--- - component: AvatarComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/avatar_component.rb parameters: - name: src type: String default: N/A description: The source url of the avatar image. - name: alt type: String default: N/A description: Passed through to alt on img tag. - name: size type: Integer default: "`20`" description: One of `16`, `20`, `24`, `32`, `40`, `48`, or `80`. - name: shape type: Symbol default: "`:circle`" description: Shape of the avatar. One of `:circle` and `:square`. - name: href type: String default: "`nil`" description: The URL to link to. If used, component will be wrapped by an `` tag. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: AvatarStackComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/avatar_stack_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol default: "`:div`" description: One of `:div` and `:span`. - name: align type: Symbol default: "`:left`" description: One of `:left` and `:right`. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: BaseButton source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/base_button.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol default: "`:button`" description: One of `:a`, `:button`, or `:summary`. - name: type type: Symbol default: "`:button`" description: One of `:button`, `:reset`, or `:submit`. - name: size type: Symbol default: "`:md`" description: One of `:lg`, `:md`, `:sm`, `:xl`, or `:xs`. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: BlankslateComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/blankslate_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:div`" description: The rendered tag name - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: BodyComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/body_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: ButtonComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/button_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol default: "`:button`" description: One of `:a`, `:button`, or `:summary`. - name: type type: Symbol default: "`:button`" description: One of `:button`, `:reset`, or `:submit`. - name: scheme type: Symbol default: "`:default`" description: One of `:danger`, `:default`, `:info`, `:link`, `:none`, `:success`, or `:warning`. - name: size type: Symbol default: "`BaseButton::DEFAULT_SIZE`" description: One of `:lg`, `:md`, `:sm`, `:xl`, or `:xs`. - name: dropdown type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: Whether or not to render a dropdown caret. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: ClipboardCopyComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/clipboard_copy_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:clipboard-copy`" description: The rendered tag name - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: value type: String default: '`""`' description: Text to copy into the users clipboard when they click the component. - name: for_id type: String default: "`nil`" description: If `value` is not provided, the element with this id will be copied. - name: aria_label type: String default: '`""`' description: Text for accessibility. Can also be passed in as part of `attributes`, but it must be present. - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: CommentComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/comment_component.rb parameters: - name: url type: String default: N/A description: The URL to take action against. - name: method type: String default: "`:post`" description: The method to use when submitting the form. - name: sr_label type: String default: N/A description: A label to introduce these tabs for screen readers. - name: hidden_fields type: "[String]" default: "`[]`" description: An array of arrays of additional (hidden) fields to add to the form. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: ContainerComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/container_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: CounterComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/counter_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:span`" description: The rendered tag name - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: count type: Integer, Float::INFINITY, nil default: "`0`" description: 'The number to be displayed (e.x. # of issues, pull requests)' - name: limit type: Integer, nil default: "`9_000`" description: Maximum value to display. Pass `nil` for no limit. (e.x. if `count` == 6,000 and `limit` == 5000, counter will display "5,000+") - name: hide_if_zero type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: If true, a `hidden` attribute is added to the counter if `count` is zero. - name: text type: String default: '`""`' description: Text to display instead of count. - name: round type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: Whether to apply rounding logic to value. - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: DetailsComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/details_component.rb parameters: - name: overlay type: Symbol default: "`:none`" description: Dictates the type of overlay to render with. One of `:default` and `:none`. - name: reset type: Boolean default: "`true`" description: If set to true, it will remove the default caret and remove style from the summary element - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: DropdownComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/dropdown_component.rb parameters: - name: overlay type: Symbol default: "`:default`" description: One of `:default` and `:none`. - name: with_caret type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: Whether or not a caret should be rendered in the button. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: FlashComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/flash_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:div`" description: The rendered tag name. - name: dismissible type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: Whether the component can be dismissed with an X button. - name: icon type: Symbol, String default: N/A description: Name of [Heroicon](https://ariadne.style/heroicons/) to use. - name: scheme type: Symbol default: "`:default`" description: One of `:danger`, `:default`, `:info`, `:success`, or `:warning`. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: FlexComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/flex_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:div`" description: The rendered tag name. - name: type type: Symbol default: N/A description: One of `:column`, `:column_reverse`, `:row`, or `:row_reverse`. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: FooterComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/footer_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: GridComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/grid_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: HeaderComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/header_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: HeadingComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/heading_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: String default: "`nil`" description: One of `:h1`, `:h2`, `:h3`, `:h4`, `:h5`, or `:h6`. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: HeroiconComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/heroicon_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:svg`" description: The rendered tag name - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: icon type: Symbol, String default: N/A description: Name of [Heroicon](https://ariadne.style/heroicons/) to use. - name: variant type: String default: N/A description: One of `outline`, `solid`, or `mini`. - name: size type: Symbol default: "`:md`" description: One of `:xs` (`16`), `:sm` (`20`), `:md` (`24`), or `:lg` (`128`). - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: text_classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: text_attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: ImageComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/image_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:img`" description: The rendered tag name - name: src type: String default: N/A description: The source url of the image. - name: alt type: String default: N/A description: Specifies an alternate text for the image. - name: lazy type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: Whether or not to lazily load the image. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: InlineFlexComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/inline_flex_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:span`" description: The rendered tag name - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: LinkComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/link_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: String default: "`:a`" description: One of `:a` and `:span`. - name: href type: String default: N/A description: URL to be used for the link. - name: actionable type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: If true, adds additional classes to the link to make it more aware. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: ListComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/list_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: NarrowContainerComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/narrow_container_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: PanelBarComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/panel_bar_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: N/A description: The rendered tag name. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: PillComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/pill_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:span`" description: The rendered tag name. - name: color type: String default: N/A description: The rgba color of the pill. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: RichTextAreaComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/rich_text_area_component.rb parameters: - name: name type: Symbol default: N/A description: Identifies the form/param name for this rich text area. - name: sr_label type: String default: N/A description: A label to introduce these tabs for screen readers. - name: has_form type: Boolean default: "`true`" description: Indicates whether this component is wrapped in a form. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: SlideoverComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/slideover_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:div`" description: The rendered tag name. - name: direction type: Symbol default: N/A description: One of `:xl` and `:yd`. - name: open_text type: String default: '`"Open"`' description: The text to use to open the slideover. - name: close_text type: String default: '`"Close"`' description: The text to use to close the slideover. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: SubheaderComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/subheader_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:p`" description: The rendered tag name. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: TabComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/tab_component.rb parameters: - name: id type: String default: "`nil`" description: The unique ID of the tab. - name: selected type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: Whether the tab is selected or not. - name: with_panel type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: Whether the Tab has an associated panel. - name: href type: String default: "`nil`" description: The link to navigate to when the tab is clicked. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: TabContainerComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/tab_container_component.rb parameters: - name: sr_label type: String default: N/A description: Sets an `aria-label` that helps assistive technology users understand the purpose of the tabs. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: TabNavComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/tab_nav_component.rb parameters: - name: label type: String default: N/A description: Sets an `aria-label` that helps assistive technology users understand the purpose of the links, and distinguish it from similar elements. - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:nav`" description: The rendered tag name. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: TableNavComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/table_nav_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: Text source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/text.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:span`" description: The rendered tag name - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: TimeAgoComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/time_ago_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:time-ago`" description: The rendered tag name. - name: time type: Time default: N/A description: The time to be formatted - name: micro type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: If true then the text will be formatted in "micro" mode, using as few characters as possible - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "<%= link_to_classes_docs %>" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: TimelineComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/timeline_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:div`" description: The rendered tag name - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: ToggleComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/toggle_component.rb parameters: - name: classes type: String default: "`nil`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: color type: String default: "`:indigo`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: checked type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: disabled type: Boolean default: "`false`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: size type: String default: "`:md`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: label type: String default: N/A description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: status_label_position type: String default: "`:start`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - component: TooltipComponent source: https://github.com/yettoapp/ariadne/ruby/view_components/tree/main/app/components/ariadne/tooltip_component.rb parameters: - name: tag type: Symbol, String default: "`:tooltip`" description: The rendered tag name - name: for_id type: String default: N/A description: The ID of the element that the tooltip should be attached to. - name: text type: String default: N/A description: The text content of the tooltip. This should be brief and no longer than a sentence. - name: type type: Symbol default: "`:description`" description: One of `:description` and `:label`. - name: direction type: Symbol default: "`:top`" description: One of `:bottom`, `:left`, `:right`, or `:top`. - name: classes type: String default: '`""`' description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" - name: attributes type: Hash default: "`{}`" description: "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)"