module Reddy # Generic Reddy Parser class class Parser attr_reader :debug attr_accessor :doc, :graph ## # Creates a new parser for N3 (or Turtle). # # @param [Hash] options:: Options from # <em>options[:graph]</em>:: Graph to parse into, otherwise a new Reddy::Graph instance is created # <em>options[:debug]</em>:: Array to place debug messages # <em>options[:type]</em>:: One of _rdfxml_, _html_, or _n3_ # <em>options[:strict]</em>:: Raise Error if true, continue with lax parsing, otherwise # # @author Gregg Kellogg def initialize(options = {}) # initialize the triplestore @graph = options[:graph] @debug = options[:debug] @strict = options[:strict] @named_bnodes = {} end # Instantiate Parser and parse document # # @param [IO, String] stream:: the RDF IO stream, string, Nokogiri::HTML::Document or Nokogiri::XML::Document # @param [String] uri:: the URI of the document # @param [Hash] options:: Options from # <em>options[:debug]</em>:: Array to place debug messages # <em>options[:type]</em>:: One of _rdfxml_, _html_, or _n3_ # <em>options[:strict]</em>:: Raise Error if true, continue with lax parsing, otherwise # @return [Graph]:: Returns the graph containing parsed triples # @raise [Error]:: Raises RdfError if _strict_ # # @author Gregg Kellogg def self.parse(stream, uri = nil, options = {}, &block) # :yields: triple parser = parser.parse(stream, uri, options, &block) end # Parse RDF document from a string or input stream to closure or graph. # # Virtual Class, prototype for Parser subclass. # # @param [IO, String] stream:: the RDF IO stream, string, Nokogiri::HTML::Document or Nokogiri::XML::Document # @param [String] uri:: the URI of the document # @param [Hash] options:: Options from # <em>options[:debug]</em>:: Array to place debug messages # <em>options[:strict]</em>:: Raise Error if true, continue with lax parsing, otherwise # @return [Graph]:: Returns the graph containing parsed triples # @raise [Error]:: Raises RdfError if _strict_ # # @author Gregg Kellogg def parse(stream, uri = nil, options = {}, &block) # :yields: triple if self.class == Parser # Create a delegate of a specific parser class @delegate ||= case options[:type].to_s when "n3", "ntriples", "turtle" then when "rdfa", "html", "xhtml" then when "xml", "rdf", "rdfxml" then else # raise"type option must be one of :rdfxml, :html, or :n3") end @delegate.parse(stream, uri, options, &block) else # Common parser operations @uri = Addressable::URI.parse(uri.to_s).to_s unless uri.nil? @strict = options[:strict] if options.has_key?(:strict) @debug = options[:debug] if options.has_key?(:debug) @graph ||= => @uri) end end # Return N3 Parser instance def self.n3_parser(options = {});; end # Return RDF/XML Parser instance def self.rdfxml_parser(options = {});; end # Return Rdfa Parser instance def self.rdfa_parser(options = {});; end protected # Figure out the document path, if it is a Nokogiri::XML::Element or Attribute def node_path(node) case node when Nokogiri::XML::Element, Nokogiri::XML::Attr then "#{node_path(node.parent)}/#{}" when String then node else "" end end # Add debug event to debug array, if specified # # @param [XML Node, any] node:: XML Node or string for showing context # @param [String] message:: def add_debug(node, message) puts "#{node_path(node)}: #{message}" if $DEBUG @debug << "#{node_path(node)}: #{message}" if @debug end # add a triple, object can be literal or URI or bnode # # @param [Nokogiri::XML::Node, any] node:: XML Node or string for showing context # @param [URIRef, BNode] subject:: the subject of the triple # @param [URIRef] predicate:: the predicate of the triple # @param [URIRef, BNode, Literal] object:: the object of the triple # @return [Array]:: An array of the triples (leaky abstraction? consider returning the graph instead) # @raise [Error]:: Checks parameter types and raises if they are incorrect if parsing mode is _strict_. # # @author Gregg Kellogg def add_triple(node, subject, predicate, object) triple =, predicate, object) add_debug(node, "triple: #{triple}") if @callback # Perform yield to saved block else @graph << triple end triple rescue RdfException => e add_debug(node, "add_triple raised #{e.class}: #{e.message}") raise if @strict end end end