module Roadie module Rails class Options private ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = [:url_options, :before_transformation, :after_transformation, :asset_providers] public attr_reader *ATTRIBUTE_NAMES def initialize(options = {}) complain_about_unknown_keys options.keys self.url_options = options[:url_options] self.before_transformation = options[:before_transformation] self.after_transformation = options[:after_transformation] self.asset_providers = options[:asset_providers] end def url_options=(options) @url_options = options end def before_transformation=(callback) @before_transformation = callback end def after_transformation=(callback) @after_transformation = callback end def asset_providers=(providers) if providers @asset_providers = ProviderList.wrap providers # TODO: Raise an error when setting to nil in order to make this not a silent error. # else # raise ArgumentError, "Cannot set asset_providers to nil. Set to Roadie::NullProvider if you want no external assets inlined." end end def apply_to(document) document.url_options = url_options document.before_transformation = before_transformation document.after_transformation = after_transformation # #asset_providers default to nil in this class and it's the one option # that is not allowed to be nil on Document. document.asset_providers = asset_providers if asset_providers end def merge(options) dup.merge! options end def merge!(options) [:url_options, :before_transformation, :after_transformation, :asset_providers].each do |attribute| send "#{attribute}=", options.fetch(attribute, send(attribute)) end self end def combine(options) dup.combine! options end def combine!(options) self.url_options = combine_hash url_options, options[:url_options] self.before_transformation = combine_callable before_transformation, options[:before_transformation] self.after_transformation = combine_callable after_transformation, options[:after_transformation] self.asset_providers = combine_providers asset_providers, options[:asset_providers] self end private def combine_hash(first, second) combine_nilable(first, second) do |a, b| a.merge(b) end end def combine_callable(first, second) combine_nilable(first, second) do |a, b| proc { |*args|*args);*args) } end end def combine_providers(first, second) combine_nilable(first, second) do |a, b| + Array.wrap(b)) end end def combine_nilable(first, second) if first && second yield first, second else first ? first : second end end def complain_about_unknown_keys(keys) invalid_keys = keys - ATTRIBUTE_NAMES if invalid_keys.size > 0 raise ArgumentError, "Unknown configuration parameters: #{invalid_keys}", caller(1) end end end end end