require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/results' class SwfFuTest < ActionView::TestCase def assert_same_stripped(expect, test) expect, test = [expect, test].map{|s| s.split("\n").map(&:strip)} same = expect & test delta_expect, delta_test = [expect, test].map{|a| a-same} STDOUT << "\n\n---- Actual result: ----\n" << test.join("\n") << "\n---------\n" unless delta_expect == delta_test assert_equal delta_expect, delta_test end context "swf_path" do context "with no special asset host" do should "deduce the extension" do assert_equal swf_path("example.swf"), swf_path("example") assert_starts_with "/swfs/example.swf", swf_path("example.swf") end should "accept relative paths" do assert_starts_with "/swfs/whatever/example.swf", swf_path("whatever/example.swf") end should "leave full paths alone" do ["/full/path.swf", ""].each do |p| assert_starts_with p, swf_path(p) end end end context "with custom asset host" do HOST = "" setup do ActionController::Base.asset_host = HOST end teardown do ActionController::Base.asset_host = nil end should "take it into account" do assert_equal "#{HOST}/swfs/whatever.swf", swf_path("whatever") end end end context "swf_tag" do COMPLEX_OPTIONS = { :width => "456", :height => 123, :flashvars => {:myVar => "value 1 > 2"}.freeze, :javascript_class => "SomeClass", :initialize => {:be => "good"}.freeze, :parameters => {:play => true}.freeze }.freeze should "understand size" do assert_equal swf_tag("hello", :size => "123x456"), swf_tag("hello", :width => 123, :height => "456") end should "only accept valid modes" do assert_raise(ArgumentError) { swf_tag("xyz", :mode => :xyz) } end context "with custom defaults" do setup do test = {:flashvars=> {:xyz => "abc", :hello => "world"}.freeze, :mode => :static, :size => "400x300"}.freeze @expect = swf_tag("test", test) @expect_with_hello = swf_tag("test", :flashvars => {:xyz => "abc", :hello => "my friend"}, :mode => :static, :size => "400x300") ActionView::Base.swf_default_options = test end should "respect them" do assert_equal @expect, swf_tag("test") end should "merge suboptions" do assert_equal @expect_with_hello, swf_tag("test", :flashvars => {:hello => "my friend"}.freeze) end teardown { ActionView::Base.swf_default_options = {} } end context "with static mode" do setup { ActionView::Base.swf_default_options = {:mode => :static} } should "deal with string flashvars" do assert_equal swf_tag("hello", :flashvars => "xyz=abc", :mode => :static), swf_tag("hello", :flashvars => {:xyz => "abc"}, :mode => :static) end should "produce the expected code" do assert_same_stripped STATIC_RESULT, swf_tag("mySwf", COMPLEX_OPTIONS.merge(:html_options => {:class => "lots"}.freeze).freeze) end teardown { ActionView::Base.swf_default_options = {} } end context "with dynamic mode" do should "produce the expected code" do assert_same_stripped DYNAMIC_RESULT, swf_tag("mySwf", COMPLEX_OPTIONS) end end should "treat initialize arrays as list of parameters" do assert_match 'initialize("hello","world")', swf_tag("mySwf", :initialize => ["hello", "world"], :javascript_class => "SomeClass") end end context "flashobject_tag" do should "be the same as swf_tag with different defaults" do assert_same_stripped swf_tag("mySwf", :auto_install => nil, :parameters => {:scale => "noscale", :bgcolor => "#ffffff"}, :flashvars => {:lzproxied => false}, :id => "myFlash" ), flashobject_tag("mySwf", :flash_id => "myFlash") end should "be the same with custom settings" do assert_same_stripped swf_tag("mySwf", :auto_install => nil, :parameters => {:scale => "noborder", :bgcolor => "#ffffff"}, :flashvars => {:answer_is => 42}, :id => "myFlash" ), flashobject_tag("mySwf", :flash_id => "myFlash", :parameters => {:scale => "noborder"}, :variables => {:answer_is => 42}) end end end