# constants include BillForward credentials, required for running functional tests. # this file, ignored from version control, allows users to specify credentials for a test account test_constants_file = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "test_constants.rb") if (File.exist?(test_constants_file)) puts "using test constants from #{test_constants_file}" require test_constants_file else puts 'using default test constants' # The following is a template for what your 'test_constants.rb' should contain. # If used in this placeholder state, functional tests will not pass. module BillForwardTest BILLFORWARD_API_HOST='insert-API-URL-here' BILLFORWARD_API_TOKEN="insert-access-token-here OR leave-blank-for-OAUTH" ### alternatively: # (these values are used if you leave API token blank) # authenticate using OAUTH: BILLFORWARD_USERNAME="insert-username" BILLFORWARD_PASSWORD="insert-password" BILLFORWARD_CLIENT_ID="insert-client-id" BILLFORWARD_CLIENT_SECRET="insert-client-secret" # ---- Enable logging if you want (shows request and response bodies) USE_LOGGING=false # ---- Enable proxy if you want (for example to see requests in Fiddler) CLIENT_PROXY_ENABLED=false CLIENT_PROXY_URL="" ## These constants are required only for running situational tests (not in the main run): # ---- Required for Authorize.Net gateway tests only AUTHORIZE_NET_LOGIN_ID = 'FILL IN WITH AUTHORIZE NET LOGIN ID' AUTHORIZE_NET_TRANSACTION_KEY = 'FILL IN WITH AUTHORIZE NET TRANSACTION KEY' # ---- Required for Authorize.Net tokenization tests only AUTHORIZE_NET_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID = 12345678 # FILL IN WITH AUTHORIZE NET CUSTOMER PROFILE ID AUTHORIZE_NET_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_PROFILE_ID = 12345678 # FILL IN WITH AUTHORIZE NET CUSTOMER PAYMENT PROFILE ID AUTHORIZE_NET_CARD_LAST_4_DIGITS = 1234 # ---- Required for Invoice tests only USUAL_INVOICE_ID = 'FILL IN WITH EXISTING INVOICE ID' end end # create BillForward client for use in all tests # requires working credentials only when running functional tests module BillForwardTest if (BillForwardTest::BILLFORWARD_API_TOKEN == '') # Authenticate using OAuth; username and password TEST_CLIENT = BillForward::Client.new( :host => BillForwardTest::BILLFORWARD_API_HOST, :use_logging => BillForwardTest::USE_LOGGING, :username => BillForwardTest::BILLFORWARD_USERNAME, :password => BillForwardTest::BILLFORWARD_PASSWORD, :client_id => BillForwardTest::BILLFORWARD_CLIENT_ID, :client_secret => BillForwardTest::BILLFORWARD_CLIENT_SECRET, :use_proxy => BillForwardTest::CLIENT_PROXY_ENABLED, :proxy_url => BillForwardTest::CLIENT_PROXY_URL ) else # Authenticate instead using access token TEST_CLIENT = BillForward::Client.new( :host => BillForwardTest::BILLFORWARD_API_HOST, :use_logging => BillForwardTest::USE_LOGGING, :api_token => BillForwardTest::BILLFORWARD_API_TOKEN, :use_proxy => BillForwardTest::CLIENT_PROXY_ENABLED, :proxy_url => BillForwardTest::CLIENT_PROXY_URL ) end end