h1. Building To remove any confusion, Buildr's build task is actually called @build@. It's also the default task that executes when you run @buildr@ without any task name. The @build@ task runs two other tasks: @compile@ and its associated tasks (that would be, @resources@) and @test@ and its associated tasks (@test:compile@, @test:setup@ and friends). We'll talk about @compile@ more in this section, and @test@ later on. We'll also show you how to run @build@ without testing, not something we recommend, but a necessary feature. Why @build@ and not @compile@? Some projects do more than just compiling. Other projects don't compile at all, but perform other build tasks, for example, creating a database schema or command line scripts. So we want you to get in the practice of running the @build@ task, and help you by making it the default task. h2. Compiling Each project has its own @compile@ task you can invoke directly, by running @buildr compile@ or as part of another build task. (Yes, that @build@). The @compile@ task looks for source files in well known directories, determines which compiler to use, and sets the target directory accordingly. For example, if it finds any Java source files in the @src/main/java@ directory, it selects the Javac compiler and generates bytecode in the @target/classes@ directories. If it finds Scala source files in the @src/main/scala@ directory it selects the Scalac compiler, and so forth. A single project cannot use multiple compilers at the same time, hence you may prefer creating subprojects by programming language. Some compilers like Groovy's are joint-compilers, this means they can handle several languages. When the Groovy compiler is selected for a project, .groovy and .java files are compiled by groovyc. Most often, that's just good enough and the only change you need to make is adding compile dependencies. You can use @compile.dependencies@ to get the array of dependency file tasks. For Java, each of these tasks points to a JAR or a directory containing Java classes, and the entire set of dependencies is passed to Javac as the classpath. Buildr uses file tasks to handle dependencies, but here we're talking about the Rake dependency mechanism. It's a double entendre. It invokes these tasks before running the compiler. Some of these tasks will download JARs from remote repositories, others will create them by compiling and packaging from a different project. Using file task ensures all the dependencies exist before the compiler can use them. An easier way to specify dependencies is by calling the @compile.with@ method. It takes a list of arguments and adds them to the dependency list. The @compile.with@ method is easier to use, it accepts several type of dependencies. You can use file names, file tasks, projects, artifacts specifications and even pass arrays of dependencies. Most dependencies fall into the last three categories. When you pass a project to @compile.with@, it picks up all the packages created by that project. In doing so, it establishes an order of dependency between the two projects (see "Defining the Project":projects.html#defining_the_project). For example, if you make a change in project _teh-api_ and build _teh-impl_, Buildr will detect that change, recompile and package _teh-api_ before compiling _teh-impl_. You can also select a specific package using the @package@ or @packages@ methods (see "Packaging":packaging.html). When you pass an artifact specification to @compile.with@, it creates an @Artifact@ task that will download that artifact from one of the remote repositories, install it in the local repository, and use it in your project. Rake's dependency mechanism is used here to make sure the artifact is downloaded once, when needed. Check the "Artifacts":artifacts.html section for more information about artifact specification and repositories. For now let's just show a simple example: {{{!ruby compile.with 'org.apache.axis2:axis2:jar:1.2', 'org.apache.derby:derby:jar:', projects('teh-api', 'teh-impl') }}} Passing arrays to @compile.with@ is just a convenient for handling multiple dependencies, we'll show more examples of that when we talk about "Artifacts":#artifacts. Likewise, the @compile@ task has an array of file tasks that point at the source directories you want to compile from. You can access that array by calling @compile.sources@. You can use @compile.from@ to add new source directories by passing a file name or a file task. For example, let's run the APT tool on our annotated source code before compiling it: {{{!ruby compile.from apt }}} When you call @apt@ on a project, it returns a file task that points to the @target/generated/apt@ directory. This file task executes by running APT, using the same list of source directories, dependencies and compiler options. It then generates new source files in the target directory. Calling @compile.from@ with that file task includes those additional source files in the list of compiled sources. Here's another example: {{{!ruby jjtree = jjtree(_('src/main/jjtree'), :in_package=>'com.acme') compile.from javacc(jjtree, :in_package=>'com.acme'), jjtree }}} This time, the variable @jjtree@ is a file task that reads a JJTree source file from the @src/main/jjtree@ directory, and generates additional source files in the @target/generated/jjtree@ directory. The second line creates another file task that takes those source files, runs JavaCC on them, and generates yet more source files in @target/generated/javacc@. Finally, we include both sets of source files in addition to those already in @src/main/java@, and compile the lot. The interesting thing about these two examples is how you're wiring file tasks together to create more complicated tasks, piping the output of one task into the inputs of another. Wiring tasks this way is the most common way to handle complex builds, and uses Rake's dependency mechanism to only run tasks when it detects a change to one of the source files. You can also control the target directory. Use @compile.target@ to get the target directory file task. If you need to change the target directory, call the @compile.into@ method with the new path. We use method pairs to give you finer control over the compiler, but also a way to easily configure it. Methods like @dependencies@ and @sources@ give you a live array you can manipulate, or iterate over. On the other hand, methods like @with@ and @from@ accept a wider set of arguments and clean them up for you. They also all return the same task you're calling, so you can chain methods together. For example: {{{!ruby compile.from('srcs').with('org.apache.axis2:axis2:jar:1.2'). into('classes').using(:target=>'1.4') }}} Buildr uses the method pair and method chaining idiom in many places to make your life easier without sacrificing flexibility. Occasionally, you'll need to post-process the generated bytecode. Since you only want to do that after compiling, and let the compiler decide when to do that – only when changes require re-compiling – you'll want to extend the @compile@ task. You can do that by calling @compile@ with a block. For example, to run the OpenJPA bytecode enhancer after compiling the source files: {{{!ruby compile { open_jpa_enhance } }}} You can change various compile options by calling, you guessed, @compile.options@. For example, to set the compiler to VM compatibility with Java 1.5 and turn on all Lint messages: {{{!ruby compile.options.target = '1.5' compile.options.lint = 'all' }}} Or, if you want to chain methods together: {{{!ruby compile.using :target=>'1.5', :lint=>'all' }}} Sub-projects inherit compile options from their parent project, so you only need to change these settings once in the top project. You can do so, even if the top project itself doesn't compile anything. The options available to you depend on which compiler you are using for this particular project, obviously the options are not the same for Java and Flash. Two options are designed to work consistently across compilers. Buildr turns the @warning@ option on by default, but turns it off when you run @buildr --silent@. It also sets the @debug@ option on, but turns it off when making a release. You can also control the @debug@ option from the command line, for example: {{{!ruby # When calling buildr $ buildr compile debug=off # Once until we change the variable $ export DEBUG=off $ buildr compile }}} The default source and target directories, compiler settings and other options you can use depend on the specific language. You can find more information in the "Languages":languages.html section. h2. Resources The @compile@ task comes bundled with a @resources@ task. It copies files from the @src/main/resources@ directory into @target/resources@. Best used for copying files that you want to included in the generated code, like configuration files, i18n messages, images, etc. The @resources@ task uses a filter that can change files as it copies them from source to destination. The most common use is by mapping values using a hash. For example, to substitute "${version}" for the project's version number and "${copyright}" for "Acme Inc (C) 2007" : {{{!ruby resources.filter.using 'version'=>version, 'copyright'=>'Acme Inc (C) 2007' }}} You can also use "profiles":settings_profiles.html#profiles to supply a name/value map that all @resources@ task should default to, by adding a @filter@ element to each of the profiles. The following examples shows a @profiles.yaml@ file that applies the same filter in development and test environments: {{{!yaml filter: &alpha1 version: experimental copyright: Acme Inc (C) 2007 development: filter: *alpha1 test: filter: *alpha1 }}} You can specify a different format by passing it as the first argument. Supported formats include: |_. Format |_. Usage | | @:ant@ | Map from <code>@key@</code> to value. | | @:maven@ | Map from @${key}@ to value (default). | | @:ruby@ | Map from @#{key}@ to value. | | @Regexp@ | Map using the matched value of the regular expression (e.g. @/=(.*?)=/@). | For example, using the @:ruby@ format instead of the default @:maven@ format: {{{!ruby resources.filter.using :ruby, 'version'=>version, 'copyright'=>'Acme Inc (C) 2007' }}} For more complicated mapping you can also pass a method or a proc. The filter will call it once for each file with the file name and content. If you need to copy resource files from other directories, add these source directories by calling the @from@ method, for example: {{{!ruby resources.from _('src/etc') }}} You can select to copy only specific files using common file matching patterns. For example, to include only HTML files: {{{!ruby resources.include '*.html' }}} To include all files, except for files in the @scratch@ directory: {{{!ruby resources.exclude 'scratch/*' }}} The filter always excludes the @CVS@ and @.svn@ directories, and all files ending with @.bak@ or @~@, so no need to worry about these. A file pattern can match any file name or part of a file name using an asterisk (@*@). Double asterisk (@**@) matches directories recursively, for example, @'src/main/java/**/*.java'@. You can match any character using a question mark (@?@), or a set of characters using square brackets (@[]@), similar to regular expressions, for example, @'[Rr]eadme'@. You can also match from a set of names using curly braces (@{}@), for example, @'*.{html,css}'@. You can use filters elsewhere. The @filter@ method creates a filter, the @into@ method sets the target directory, and @using@ specifies the mapping. Last, you call @run@ on the filter to activate it. For example: {{{!ruby filter('src/specs').into('target/specs'). using('version'=>version, 'created'=>Time.now).run }}} The @resources@ task is, in fact, just a wrapper around such a filter that automatically adds the @src/main/resources@ directory as one of the source directories. h2. More On Building The @build@ task runs the @compile@ (and @resources@) tasks as prerequisites, followed by any actions you add to it, and completes by running the @test@ task. The @build@ task itself is a prerequisite to other tasks, for example, @package@ and @upload@. You can extend the @build@ task in two ways. You can add more prerequisites that will execute before the task itself, or you can add actions that will execute as part of the task. Which one you choose is up to you, we'll show you how they differ in a second. If you call @build@ with a list of tasks, it adds these tasks as prerequisites. Call @build@ with a block, and it adds that block as an action. Again, a common idiom you'll see elsewhere in Buildr and Rake. Let's look at a simple example. Say we want to generate a Derby database from an SQL file and include it in the ZIP package: {{{!ruby db = Derby.create(_('target/derby/db')=>_('src/main/sql/derby.sql')) package(:zip).include db }}} There's nothing fundamentally wrong with this code, if that's what you intend to do. But in practice, you don't always run the @package@ task during development, so you won't notice if something is wrong with this task when you build. For example, if it fails to generate the SQL file. In addition, the @package@ task runs after @build@, so you can't use the database in your test cases. So let's refactor it. We're going to use the variable @db@ to reference the file task that creates the database, and make it a prerequisite of the @build@ task. And use that same variable again to include the database in the ZIP package: {{{!ruby db = Derby.create(_('target/derby/db')=>_('src/main/sql/derby.sql')) build db package(:zip).include db }}} Much better. We're using the same task twice, but since we're using Rake here, it will only execute once. In fact, it will only execute if we don't already have a Derby database, or if it detects a change to the SQL file and needs to recreate the database. p(tip). @Derby.create@ is not part of Buildr, you can get "derby.rake":http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/ode/trunk/tasks/derby.rake here. Here's another example. We want to copy some files over as part of the build, and apply a filter to them. This time, we're going to extend the @build@ task: {{{!ruby build do filter('src/specs').into('target/specs'). using('version'=>version, 'created'=>Time.now).run end }}} The @build@ task is recursive, so running @buildr build@ picks the current project and runs its @build@ task, which in turn runs the @build@ task on each of its sub-projects. One @build@ task to rule them all. h2. Cleaning The @build@ task has an evil twin, the @clean@ task. It's the task you use to remove all the files created during the build, especially when you mess things up and want to start all over. It basically erases the target directories, the one called @target@, and if you get creative and change the target directory for tasks like @compile@, it will also erase those. If you decide to generate files outside the target directory and want to cleanup after yourself, just extend the @clean@ task. For example: {{{!ruby clean { rm_rf _('staged') } }}} The @rm_rf@ method deletes the directory and all files in it. It's named after UNIX's infamous @rm -rf@. Use it wisely. This is also a good time to introduce you to @FileUtils@, a standard Ruby library that contains convenient methods for creating and deleting directories, copying and moving files, even comparing two files. They're all free of charge when you use Buildr. Now let's "talk about the artifacts":artifacts.html we mentioned before.