :repo_update_router, command: true, confirmation: true, help: { 'gh repo description PagerDuty/lita-github' => 'get the repo description' } ) # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength def repo_create(response) return response.reply(t('method_disabled')) if func_disabled?(__method__) org, repo = repo_match(response.match_data) if repo?(rpo(org, repo)) return response.reply(t('repo_create.exists', org: org, repo: repo)) end opts = extrapolate_create_opts(opts_parse(response.message.body), org) response.reply(create_repo(org, repo, opts)) end def repo_rename(response) return response.reply(t('method_disabled')) if func_disabled?(__method__) org, repo = repo_match(response.match_data) new_repo = response.match_data['repo_name'] return response.reply(t('not_found', org: org, repo: repo)) unless repo?(rpo(org, repo)) response.reply(rename_repo(org, repo, new_repo)) end def repo_delete(response) return response.reply(t('method_disabled')) if func_disabled?(__method__) org, repo = repo_match(response.match_data) return response.reply(t('not_found', org: org, repo: repo)) unless repo?(rpo(org, repo)) response.reply(delete_repo(org, repo)) end def repo_info(response) org, repo = repo_match(response.match_data) full_name = rpo(org, repo) opts = {} r_obj = octo.repository(full_name) p_obj = octo.pull_requests(full_name) opts[:repo] = r_obj[:full_name] opts[:description] = r_obj[:description] opts[:private] = r_obj[:private] opts[:url] = r_obj[:html_url] opts[:raw_issues_count] = r_obj[:open_issues_count] opts[:pr_count] = p_obj.length opts[:issues_count] = opts[:raw_issues_count] - opts[:pr_count] response.reply(t('repo_info.reply', opts)) end def repo_teams_list(response) org, repo = repo_match(response.match_data) full_name = rpo(org, repo) begin teams = octo.repository_teams(full_name) rescue Octokit::NotFound return response.reply(t('not_found', org: org, repo: repo)) end if teams.length == 0 reply = t('repo_team_list.none', org: org, repo: full_name) else reply = t('repo_team_list.header', num_teams: teams.length, repo: full_name) end sort_by_name(teams).each { |team| reply << t('repo_team_list.team', team.to_h) } response.reply(reply) end def repo_team_router(response) action = response.match_data['action'].strip response.reply(send("repo_team_#{action}".to_sym, response)) end def repo_update_router(response) field = response.match_data['field'].strip response.reply(send("repo_update_#{field}".to_sym, response)) end private def repo_team_add(response) return t('method_disabled') if func_disabled?(__method__) md = response.match_data org, repo = repo_match(md) full_name = rpo(org, repo) team = gh_team(org, md['team']) return t('not_found', org: org, repo: repo) unless repo?(full_name) return t('team_not_found', team: md['team']) if team.nil? if repo_has_team?(full_name, team[:id]) return t('repo_team_add.exists', repo: full_name, team: team[:name]) end add_team_to_repo(full_name, team) end def repo_team_rm(response) return t('method_disabled') if func_disabled?(__method__) md = response.match_data org, repo = repo_match(md) full_name = rpo(org, repo) team = gh_team(org, md['team']) return t('not_found', org: org, repo: repo) unless repo?(full_name) return t('team_not_found', team: md['team']) if team.nil? unless repo_has_team?(full_name, team[:id]) return t('repo_team_rm.exists', repo: full_name, team: team[:name]) end remove_team_from_repo(full_name, team) end def repo_update_description(response) return t('method_disabled') if func_disabled?(__method__) md = response.match_data org, repo = repo_match(md) full_name = rpo(org, repo) return t('not_found', org: org, repo: repo) unless repo?(full_name) content = md['content'].strip begin resp = octo.edit_repository(full_name, description: content) rescue StandardError return t('repo_update_description.boom', repo: full_name) end t('repo_update_description.updated', repo: full_name, desc: resp[:description]) end def repo_update_homepage(response) return t('method_disabled') if func_disabled?(__method__) md = response.match_data org, repo = repo_match(md) full_name = rpo(org, repo) return t('not_found', org: org, repo: repo) unless repo?(full_name) regexp = URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.regexp[:ABS_URI] content = md['content'].strip return t('repo_update_homepage.invalid_url', url: content) unless regexp.match(content) begin resp = octo.edit_repository(full_name, homepage: content) rescue StandardError return t('repo_update_homepage.boom', repo: full_name) end t('repo_update_homepage.updated', repo: full_name, url: resp[:homepage]) end def extrapolate_create_opts(opts, org) opts[:organization] = org first_team, other_teams = filter_teams(default_teams(org)) begin t_id = team_id_by_slug(opts.fetch(:team), org) rescue KeyError t_id = first_team opts[:other_teams] = other_teams unless other_teams.empty? ensure opts[:team_id] = t_id unless t_id.nil? end unless opts.key?(:team_id) opts[:private] = should_repo_be_private?(opts[:private]) opts end def filter_teams(teams) [teams.first, teams[1..-1].reject(&:nil?)] # Filter invalid team IDs end def default_teams(org) teams = config.default_team_slugs # If default_team_slugs is either a non-array (e.g. nil) or an empty # array, return an array containing nil return [nil] if !teams.is_a?(Array) || teams.empty? # If it's a populated array, return an array of corresponding team IDs teams.map { |team| team_id_by_slug(team, org) } end def should_repo_be_private?(value) if value.nil? || value.empty? config.repo_private_default else privacy_decider(value) end end def privacy_decider(value) case value.downcase when 'true' true when 'false' false else # when some invalid value... config.repo_private_default end end def create_repo(org, repo, opts) full_name = rpo(org, repo) reply = nil begin octo.create_repository(repo, opts) opts[:other_teams].each do |team| add_team_to_repo(full_name, team) end if opts.key?(:other_teams) ensure if repo?(full_name) repo_url = "https://github.com/#{full_name}" reply = t('repo_create.pass', org: org, repo: repo, repo_url: repo_url) else reply = t('repo_create.fail', org: org, repo: repo) end end reply end def rename_repo(org, repo, new_repo) full_name = rpo(org, repo) reply = nil begin octo.edit_repository(full_name, name: new_repo) ensure if repo?(rpo(org, new_repo)) reply = t('repo_rename.pass', org: org, old_repo: repo, new_repo: new_repo) else reply = t('repo_rename.fail', org: org, repo: repo) end end reply end def delete_repo(org, repo) full_name = rpo(org, repo) reply = nil begin octo.delete_repository(full_name) ensure if repo?(full_name) reply = t('repo_delete.fail', org: org, repo: repo) else reply = t('repo_delete.pass', org: org, repo: repo) end end reply end def gh_team(org, team) t_id = team_id(team, org) return nil if t_id.nil? begin octo.team(t_id) rescue Octokit::NotFound nil end end def add_team_to_repo(full_name, team) if octo.add_team_repository(team[:id], full_name) return t('repo_team_add.pass', repo: full_name, team: team[:name]) else return t('repo_team_add.fail', repo: full_name, team: team[:name]) end end def remove_team_from_repo(full_name, team) if octo.remove_team_repository(team[:id], full_name) return t('repo_team_rm.pass', repo: full_name, team: team[:name]) else return t('repo_team_rm.fail', repo: full_name, team: team[:name]) end end end Lita.register_handler(GithubRepo) end end