require 'spec_helper' module Spree describe Api::TaxonomiesController, type: :request do let(:taxonomy) { create(:taxonomy) } let(:taxon) { create(:taxon, name: "Ruby", taxonomy: taxonomy) } let(:taxon2) { create(:taxon, name: "Rails", taxonomy: taxonomy) } let(:attributes) { [:id, :name] } before do stub_authentication! taxon2.children << create(:taxon, name: "3.2.2", taxonomy: taxonomy) taxon.children << taxon2 taxonomy.root.children << taxon end context "as a normal user" do it "gets all taxonomies" do get spree.api_taxonomies_path expect(json_response["taxonomies"].first['name']).to eq expect(json_response["taxonomies"].first['root']['taxons'].count).to eq 1 end it 'can control the page size through a parameter' do create(:taxonomy) get spree.api_taxonomies_path, params: { per_page: 1 } expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['current_page']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['pages']).to eq(2) end it 'can query the results through a paramter' do expected_result = create(:taxonomy, name: 'Style') get spree.api_taxonomies_path, params: { q: { name_cont: 'style' } } expect(json_response['count']).to eq(1) expect(json_response['taxonomies'].first['name']).to eq end it "gets a single taxonomy" do get spree.api_taxonomy_path( expect(json_response['name']).to eq children = json_response['root']['taxons'] expect(children.count).to eq 1 expect(children.first['name']).to eq expect(children.first.key?('taxons')).to be false end it "gets a single taxonomy with set=nested" do get spree.api_taxonomy_path(, params: { set: 'nested' } expect(json_response['name']).to eq children = json_response['root']['taxons'] expect(children.first.key?('taxons')).to be true end it "gets the jstree-friendly version of a taxonomy" do expect(Spree::Deprecation).to(receive(:warn)) get spree.jstree_api_taxonomy_path( expect(json_response["data"]).to eq( expect(json_response["attr"]).to eq({ "id" =>, "name" => }) expect(json_response["state"]).to eq("closed") end it "can learn how to create a new taxonomy" do get spree.new_api_taxonomy_path( expect(json_response["attributes"]).to eq( required_attributes = json_response["required_attributes"] expect(required_attributes).to include("name") end it "cannot create a new taxonomy if not an admin" do post spree.api_taxonomies_path, params: { taxonomy: { name: "Location" } } assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot update a taxonomy" do put spree.api_taxonomy_path(, params: { taxonomy: { name: "I hacked your store!" } } assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot delete a taxonomy" do delete spree.api_taxonomy_path( assert_unauthorized! end end context "as an admin" do sign_in_as_admin! it "can create" do post spree.api_taxonomies_path, params: { taxonomy: { name: "Colors" } } expect(json_response).to have_attributes(attributes) expect(response.status).to eq(201) end it "cannot create a new taxonomy with invalid attributes" do post spree.api_taxonomies_path, params: { taxonomy: {} } expect(response.status).to eq(422) expect(json_response["error"]).to eq("Invalid resource. Please fix errors and try again.") end it "can destroy" do delete spree.api_taxonomy_path( expect(response.status).to eq(204) end end end end