<%= link_to page.title, admin_page_path(page) %> |
<%= link_to pluralize(page.children.count, "sub page"), admin_page_pages_path(page) %> |
<%= content_status(page) %> |
<%= page.author %> |
<%= page.editor %> |
<%= page.updated_at.to_formatted_s(:short) %> |
<%= page.created_at.to_formatted_s(:short) %> |
<%= page.published_at.to_formatted_s(:short) unless page.published_at.nil? %> |
<%= page.published_to.to_formatted_s(:short) unless page.published_to.nil? %> |
<%= link_to 'Show', page_path(page.permalink), :class => 'show', :title => 'View this page' if page.published? %> |
<%= link_to 'Add page', new_admin_page_page_path(page), :class => 'add', :title => "Add a sub-page under #{page.title}" unless page.lock_level >= Page::LOCK_LEVEL_SUBPAGE %> |
<%= link_to 'Edit', [:admin, page], :class => 'edit', :title => 'Edit this page' %> |
<%= link_to('Delete', admin_page_path(page), :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete, :class => 'delete', :title => 'Delete this page') unless page.lock_level >= Page::LOCK_LEVEL_DELETE %> |
<%= link_to 'up', move_up_admin_page_path(page), { :class => "page_up", :title => 'Move this page higher in the navigation' } unless page.first? %> |
<%= link_to 'down', move_down_admin_page_path(page), { :class => 'page_down', :title => 'Move this page lower in the navigation' } unless page.last? %> |