# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' require 'hexapdf/document' require_relative 'common' describe HexaPDF::DigitalSignature::Signatures do before do @doc = HexaPDF::Document.new @form = @doc.acro_form(create: true) @sig1 = @form.create_signature_field("test1") @sig2 = @form.create_signature_field("test2") end it "iterates over all signature dictionaries" do assert_equal([], @doc.signatures.to_a) @sig1.field_value = {k: :sig1} @sig2.field_value = {k: :sig2} assert_equal([{k: :sig1}, {k: :sig2}], @doc.signatures.to_a) end it "returns the number of signature dictionaries" do @sig1.field_value = {k: :sig1} assert_equal(1, @doc.signatures.count) end describe "signing_handler" do it "return the initialized handler" do handler = @doc.signatures.signing_handler(certificate: 'cert', reason: 'reason') assert_equal('cert', handler.certificate) assert_equal('reason', handler.reason) end it "fails if the given task is not available" do assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { @doc.signatures.signing_handler(name: :unknown) } end end describe "add" do before do @doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: StringIO.new(MINIMAL_PDF)) @io = StringIO.new(''.b) @handler = @doc.signatures.signing_handler( certificate: CERTIFICATES.signer_certificate, key: CERTIFICATES.signer_key, certificate_chain: [CERTIFICATES.ca_certificate] ) end it "uses the provided signature dictionary" do sig = @doc.add({Type: :Sig, Key: :value}) @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler, signature: sig) assert_equal(1, @doc.signatures.to_a.compact.size) assert_equal(:value, @doc.signatures.to_a[0][:Key]) refute_equal(:value, @doc.acro_form.each_field.first[:Key]) end it "creates the signature dictionary if none is provided" do @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler) assert_equal(1, @doc.signatures.to_a.compact.size) refute(@doc.acro_form.each_field.first.key?(:Contents)) end it "sets the needed information on the signature dictionary" do def @handler.finalize_objects(sigfield, sig) sig[:key] = :sig sigfield[:key] = :sig_field end @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler, write_options: {update_fields: false}) sig = @doc.signatures.first assert_equal([0, 925, 925 + sig[:Contents].size * 2 + 2, 2455 + HexaPDF::VERSION.length], sig[:ByteRange].value) assert_equal(:sig, sig[:key]) assert_equal(:sig_field, @doc.acro_form.each_field.first[:key]) assert(sig.key?(:Contents)) end it "creates the main form dictionary if necessary" do @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler) assert(@doc.acro_form) assert_equal([:signatures_exist, :append_only], @doc.acro_form.signature_flags) end it "uses the provided signature field" do field = @doc.acro_form(create: true).create_signature_field('Signature2') @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler, signature: field) assert_nil(@doc.acro_form.field_by_name("Signature3")) refute_nil(field.field_value) assert_nil(@doc.signatures.first[:T]) end it "uses an existing signature field if possible" do field = @doc.acro_form(create: true).create_signature_field('Signature2') field.field_value = sig = @doc.add({Type: :Sig, key: :value}) @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler, signature: sig) assert_nil(@doc.acro_form.field_by_name("Signature3")) assert_same(sig, @doc.signatures.first) end it "creates the signature field if necessary" do @doc.acro_form(create: true).create_text_field('Signature2') @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler) field = @doc.acro_form.field_by_name("Signature3") assert_equal(:Sig, field.field_type) refute_nil(field.field_value) assert_equal(1, field.each_widget.count) end it "creates an empty widget on the first page for the signature field if necessary" do @doc.pages.add field = @doc.acro_form(create: true).create_signature_field('Signature2') field.field_value = sig = @doc.add({Type: :Sig, key: :value}) @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler, signature: sig) widgets = field.each_widget.to_a assert_equal(1, widgets.size) assert_equal(@doc.pages[0], widgets[0][:P]) assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0], widgets[0][:Rect]) end it "handles a bug in Adobe Acrobat related to images not showing without a /Resources entry" do field = @doc.acro_form(create: true).create_signature_field('Signature') image = @doc.add({Type: :XObject, Subtype: :Image, Width: 1, Height: 1, ColorSpace: :DeviceGray, BitsPerComponent: 8}, stream: 'A') field.create_widget(@doc.pages[0], Rect: [0, 0, 100, 100]).create_appearance. canvas.xobject(image, at: [0, 0]) @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler, signature: field) assert(image.key?(:Resources)) assert_equal({}, image[:Resources]) end it "handles different xref section types correctly when determing the offsets" do @doc.delete(7) sig = @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler, write_options: {update_fields: false}) l1 = 1030 + HexaPDF::VERSION.length assert_equal([0, l1, l1 + sig[:Contents].size * 2 + 2, 2437 + HexaPDF::VERSION.length], sig[:ByteRange].value) end it "works if the signature object is the last object of the xref section" do field = @doc.acro_form(create: true).create_signature_field('Signature2') field.create_widget(@doc.pages[0], Rect: [0, 0, 0, 0]) sig = @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler, signature: field, write_options: {update_fields: false}) l1 = 3097 + HexaPDF::VERSION.length assert_equal([0, l1, l1 + sig[:Contents].size * 2 + 2, 374 + HexaPDF::VERSION.length], sig[:ByteRange].value) end it "allows writing to a file in addition to writing to an IO" do tempfile = Tempfile.new('hexapdf-signature') tempfile.close @doc.signatures.add(tempfile.path, @handler) doc = HexaPDF::Document.open(tempfile.path) assert(doc.signatures.first.verify(allow_self_signed: true).success?) end it "adds a new revision with the signature" do @doc.signatures.add(@io, @handler) signed_doc = HexaPDF::Document.new(io: @io) assert(signed_doc.signatures.first.verify) end end end