require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe "SelectList" do before :all do @ie = add_spec_checker(@ie) end before :each do @ie.goto(TEST_HOST + "/forms_with_input_elements.html") end # Exists method describe "#exists?" do it "should return true if the select list exists" do @ie.select_list(:id, 'new_user_country').should exist @ie.select_list(:id, /new_user_country/).should exist @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').should exist @ie.select_list(:name, /new_user_country/).should exist # check behaviour in Watir # @ie.select_list(:value, 'Norway').should exist # @ie.select_list(:value, /Norway/).should exist # not sure what :text is for input elements # @ie.select_list(:text, 'Norway').should exist # @ie.select_list(:text, /Norway/).should exist @ie.select_list(:class, 'country').should exist @ie.select_list(:class, /country/).should exist @ie.select_list(:index, 1).should exist @ie.select_list(:xpath, "//select[@id='new_user_country']").should exist end it "should return false if the select list doesn't exist" do @ie.select_list(:id, 'no_such_id').should_not exist @ie.select_list(:id, /no_such_id/).should_not exist @ie.select_list(:name, 'no_such_name').should_not exist @ie.select_list(:name, /no_such_name/).should_not exist @ie.select_list(:value, 'no_such_value').should_not exist @ie.select_list(:value, /no_such_value/).should_not exist @ie.select_list(:text, 'no_such_text').should_not exist @ie.select_list(:text, /no_such_text/).should_not exist @ie.select_list(:class, 'no_such_class').should_not exist @ie.select_list(:class, /no_such_class/).should_not exist @ie.select_list(:index, 1337).should_not exist @ie.select_list(:xpath, "//select[@id='no_such_id']").should_not exist end it "should raise ArgumentError when what argument is invalid" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:id, 3.14).exists? }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise MissingWayOfFindingObjectException when how argument is invalid" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:no_such_how, 'some_value').exists? }.should raise_error(MissingWayOfFindingObjectException) end end # Attribute methods describe "#class_name" do it "should return the class name of the select list" do @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').class_name.should == 'country' end it "should raise UnknownObjectException if the select list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, 'no_such_name').class_name }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end describe "#id" do it "should return the id of the element" do @ie.select_list(:index, 1).id.should == "new_user_country" end it "should raise UnknownObjectException if the select list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:index, 1337).id }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end describe "#name" do it "should return the name of the element" do @ie.select_list(:index, 1).name.should == "new_user_country" end it "should raise UnknownObjectException if the select list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:index, 1337).name }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end it "should should raise UnknownObjectException when the select list does not exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:index, 1337).disabled? }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end describe "#type" do it "should return the type of the element" do @ie.select_list(:index, 1).type.should == "select-one" @ie.select_list(:index, 2).type.should == "select-multiple" end it "should raise UnknownObjectException if the select list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:index, 1337).type }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end describe "#value" do it "should return the value of the selected option" do @ie.select_list(:index, 1).value.should == "Norway" @ie.select_list(:index, 1).select(/Sweden/) @ie.select_list(:index, 1).value.should == "Sweden" end it "should raise UnknownObjectException if the select list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:index, 1337).value }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end # Access methods describe "#enabled?" do it "should return true if the select list is enabled" do @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').should be_enabled end it "should return false if the select list is disabled" do @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_role').should_not be_enabled end it "should raise UnknownObjectException if the select_list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, 'no_such_name').enabled? }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end describe "#disabled?" do it "should return true if the select list is disabled" do @ie.select_list(:index, 3).should be_disabled end it "should return false if the select list is enabled" do @ie.select_list(:index, 1).should_not be_disabled end end # Other describe "#option" do it "should return an instance of Option" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").option(:text, "Denmark").should be_instance_of(Celerity::Option) end # do we need a seperate spec for this object? it "should should be able to select the chosen option" do @ie.select_list(:name , "new_user_country").clear_selection @ie.select_list(:name , "new_user_country").option(:text, "Denmark").select @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").get_selected_items.should == ["Denmark"] end it "should select the option when found by text" do @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').option(:text, 'Sweden').select @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').option(:text, 'Sweden').should be_selected end it "should raise UnknownObjectException if the option does not exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").option(:text, "no_such_text").select }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").option(:text, /missing/).select }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end it "should raise MissingWayOfFindingObjectException when given a bad 'how'" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").option(:missing, "Denmark").select }.should raise_error(MissingWayOfFindingObjectException) end it "should be able to get attributes" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").option(:text , 'Sweden').class_name.should == "scandinavia" lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").option(:text, "no_such_text").class_name }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end describe "#get_all_contents" do it "should should raise UnknownObjectException if the select list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, 'no_such_name').get_all_contents }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end it "should return all the options as an Array" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").get_all_contents.should == ["Denmark" ,"Norway" , "Sweden" , "United Kingdom", "USA"] end end describe "#get_selected_items" do it "should should raise UnknownObjectException if the select list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, 'no_such_name').get_selected_items }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end it "should get the currently selected item(s)" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").get_selected_items.should == ["Norway"] @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").get_selected_items.should == ["English", "Norwegian"] end end describe "#clear_selection" do it "should clear the selection when possible" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").clear_selection @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").get_selected_items.should be_empty end it "should not clear selections when not possible" do @ie.select_list(:name , "new_user_country").clear_selection @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").get_selected_items.should == ["Norway"] end it "should should raise UnknownObjectException if the select list doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, 'no_such_name').clear_selection }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end describe "#includes?" do it "should return true if the given option exists" do @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').includes?('Denmark').should be_true end it "should return false if the given option doesn't exist" do @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').includes?('Ireland').should be_false end end describe "#selected?" do it "should return true if the given option is selected" do @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').select('Denmark') @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').selected?('Denmark').should be_true end it "should return false if the given option is not selected" do @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').selected?('Sweden').should be_false end it "should raise UnknonwObjectException if the option doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, 'new_user_country').selected?('missing_option') }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end end describe "#select" do it "should select the given item when given a String" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").select("Denmark") @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").get_selected_items.should == ["Denmark"] end it "should select the given item when given a Regexp" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").select(/Denmark/) @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").get_selected_items.should == ["Denmark"] end it "should select the given item when given an Xpath" do @ie.select_list(:xpath, "//select[@name='new_user_country']").select("Denmark") @ie.select_list(:xpath, "//select[@name='new_user_country']").get_selected_items.should == ["Denmark"] end it "should be able to select multiple items using :name and a String" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").clear_selection @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").select("Danish") @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").select("Swedish") @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").get_selected_items.should == ["Danish", "Swedish"] end it "should be able to select multiple items using :name and a Regexp" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").clear_selection @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").select(/ish/) @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").get_selected_items.should == ["Danish", "English", "Swedish"] end it "should be able to select multiple items using :xpath" do @ie.select_list(:xpath, "//select[@name='new_user_languages']").clear_selection @ie.select_list(:xpath, "//select[@name='new_user_languages']").select( /ish/ ) @ie.select_list(:xpath, "//select[@name='new_user_languages']").get_selected_items.should == ["Danish", "English", "Swedish"] end it "should fire onchange event when selecting an item" it "should not fire onchange event when selecting an already selected item" it "should raise NoValueFoundException if the option doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").select("missing_option") }.should raise_error(NoValueFoundException) lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_country").select(/missing_option/) }.should raise_error(NoValueFoundException) end end describe "#select_value" do it "should select the given item" do @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").clear_selection @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").select("Swedish") @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").get_selected_items.should == ["Swedish"] end it "should raise NoValueFoundException if the option doesn't exist" do lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").select_value("no_such_option") }.should raise_error(NoValueFoundException) lambda { @ie.select_list(:name, "new_user_languages").select_value(/no_such_option/) }.should raise_error(NoValueFoundException) end end after :all do @ie.close end end