module RabbitFeed describe Producer do describe '.publish' do let(:event_name) { 'event_name' } before do allow(RabbitFeed::ProducerConnection).to receive(:publish) EventDefinitions do define_event('event_name', version: '1.0.0') do defined_as do 'The definition of the event' end payload_contains do field('field', type: 'string', definition: 'The definition of the field', sensitive: true) end end end end subject { RabbitFeed::Producer.publish_event event_name, 'field' => 'value' } context 'when event definitions are not set' do before { RabbitFeed::Producer.event_definitions = nil } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error Error end end context 'when no event definition is found' do let(:event_name) { 'different event name' } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error Error end end it 'returns the event' do expect(subject).to be_a Event end it 'sets the sensitive fields for the event' do expect(subject.sensitive_fields).to match_array(['field']) end it 'sets the event metadata' do Timecop.freeze( do expect(subject.metadata).to match('application' => 'rabbit_feed', 'created_at_utc' => '1990-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z', 'environment' => 'test', 'host' => an_instance_of(String), 'name' => 'event_name', 'schema_version' => Event::SCHEMA_VERSION, 'version' => '1.0.0') end end it 'serializes the event and provides message metadata' do Timecop.freeze do expect(ProducerConnection.instance).to receive(:publish).with( an_instance_of(String), routing_key: 'test.rabbit_feed.event_name', type: 'event_name', app_id: 'rabbit_feed', timestamp: ) subject end end context 'when a route_prefix_extension is set' do before { RabbitFeed.environment = 'test_route_prefix_extension' } after { reset_environment } it 'appends the route_prefix_extension to the routing_key' do Timecop.freeze do expect(ProducerConnection.instance).to receive(:publish) do |_, options| expect(options[:routing_key]).to eq 'test_route_prefix_extension.foobar.rabbit_feed.event_name' end subject end end end end end end