Contributing === Want to add features to Rhodes? Found a bug that you want report or fix? ## Report Rhodes Issues Please report bugs/features/enhancements to the [google group]( ## Run Rhodes Specs First run the rhodes specs to make sure your environment is up-to-date for development (currently the specs only run on OSX): 1. [Fork]( the [Rhodes repository]( 2. Clone your new repo: $ git clone git:// $ cd rhodes $ bin/rhodes-setup $ rake run:allspecs #=> runs rhodes framework_spec and phone_spec targets If everything passes (pending specs are OK), then your environment is ready for development. If you have trouble installing a particular gem or the specs just won't run properly, please feel free to ping the [google group]( rhomobile) or [hop on IRC]( to chat with other Rhodes developers. ## Contributing your Patch Now that you're environment is ready, make your changes! 1. Create a topic branch: $ git checkout -b cool_new_feature 2. Write tests([example]( 3. Make changes... 4. Add relevant documentation(RDoc, update the README if relevant) 5. Push to your branch: $ git push origin cool_new_feature 6. Send a note to the [google group]( That's it! We recommend following [these ruby style guidelines]( when coding. If you are interested us using your patch to Rhodes you will need to submit a [contribution agreement]( to us. ## Automated Tests Rhodes includes automated tests that can (and should) be run periodically against the codebase if you're modifying the Rhodes framework itself. ### Install Rhodes The automated tests are a part of the Rhodes project on GitHub. To obtain the Rhodes source code and access the automated tests, follow the instructions in the [Setup Rhodes Source Code](build#setting-up-rhodes-source-code) section. You will find two automated test sets under rhodes/spec/. One is called phone_spec, the other is framework_spec. ### Running Tests Assuming you have already downloaded the necessary SDKs (instructions can be found [here](, all you need to do is execute the appropriate rake task. To execute the phone_spec, for example, you can do the following in Terminal: :::term $ cd rhodes/spec/phone_spec $ rake run:platform:spec Where platform is "android" to run it for Android, "iphone" for iPhone, "bb" for BlackBerry. As a shortcut, you can also execute any of the following supported tasks: :::term $ rake run:iphone:spec # Runs spec tests for the current directory $ rake run:iphone:phone_spec # Runs spec tests for rhodes/spec/phone_spec $ rake run:iphone:framework_spec # Runs spec tests for rhodes/spec/framework_spec $ rake run:android:spec # Runs spec tests for the current directory $ rake run:android:phone_spec # Runs spec tests for rhodes/spec/phone_spec $ rake run:bb:spec # Runs spec tests for the current directory $ rake run:bb:phone_spec # Runs spec tests for rhodes/spec/phone_spec Rhomobile performs continuous testing of the framework_spec on iPhone and the phone_spec on iPhone and BlackBerry via a customized branch of the CIJoe project. Support for the Android phone_spec is currently functional but under development.