#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w # tc_interface.rb # # Created by James Edward Gray II on 2005-11-14. # Copyright 2005 Gray Productions. All rights reserved. require "test/unit" require "faster_csv" class TestFasterCSVInterface < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "temp_test_data.csv") File.open(@path, "w") do |file| file << "1\t2\t3\r\n" file << "4\t5\r\n" end @expected = [%w{1 2 3}, %w{4 5}] end def teardown File.unlink(@path) end ### Test Read Interface ### def test_foreach FasterCSV.foreach(@path, :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") do |row| assert_equal(@expected.shift, row) end end def test_open_and_close csv = FasterCSV.open(@path, "r+", :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") assert_not_nil(csv) assert_instance_of(FasterCSV, csv) assert_equal(false, csv.closed?) csv.close assert(csv.closed?) ret = FasterCSV.open(@path) do |csv| assert_instance_of(FasterCSV, csv) "Return value." end assert(csv.closed?) assert_equal("Return value.", ret) end def test_parse data = File.read(@path) assert_equal( @expected, FasterCSV.parse(data, :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") ) FasterCSV.parse(data, :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") do |row| assert_equal(@expected.shift, row) end end def test_parse_line row = FasterCSV.parse_line("1;2;3", :col_sep => ";") assert_not_nil(row) assert_instance_of(Array, row) assert_equal(%w{1 2 3}, row) # shortcut interface row = "1;2;3".parse_csv(:col_sep => ";") assert_not_nil(row) assert_instance_of(Array, row) assert_equal(%w{1 2 3}, row) end def test_read_and_readlines assert_equal( @expected, FasterCSV.read(@path, :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") ) assert_equal( @expected, FasterCSV.readlines( @path, :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") ) data = FasterCSV.open(@path, :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") do |csv| csv.read end assert_equal(@expected, data) data = FasterCSV.open(@path, :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") do |csv| csv.readlines end assert_equal(@expected, data) end def test_shift # aliased as gets() and readline() FasterCSV.open(@path, "r+", :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") do |csv| assert_equal(@expected.shift, csv.shift) assert_equal(@expected.shift, csv.shift) assert_equal(nil, csv.shift) end end ### Test Write Interface ### def test_generate str = FasterCSV.generate do |csv| # default empty String assert_instance_of(FasterCSV, csv) assert_equal(csv, csv << [1, 2, 3]) assert_equal(csv, csv << [4, nil, 5]) end assert_not_nil(str) assert_instance_of(String, str) assert_equal("1,2,3\n4,,5\n", str) FasterCSV.generate(str) do |csv| # appending to a String assert_equal(csv, csv << ["last", %Q{"row"}]) end assert_equal(%Q{1,2,3\n4,,5\nlast,"""row"""\n}, str) end def test_generate_line line = FasterCSV.generate_line(%w{1 2 3}, :col_sep => ";") assert_not_nil(line) assert_instance_of(String, line) assert_equal("1;2;3\n", line) # shortcut interface line = %w{1 2 3}.to_csv(:col_sep => ";") assert_not_nil(line) assert_instance_of(String, line) assert_equal("1;2;3\n", line) end def test_append # aliased add_row() and puts() File.unlink(@path) FasterCSV.open(@path, "w", :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") do |csv| @expected.each { |row| csv << row } end test_shift # same thing using FasterCSV::Row objects File.unlink(@path) FasterCSV.open(@path, "w", :col_sep => "\t", :row_sep => "\r\n") do |csv| @expected.each { |row| csv << FasterCSV::Row.new(Array.new, row) } end test_shift end ### Test Read and Write Interface ### def test_filter assert_respond_to(FasterCSV, :filter) expected = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]] FasterCSV.filter( "1;2;3\n4;5\n", (result = String.new), :in_col_sep => ";", :out_col_sep => ",", :converters => :all ) do |row| assert_equal(row, expected.shift) row.map! { |n| n * 2 } row << "Added\r" end assert_equal("2,4,6,\"Added\r\"\n8,10,\"Added\r\"\n", result) end end