require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' Bundler.require(:default) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'ruby_ext' require 'active_support/core_ext' # A simple XBMC JSON RPC API Client. See README for details. class Xbmc # Error class for indicating trouble with authentication against the XBMC Api class UnauthorizedError < StandardError; end; include HTTParty class << self # API interaction: Invokes the given method with given params, parses the JSON response body, maps it to # a HashWithIndifferentAccess and returns the :result subcollection def invoke_and_process(method, params={}) JSON.parse(invoke_method(method, params).body).with_indifferent_access[:result] end # Raw API interaction: Invoke the given JSON RPC Api call and return the raw response (which is an instance of # HTTParty::Response) def invoke_method(method, params={}) response = post('/jsonrpc', :body => {"jsonrpc" => "2.0", "params" => params, "id" => "1", "method" => method}.to_json) raise Xbmc::UnauthorizedError, "Could not authorize with XBMC. Did you set up your credentials for basic_auth using Xbmc.basic_auth 'user', 'pass'?" if response.response.class == Net::HTTPUnauthorized response # Capture connection errors and send them out with a custom message rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, SocketError, HTTParty::UnsupportedURIScheme => err raise err.class, err.message + ". Did you configure the url and port for XBMC properly using Xbmc.base_uri 'http://localhost:1234'?" end # Returns an array of available api commands instantiated as Xbmc::Command objects def commands @commands ||= invoke_and_process("JSONRPC.Introspect", :getdescriptions => true)[:commands].map {|c|} end # Loads the available commands via JSONRPC.Introspect and defines the namespace classes and corresponding methods # in the ruby namespace def load_api! return false if @api_loaded commands.each do |command| command.send :define_method! end @api_loaded = true end end end require 'xbmc/command'