3.1 build_existing_model dedf59bb-3b88-4f16-8755-2c1ff5519cbf a678a2cf-fbd1-4cd7-be1d-4507e1de3607 2023-11-27T22:10:35Z 2C38F48B BuildExistingModel Build Existing Model Builds the OpenStudio Model for an existing building. Builds the OpenStudio Model using the sampling csv file, which contains the specified parameters for each existing building. Based on the supplied building number, those parameters are used to run the OpenStudio measures with appropriate arguments and build up the OpenStudio model. building_id Building Unit ID The building unit number (between 1 and the number of samples). Integer true false sample_weight Sample Weight of Simulation Number of buildings this simulation represents. Double false false downselect_logic Downselect Logic Logic that specifies the subset of the building stock to be considered in the analysis. Specify one or more parameter|option as found in resources\options_lookup.tsv. When multiple are included, they must be separated by '||' for OR and '&&' for AND, and using parentheses as appropriate. Prefix an option with '!' for not. String false false simulation_control_timestep Simulation Control: Timestep Value must be a divisor of 60. Integer min false false simulation_control_run_period_begin_month Simulation Control: Run Period Begin Month This numeric field should contain the starting month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the annual run period desired. Integer month false false simulation_control_run_period_begin_day_of_month Simulation Control: Run Period Begin Day of Month This numeric field should contain the starting day of the starting month (must be valid for month) for the annual run period desired. Integer day false false simulation_control_run_period_end_month Simulation Control: Run Period End Month This numeric field should contain the end month number (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.) for the annual run period desired. Integer month false false simulation_control_run_period_end_day_of_month Simulation Control: Run Period End Day of Month This numeric field should contain the ending day of the ending month (must be valid for month) for the annual run period desired. Integer day false false simulation_control_run_period_calendar_year Simulation Control: Run Period Calendar Year This numeric field should contain the calendar year that determines the start day of week. If you are running simulations using AMY weather files, the value entered for calendar year will not be used; it will be overridden by the actual year found in the AMY weather file. Integer year false false os_hescore_directory HEScore Workflow: OpenStudio-HEScore directory path Path to the OpenStudio-HEScore directory. If specified, the HEScore workflow will run. String false false emissions_scenario_names Emissions: Scenario Names Names of emissions scenarios. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false emissions_types Emissions: Types Types of emissions (e.g., CO2e, NOx, etc.). If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false emissions_electricity_folders Emissions: Electricity Folders Relative paths of electricity emissions factor schedule files with hourly values. Paths are relative to the resources folder. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. File names must contain GEA region names. String false false emissions_natural_gas_values Emissions: Natural Gas Values Natural gas emissions factors values, specified as an annual factor. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false emissions_propane_values Emissions: Propane Values Propane emissions factors values, specified as an annual factor. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false emissions_fuel_oil_values Emissions: Fuel Oil Values Fuel oil emissions factors values, specified as an annual factor. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false emissions_wood_values Emissions: Wood Values Wood emissions factors values, specified as an annual factor. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_scenario_names Utility Bills: Scenario Names Names of utility bill scenarios. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_simple_filepaths Utility Bills: Simple Filepaths Relative paths of simple utility rates. Paths are relative to the resources folder. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. Files must contain the name of the Parameter as the column header. String false false utility_bill_detailed_filepaths Utility Bills: Detailed Filepaths Relative paths of detailed utility rates. Paths are relative to the resources folder. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. Files must contain the name of the Parameter as the column header. String false false utility_bill_electricity_fixed_charges Utility Bills: Electricity Fixed Charges Electricity utility bill monthly fixed charges. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_electricity_marginal_rates Utility Bills: Electricity Marginal Rates Electricity utility bill marginal rates. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_natural_gas_fixed_charges Utility Bills: Natural Gas Fixed Charges Natural gas utility bill monthly fixed charges. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_natural_gas_marginal_rates Utility Bills: Natural Gas Marginal Rates Natural gas utility bill marginal rates. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_propane_fixed_charges Utility Bills: Propane Fixed Charges Propane utility bill monthly fixed charges. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_propane_marginal_rates Utility Bills: Propane Marginal Rates Propane utility bill marginal rates. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_fuel_oil_fixed_charges Utility Bills: Fuel Oil Fixed Charges Fuel oil utility bill monthly fixed charges. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_fuel_oil_marginal_rates Utility Bills: Fuel Oil Marginal Rates Fuel oil utility bill marginal rates. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_wood_fixed_charges Utility Bills: Wood Fixed Charges Wood utility bill monthly fixed charges. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_wood_marginal_rates Utility Bills: Wood Marginal Rates Wood utility bill marginal rates. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_pv_compensation_types Utility Bills: PV Compensation Types Utility bill PV compensation types. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_pv_net_metering_annual_excess_sellback_rate_types Utility Bills: PV Net Metering Annual Excess Sellback Rate Types Utility bill PV net metering annual excess sellback rate types. Only applies if the PV compensation type is 'NetMetering'. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_pv_net_metering_annual_excess_sellback_rates Utility Bills: PV Net Metering Annual Excess Sellback Rates Utility bill PV net metering annual excess sellback rates. Only applies if the PV compensation type is 'NetMetering' and the PV annual excess sellback rate type is 'User-Specified'. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_pv_feed_in_tariff_rates Utility Bills: PV Feed-In Tariff Rates Utility bill PV annual full/gross feed-in tariff rates. Only applies if the PV compensation type is 'FeedInTariff'. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_pv_monthly_grid_connection_fee_units Utility Bills: PV Monthly Grid Connection Fee Units Utility bill PV monthly grid connection fee units. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false utility_bill_pv_monthly_grid_connection_fees Utility Bills: PV Monthly Grid Connection Fees Utility bill PV monthly grid connection fees. If multiple scenarios, use a comma-separated list. String false false Whole Building.Space Types Measure Type ModelMeasure string README.md md readme 3B1D5629 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 513F28E9 OpenStudio 2.6.1 2.6.1 measure.rb rb script C65EFF1B