module Nanoc::Helpers
# Nanoc::Helpers::LinkTo contains functions for linking to pages.
# To activate this helper, +include+ it, like this:
# include Nanoc::Helpers::LinkTo
module LinkTo
include Nanoc::Helpers::HTMLEscape
# Creates a HTML link to the given path or page/asset representation, and
# with the given text.
# +path_or_rep+:: the URL or path (a String) that should be linked to, or
# the page or asset representation that should be linked
# to.
# +text+:: the visible link text.
# +attributes+:: a hash containing HTML attributes that will be added to
# the link.
# Examples:
# link_to('Blog', '/blog/')
# # => 'Blog'
# page_rep = @pages.find { |p| p.page_id == 'special' }.reps(:default)
# link_to('Special Page', page_rep)
# # => 'Special Page'
# link_to('Blog', '/blog/', :title => 'My super cool blog')
# # => 'Blog
def link_to(text, path_or_rep, attributes={})
# Find path
path = path_or_rep.is_a?(String) ? path_or_rep : path_or_rep.path
# Join attributes
attributes = attributes.inject('') do |memo, (key, value)|
memo + key.to_s + '="' + h(value) + '" '
# Create link
# Creates a HTML link using link_to, except when the linked page is the
# current one. In this case, a span element with class "active" and with
# the given text will be returned.
# Examples:
# link_to_unless_current('Blog', '/blog/')
# # => 'Blog'
# link_to_unless_current('This Page', @page_rep)
# # => 'This Page'
def link_to_unless_current(text, path_or_rep, attributes={})
# Find path
path = path_or_rep.is_a?(String) ? path_or_rep : path_or_rep.path
if @page_rep and @page_rep.path == path
# Create message
link_to(text, path_or_rep, attributes)