module PoolParty class Cloud < Base default_options( :description => "PoolParty cloud", :minimum_instances => 1, :maximum_instances => 3 ) # returns an instance of Keypair # You can pass either a filename which will be searched for in ~/.ec2/ and ~/.ssh/ # Or you can pass a full filepath def keypair(n=nil, extra_paths=[]) return @keypair if @keypair @keypair = case n when String, extra_paths) when nil fpath = CloudProviders::CloudProvider.default_keypair_path/"#{proper_name}" File.exists?(fpath) ?, extra_paths) : generate_keypair(extra_paths) else raise ArgumentError, "There was an error when defining the keypair" end end private def generate_keypair(extra_paths=[]) puts "Generate the keypair for this cloud because its not found: #{proper_name}" cloud_provider.send :generate_keypair, proper_name, extra_paths) end def after_initialized raise PoolParty::PoolPartyError.create("NoCloudProvider", <<-EOE You did not specify a cloud provider in your clouds.rb. Make sure you have a block that looks like: using :ec2 EOE ) unless cloud_provider security_group(proper_name, :authorize => {:from_port => 22, :to_port => 22}) if security_groups.empty? end public def instances(arg) case arg when Range minimum_instances arg.first maximum_instances arg.last when Fixnum minimum_instances arg maximum_instances arg when Hash nodes(arg) else raise PoolParty::PoolPartyError.create("DslMethodCall", "You must call instances with either a number, a range or a hash (for a list of nodes)") end end # The pool can either be the parent (the context where the object is declared) # or the global pool object def pool parent || pool end def tmp_path "/tmp/poolparty" / / name end public attr_reader :cloud_provider def using(provider_name, &block) return @cloud_provider if @cloud_provider @cloud_provider = "#{provider_name}".constantize(CloudProviders).send(:new, provider_name, :cloud => self, &block) # Decorate the cloud with the cloud_provider methods (class << self; self; end).instance_variable_set('@cloud_provider', @cloud_provider) (class << self; self; end).class_eval do @cloud_provider.public_methods(false).each do |meth| next if respond_to?(meth) || method_defined?(meth) || private_method_defined?(meth) eval <<-EOE def #{meth}(*args, &block) @cloud_provider.send(:#{meth}, *args, &block) end EOE end end end def chef(chef_type=:solo, &block) raise ArgumentError, "Chef type must be one of #{{|v| ":" + v.to_s}.join(",")}." unless Chef.types.include?(chef_type) @chef||=Chef.get_chef(chef_type,self,&block) end # compile the cloud spec and execute the compiled system and remote calls def run puts " running on #{cloud_provider.class}" unless @chef.nil? compile! bootstrap! end end # TODO: Incomplete and needs testing # Shutdown and delete the load_balancers, auto_scaling_groups, launch_configurations, # security_groups, triggers and instances defined by this cloud def teardown raise "Only Ec2 teardown supported" unless == 'ec2' puts "! Tearing down cloud #{name}" # load_balancers.each do |name, lb| # puts "! Deleting load_balaner #{lb_name}" # lb.teardown # end load_balancers.each do |lb| puts "-----> Tearing down load balancer: #{}" lb.teardown end rds_instances.each do |rds| puts "-----> Tearing down RDS Instance: #{}" rds.teardown end # instances belonging to an auto_scaling group must be deleted before the auto_scaling group #THIS SCARES ME! nodes.each{|n| n.terminate_instance!} # loop {nodes.size>0 ? sleep(4) : break } if autoscalers.empty? nodes.each do |node| node.terminate! end else autoscalers.each do |a| puts "-----> Tearing down autoscaler #{}" a.teardown end end # autoscalers.keys.each do |as_name| # puts "! Deleting auto_scaling_group #{as_name}" #'AutoScalingGroupName' => as_name) # end #TODO: keypair.delete # Do we want to delete the keypair? probably, but not certain end def reboot! orig_nodes = nodes if autoscalers.empty? puts <<-EOE No autoscalers defined Launching new nodes and then shutting down original nodes EOE # Terminate the nodes orig_nodes.each_with_index do |node, i| # Start new nodes print "Starting node: #{i}...\n" expand_by(1) print "Terminating node: #{i}...\n" node.terminate! puts "" end else # Terminate the nodes @num_nodes = orig_nodes.size orig_nodes.each do |node| node.terminate! puts "----> Terminated node: #{node.instance_id}" # Wait for the autoscaler to boot the next node puts "----> Waiting for new node to boot via the autoscaler" loop do reset! break if nodes.size == @num_nodes $stdout.print "." $stdout.flush sleep 1 end end end run puts "" end def compile! @chef.compile! unless @chef.nil? end def bootstrap! cloud_provider.bootstrap_nodes!(tmp_path) end def configure! compile! cloud_provider.configure_nodes!(tmp_path) end def reset! cloud_provider.reset! end def ssh(num=0) nodes[num].ssh end def rsync(source, dest) nodes.each do |node| node.rsync(:source => source, :destination => dest) end end # TODO: list of nodes needs to be consistentley sorted def nodes {|a| a.in_service? } end # Run command/s on all nodes in the cloud. # Returns a hash of instance_id=>result pairs def cmd(commands, opts={}) key_by = opts.delete(:key_by) || :instance_id results = {} threads = nodes.collect do |n| puts "result for #{n.instance_id} ==> n.ssh(#{commands.inspect}, #{opts.inspect})"{ results[ n.send(key_by) ] = n.ssh(commands, opts) } end threads.each{ |aThread| aThread.join } results end # Explicit proxies to cloud_provider methods def run_instance(o={}); cloud_provider.run_instance(o);end def terminate_instance!(o={}); cloud_provider.terminate_instance!(o);end def describe_instances(o={}); cloud_provider.describe_instances(o);end def describe_instance(o={}); cloud_provider.describe_instance(o);end def proper_name "#{}-#{name}" end end end